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code cmtename
HADM House Administration
HAGR Agriculture
HAPP Appropriations
HARM Armed Services
HBUD Budget
HEDU Education and Labor
HENE Energy and Commerce
HFIN Financial Services
HGOV Oversight and Government Reform
HHSC Homeland Security
HINT Foreign Affairs
HITL Permanent Select on Intelligence
HJUD Judiciary
HPRC U.S. National Security and Military/ Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China
HRES Natural Resources
HRUL Rules
HSCI Science
HSMA Small Business
HSTA Standards of Official Conduct
HTRA Transportation and Infrastructure
HVET Veterans' Affairs
HWAY Ways and Means
JECO Joint Economic
JLIB Joint Library of Congress
JPRI Joint Printing
JTAX Joint Taxation
SAGI Special Aging
SAGR Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
SAPP Appropriations
SARM Armed Services
SBAN Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
SBUD Budget
SCOM Commerce, Science, and Transportation
SENE Energy and Natural Resources
SENV Environment and Public Works
SETH Select Ethics
SFIN Finance
SFOR Foreign Relations
SGOV Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
SIND Indian Affairs
SITL Select Intelligence
SJUD Judiciary
SLAB Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
SRUL Rules and Administration
SSMA Small Business and Entrepreneurship
SVET Veterans' Affairs