Commit graph

  • 8dff02ca42 Merge branch 'convert_pastebinner_to_rails_app' into 'master' master Brendan McDevitt 2022-01-27 03:41:44 +00:00
  • ff9b7a5327 Convert pastebinner to rails app Brendan McDevitt 2022-01-27 03:41:43 +00:00
  • a3420ad902 Added some more documentation stuff bpmcdevitt 2020-02-05 00:05:41 -06:00
  • 7f2c4c1526 moved the constants to the top bpmcdevitt 2020-02-04 23:45:07 -06:00
  • bb84940a7a slowly updating documentation with rdoc stuff so we can generate yard server bpmcdevitt 2020-01-02 01:19:10 -06:00
  • 606efdf3b2 more rdoc stuff Brendan McDevitt 2019-11-13 02:06:08 -06:00
  • 16cd733991 removed bundler from dependencies and removed rails from dependencies and made only rest-client the runtime dependency Brendan McDevitt 2019-11-13 01:06:12 -06:00
  • 93935f1a5a working on rdoc support with yard Brendan McDevitt 2019-11-13 00:53:41 -06:00
  • 2713a9cc9c removed trending option from optionparser Brendan McDevitt 2019-10-30 03:02:52 -05:00
  • b16649bdb5 removed uneeded config options Brendan McDevitt 2019-10-29 21:33:06 -05:00
  • 30e014a2f5 converting to standalone gem for basic interaction with pastebin api and cmdline client Brendan McDevitt 2019-10-29 21:01:03 -05:00
  • 71a490b7fd added a lttle bit more concise of an update to the docker part of tje readme bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 02:09:13 -05:00
  • 3ed388bd6d updated readme to include making a .env to run dockerfile bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 01:51:59 -05:00
  • 70b4342abc removed those env vars in the docker file. they can be specified in an environment file in the docker run process instead. i will detail how to do that in the readme file bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 01:03:20 -05:00
  • c4199d052b added to gitignore and added the required environment vars in dockerfile bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 00:59:19 -05:00
  • 9a1b1121d8 added a config file example in the examples directory bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 00:20:01 -05:00
  • b38a3842b7 configuration example complete bpmcdevitt 2019-04-06 00:03:01 -05:00
  • 67bc00bb1d trying to add in support for configure block. launching console giving me bug with pb object bpmcdevitt 2019-03-29 01:00:11 -05:00
  • 332efbe9cb working on a Docker version bpmcdevitt 2019-03-28 23:12:15 -05:00
  • 894879792d Merge branch 'master' of booboy 2019-03-20 00:14:12 -05:00
  • fe6cce2fc4 added a create_mapping method that does not work and a create_mappings.json. i think its the json but ill keep messing with it. booboy 2019-03-20 00:13:37 -05:00
  • 3ec18f5851 added a method to toggle restclient log to stdout in console booboy 2019-03-19 02:14:03 -05:00
  • 238d770d5e this is now namedspaced correctly. at least much better than it was before this booboy 2019-02-07 01:10:20 -06:00
  • f8d790e6df making a sidekiq helper and started on a method to read data from raw json file to ship to es booboy 2019-02-06 01:25:35 -06:00
  • 9b0e11bcd9 moved examples and added an example of sinatra running sidekiq to view the paste jobs easier in a web ui without needing all of rails booboy 2019-02-06 00:21:56 -06:00
  • c80bd01875 forgot to change file path booboy 2019-02-05 01:03:08 -06:00
  • 697b0e7679 moved around files for better organization booboy 2019-02-05 00:46:13 -06:00
  • 6c0b401d23 added the type of config block i want to have. not ready but setup a skeleton to use with it booboy 2019-02-05 00:30:50 -06:00
  • c3fe3a2bb7 added sidekiq and redis to gemspec booboy 2019-02-04 23:13:50 -06:00
  • 0415c64960 made a paste_max limit option so you can query how many pastes you want booboy 2019-02-04 22:45:26 -06:00
  • 8d781e2499 made a job to scrape pastes and send to es, i got a rate limit error from pastebin so i need to slow down the calls i think, its 501 calls to the, raw metadata file, raw data file, and scrape index booboy 2019-02-04 03:49:06 -06:00
  • 7d0f304d43 made it into a difference method instead. booboy 2019-02-04 01:48:50 -06:00
  • 9916bb5c9d made method to grab differences in keys arrays booboy 2019-02-04 01:43:15 -06:00
