#!/usr/bin/env ruby # testing parsing xls files # require 'roo-xls' args = ARGV first_name = args[0] last_name = args[1] # load the spreedsheet xls = Roo::Spreadsheet.open('./data/CRP_IDs.xls', extension: :xls) # summary info of the spreedsheet xls.info # loop through the given spreadsheet columns, and create a hash # create a hash(dict) of cid and crpname of everyone on a spreadsheet # xls.sheet(0).each(cid: 'CID', crpname: 'CRPName') do |hash| if hash.has_value?("#{last_name}, #{first_name}") puts "Found: #{first_name} #{last_name}" puts "CID: #{hash.values[0]}" end end