require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/neo') class AboutVariableScope < Neo::Koan def bark noise = "RUFF" end def test_noise_is_not_available_in_the_current_scope assert_raise(___) do noise end end def test_we_can_get_noise_by_calling_method assert_equal __, bark end inaccessible = "Outside our universe" def test_defs_cannot_access_variables_outside_scope # defined? does not return true or false assert_equal __, defined? inaccesible end # ------------------------------------------------------ def test_blocks_can_access_variables_outside_scope test = "Hi" (1..2).each do test = "Hey" end assert_equal __, test end def test_block_variables_cannot_be_accessed_outside_scope (1..2).each do x = 0 end assert_equal __, defined? x end # ------------------------------------------------------ class Mouse @@total = 0 # Class variables are prefixed with two '@' characters. def initialize(n) @name = n # Instance variables are prefixed with one '@' character. @@total += 1 end def name @name end def Mouse.count @@total end end def test_instance_variable oscar ="Oscar") assert_equal __, end def test_class_variable (1..9).each { |i|"#{i}") } # Things may appear easier than they actually are. assert_equal __, Mouse.count end # Meditate on the following: # What is the difference between a class variable and instance variable? # ------------------------------------------------------ $anywhere = "Anywhere" # Global variables are prefixed with the '$' character. def test_global_variables_can_be_accessed_from_any_scope assert_equal __, $anywhere end def test_global_variables_can_be_changed_from_any_scope # From within a method $anywhere = "Here" assert_equal __, $anywhere end def test_global_variables_retain_value_from_last_change # What is $anywhere? assert_equal __, $anywhere end def test_global_variables_can_be_changed_from_any_scope_2 # From within a block (1..2).each do $anywhere = "Hey" end assert_equal __, $anywhere end end # THINK ABOUT IT: # # What will $anywhere be down here, outside of the scope of the # AboutVariableScope class?