# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. # The data can then be loaded with the rails db:seed command (or created alongside the database with db:setup). # # Examples: # # movies = Movie.create([{ name: 'Star Wars' }, { name: 'Lord of the Rings' }]) # Character.create(name: 'Luke', movie: movies.first) require '/data_importer/lib/cpe_importer.rb' require '/data_importer/lib/cve_list_importer.rb' require '/data_importer/lib/poc_in_github_importer.rb' require '/data_importer/lib/inthewild_cve_exploit_importer.rb' require '/data_importer/lib/trickest_poc_cve_importer.rb' require '/data_importer/lib/cvemon_cve_importer.rb' def line_sep puts '----------' * 12 end def perform import_cves import_github_pocs import_trickest_poc_cves import_inthewild_cve_exploits import_cvemon_cves import_cpes end def import_cves line_sep CveListImporter.new.import end def import_cpes line_sep CpeImporter.download_and_import end def import_github_pocs line_sep PocInGithubImporter.new.import end def import_inthewild_cve_exploits line_sep InthewildCveExploitImporter.new.import end def import_trickest_poc_cves line_sep TrickestPocCveImporter.new.import end def import_cvemon_cves line_sep CvemonCveImporter.new.import end perform