#!/bin/bash # inspiration from https://github.com/webpro/dotfiles/blob/master/install.sh # inspiration from https://medium.com/@webprolific/getting-started-with-dotfiles-43c3602fd789#.jfhvg130r # PS1 COLOR GREEN="\[\e[32m\]\u\[\e[m\]@\H\[\e[36m\][\[\e[m\]\[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[36m\]]\[\e[m\]:" RED=""\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]@\H\[\e[36m\][\[\e[m\]\[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[36m\]]\[\e[m\]:" # get current dir so script can run from anywhere export DOTFILES_DIR DOTFILES_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # update dot files by pulling latest repo [ -d "$DOTFILES_DIR/.git" ] && git --work-tree="$DOTFILES_DIR" --git-dir="$DOTFILES_DIR/.git" pull origin master # run checks for color if [[ $1 = "color=green" ]]; then echo "export PS1=$GREEN" >> "$DOTFILES_DIR/.envars" fi if [ $1 = "color=red" ]; then echo "export PS1=$RED" >> "$DOTFILES_DIR/.envars" fi # symlink our dotfiles to our users home dir so they can make use of all the good stuff in it ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.bash_profile" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.bashrc" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.bash_aliases" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.bash_functions" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.envars" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.vim" ~ ln -sfv "$DOTFILES_DIR/.vimrc" ~ # download and install vundle for vim plugins git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim