Added some more documentation stuff

This commit is contained in:
Brendan McDevitt 2020-02-05 00:05:41 -06:00
parent 7f2c4c1526
commit a3420ad902

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module Pastebinner
@scraping_api_url = ''
# Send a POST request to the /api_post.php endpoint to create a paste.
# @param api_dev_key [String] Required: Your unique developer api key
# @param api_option [String] Required: Set as paste, this will indicate you want to create a new paste
# @param api_paste_code [String] Required: This is the text that will be written inside of your paste
@ -155,6 +156,9 @@ module Pastebinner
# Builds up raw paste and raw paste metadata based on paste keys and creates a hash
# @param [Array] ['paste_key1', 'paste_key2', 'paste_key3'] An Array of Strings that are unique paste keys.
# @return [Hash]
def hash_pastes(keys)
if keys.is_a? String
raw_paste = self.raw_paste_data(keys)
@ -169,11 +173,19 @@ module Pastebinner
# Create a hash with paste_metadata and paste_text keys.
# @param raw_paste_data [RestClient::Response] The raw paste data response text
# @param raw_paste_metadata [RestClient::Response] The raw paste metadata response text
# @return [Hash]
def hash_paste(raw_paste_data, raw_paste_metadata)
{ "paste_metadata": raw_paste_metadata,
"paste_text": raw_paste_data }
# Create an Array of json paste documents or a single paste document
# @param key [String] 'pastekey' The unique paste key of the pate intended
# @param keys [Array] ['paste_key1', 'paste_key2', 'paste_key3'] An Array of Strings that are unique paste keys.
# @return [String] || [Array] Json of just one paste document or an Array of multiple.
def json_paste(key=nil, keys)
# if we give keys, create an array of X json pastes
if keys