diff --git a/.bash_functions b/.bash_functions index 879629b..ab45ccf 100644 --- a/.bash_functions +++ b/.bash_functions @@ -42,3 +42,47 @@ check_open_resolver() { nmap -sU -p 53 -sV -P0 --script "dns-recursion" "$1" } + +fix_spaces() + +{ + for i in $1/* + do mv -v "$i" "$(echo $i | sed 's/ /_/g')" + done +} + +sqrt() + +{ + [ $# -ne 1 ] && { + echo 'Usage: sqrt number' + exit 1 + } || { + echo -e "sqrt($1)\nquit\n" | bc -q -i | head -2 | tail -1 +} + +cx() + +{ + chmod +x $1 +} + +ssl() + +{ + + openssl s_client -connect $1:443 +} + +mem_usage() + +{ + ps aux |grep -v USER|awk '{ cpu[$1]+=$3; rss[$1]+=$6; sum+=$6} END { for (user in cpu) printf("%-11s Memory: %9.1f MiB CPU%%: %5.1f\n", user, rss[user]/1024, cpu[user]); } END {printf("Total Memory: %15.1f MiB", sum/1024);}'|sort -n -k3;echo;free -m|egrep -v 'Mem|Swap' +} + +swap_sum() + +{ + # this will grab swap usage and each program using swap and total it. + for dir in $(find /proc/ -maxdepth 1 -type d | egrep "^/proc/[0-9]") ; do pid=$(echo $dir | cut -d / -f 3);prog=$(ps -p $pid -o comm --no-headers|awk '{print $1}'); for swap in $(grep Swap $dir/smaps 2>/dev/null| awk '{print $2}');do let sum=$sum+$swap; done; echo "$prog $sum "|grep -vw 0;sum=0;done|awk '{ swap[$1]+=$2; sum+=$2} END { for (prog in swap) printf("%-15s Swap: %10.1f MiB\n", prog, swap[prog]/1024); } END {printf("Total Swap: %20.1f MiB", sum/1024);}'|sort -n -k3 +} diff --git a/bin/celsius_to_farenheit.sh b/bin/celsius_to_farenheit.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..df57955 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/celsius_to_farenheit.sh @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# shell script to convert celsius temp to farenheit +# taken from: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/shell-script-to-convert-celsius-to-fahrenheit-929261/ + +echo "*** Converting between the different temperature scales ***" +echo "1. Convert Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit" +echo "2. Convert Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius" +echo -n "Select your choice (1-2) : " +read choice + +if [ $choice -eq 1 ] +then +echo -n "Enter temperature (C) : " +read tc +# formula Tf=(9/5)*Tc+32 +tf=$(echo "scale=2;((9/5) * $tc) + 32" |bc) +echo "$tc C = $tf F" + +elif [ $choice -eq 2 ] +then +echo -n "Enter temperature (F) : " +read tf +# formula Tc=(5/9)*(Tf-32) +tc=$(echo "scale=2;(5/9)*($tf-32)"|bc) +echo "$tf = $tc" +else +echo "Please select 1 or 2 only" +exit 1 +fi diff --git a/bin/greetings.sh b/bin/greetings.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2841f52 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/greetings.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/sh +#program to print a greeting + +hour=$(date +%H) + +case "$hour" in + 0? | 1[01] ) echo "Good morning $USER";; + 1[2-7] ) echo "Good afternoon $USER";; + * ) echo "Good evening $USER";; +esac diff --git a/bin/install_ts.sh b/bin/install_ts.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c8295f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/install_ts.sh @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# this will download and install teamspeak client on 64 bit linux machine. +# run as the root user + +# variables for installation files +# update this as needed. i dont keep it up to date. you can find the latest files on teamspeaks website + +download_url="http://teamspeak.gameserver.gamed.de/ts3/releases/" +filename="TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-" + +mkdir /opt/teamspeak +cd /opt/teamspeak +wget $download_url +chmod +x $filename +ln -sv /opt/teamspeak/ts3client_runscript.sh /usr/bin/teamspeak +echo 'installation finished' +echo 'teamspeak client is installed in /opt/teamspeak' +echo 'the binary runscript is symlinked to /usr/bin/teamspeak' diff --git a/bin/php_function_check.sh b/bin/php_function_check.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f287de7 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/php_function_check.sh @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# check if a php function exists on a system +# output results to a file + +usage() { +echo "Usage: $(basename $0) function_name > filename.php" +} + +if [[ $1 = "--help" ]]; then + usage + exit 1 +fi + +if [[ $# != 1 ]]; then + usage + exit 1 +fi + +echo "" diff --git a/bin/todolist.sh b/bin/todolist.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7f6cb60 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/todolist.sh @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# generates todolist + +arg="$1" + +usage() +{ + echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") " + echo "Example: $(basename $0) 10 - would make a todolist with 1..10 values." + exit 1 +} + +list() +{ + echo "Todolist for: $(date +%m_%d_%y)" + for i in $(seq $arg) + do + echo $i + done + +} + +list diff --git a/bin/welcome.sh b/bin/welcome.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..77d07a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/welcome.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +~/bin/greetings.sh +echo "hostname: $HOSTNAME" +echo "public ip: $(curl --silent ipinfo.io | grep ip | cut -f 4 -d '"')" +echo "private ip:" $(ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep 192.168 | awk ' { print $2 }') +#this daemon.cow usually needs to be seperately installed on a system as most do not come with it. +fortune linux | cowsay -f /usr/share/cows/daemon.cow + +