#!/bin/sh # shell script to convert celsius temp to farenheit # taken from: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/shell-script-to-convert-celsius-to-fahrenheit-929261/ echo "*** Converting between the different temperature scales ***" echo "1. Convert Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit" echo "2. Convert Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius" echo -n "Select your choice (1-2) : " read choice if [ $choice -eq 1 ] then echo -n "Enter temperature (C) : " read tc # formula Tf=(9/5)*Tc+32 tf=$(echo "scale=2;((9/5) * $tc) + 32" |bc) echo "$tc C = $tf F" elif [ $choice -eq 2 ] then echo -n "Enter temperature (F) : " read tf # formula Tc=(5/9)*(Tf-32) tc=$(echo "scale=2;(5/9)*($tf-32)"|bc) echo "$tf = $tc" else echo "Please select 1 or 2 only" exit 1 fi