added a function

This commit is contained in:
Brendan McDevitt 2017-05-11 11:53:11 -05:00
parent 39f39c4e14
commit c6c92ae979

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@ -204,3 +204,32 @@ swap_used()
echo "Overall swap used: $OVERALL KB"
for drive in $(ls /dev/sd[a-z]); do sudo hddtemp $drive; done
local addr=${1:?Specify the remote IPv4 address}
local port=${2:?Specify the remote port number}
# convert the provided address to hex format
local hex_addr=$(python -c "import socket, struct; print(hex(struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton('$addr'))[0])[2:10].upper().zfill(8))")
local hex_port=$(python -c "print(hex($port)[2:].upper().zfill(4))")
# get the PID of the owner process
local pid=$(netstat -ntp 2>/dev/null | awk '$6 == "ESTABLISHED" && $5 == "'$addr:$port'"{sub("/.*", "", $7); print $7}')
[ -z "$pid" ] && { echo 'Address does not match' 2>&1; return 1; }
# get the inode of the socket
local inode=$(awk '$4 == "01" && $3 == "'$hex_addr:$hex_port'" {print $10}' /proc/net/tcp)
[ -z "$inode" ] && { echo 'Cannot lookup the socket' 2>&1; return 1; }
# query the inode status change time
local timestamp=$(find /proc/$pid/fd -lname "socket:\[$inode\]" -printf %T@)
[ -z "$timestamp" ] && { echo 'Cannot fetch the timestamp' 2>&1; return 1; }
# compute the time difference
LANG=C printf '%s (%.2fs ago)\n' "$(date -d @$timestamp)" $(bc <<<"$(date +%s.%N) - $timestamp")