  • 07e5c4ac03 added 250 as a value to the scrape public paste so we can get more pastes booboy 2019-02-03 03:18:03 -06:00
  • 32fd073bf7 removed old comments booboy 2019-02-03 03:08:04 -06:00
  • dc5ca66549 yaml safe load way to go booboy 2019-02-03 03:03:33 -06:00
  • e104b0b015 good additions, got nested object working by loading paste_metadata as an array of hash instead of a string booboy 2019-02-03 02:09:51 -06:00
  • e43e63b98a im bad with markdown, fixed formatting booboy 2019-02-02 04:57:28 -06:00
  • 2ba1bde3b4 typo booboy 2019-02-02 04:55:46 -06:00
  • dacfc616c4 updated readme booboy 2019-02-02 04:54:26 -06:00
  • 1b6759952e quick typo booboy 2019-02-02 04:35:15 -06:00
  • 79a139a0fc added examples of how you can automate downloading pastes with the command line binary and some systemd service/timer file pairs booboy 2019-02-02 04:28:04 -06:00
  • fafd8268c0 added the ability to download either raw pastes or the full metadata + pastetext in one json document booboy 2019-02-02 04:17:17 -06:00
  • e580c572f7 removed old mapping from pastebinner and also adjusted download to include metadata and fulltext of paste in the json booboy 2019-02-02 03:52:56 -06:00
  • bf64a2f60e added method to es helper to delete index and get mappings booboy 2019-02-02 03:41:39 -06:00
  • 6f715c3f86 this mapping has to be right now please booboy 2019-02-02 02:44:59 -06:00
  • 7db91e6053 pretty sure this mapping is going to work booboy 2019-02-02 02:25:50 -06:00
  • 4a2f27d5f6 was getting errors for previous mapping when trying to auto increment index with post requests, hopefully this fixes that. booboy 2019-02-02 00:37:05 -06:00
  • ee93b17576 made a mapping that worked and some more stuff to the elastic search helper booboy 2019-02-01 23:49:35 -06:00
  • 2a39616379 added methods to update mappings booboy 2019-02-01 22:44:41 -06:00
  • 50b052a9bd made elastic search helper better and made pastebinner pack json booboy 2019-02-01 22:19:36 -06:00
  • ba20e8dc41 fixed some things with hashing the paste method and sending data to es booboy 2019-02-01 20:38:14 -06:00
  • 107c1ff559 added some methods to better prepare data for elasticsearch booboy 2019-01-29 03:51:36 -06:00
  • c72f8c9a5f put files in pastebinner dir booboy 2019-01-28 23:58:30 -06:00
  • cac1352895 building skeletons of exceptions booboy 2019-01-06 20:50:05 -06:00
  • 9a4f1251dd fixed an issue that was occurring with downloading the raw pastes booboy 2019-01-06 20:21:35 -06:00
  • fc82bd78d1 Merge branch 'master' of booboy 2019-01-06 19:26:49 -06:00
  • 46526a21e9 made pry console startup with just a pb object for easy experimentation with the methods booboy 2019-01-06 19:26:16 -06:00
  • 0acc26f90e small update booboy 2018-11-18 21:10:45 -06:00
  • 319822fdad almost there with the mappings for metadata booboy 2018-11-18 06:44:45 -06:00
  • 18c1bde0a3 made a bunch of hashes that merge to prepare pastes and metadata for ES. pastes seem to work, but metadata is still messed up. i think it is because of the mappings that i did in the elastic_search_helper.rb script booboy 2018-11-18 06:04:51 -06:00
  • 345f826600 made the json encoding store metadata of a paste and the fulltext booboy 2018-11-17 22:15:36 -06:00
  • d713b509d2 fixed one character typo in ENDPOINTS constants for scraping raw paste metadata booboy 2018-11-17 22:02:22 -06:00
  • ce9626655a made an error if only -k --key is passed booboy 2018-11-17 19:04:12 -06:00
  • fa0bd05b06 added an encode_json method to prep for db booboy 2018-11-17 18:37:26 -06:00
  • 4d0dbb46c4 typo booboy 2018-11-10 04:48:51 -06:00
  • bd6aec9542 an update to readme, update to i dont know anymore i am tired and have to go to sleep look at the diff booboy 2018-11-10 04:47:41 -06:00
  • fa41c0cb7f encode_json method and a 1 character change in the filename check booboy 2018-11-10 04:31:32 -06:00
  • ef312d12cf added a method that we will later use to serialize the raw paste into json so we can ship it to a DB booboy 2018-11-10 04:27:25 -06:00
  • 879a897770 just added some psuedocode for an exception and a config file method booboy 2018-11-10 04:14:32 -06:00
  • e49e94e0e0 moved examples to its own directory booboy 2018-11-09 23:04:27 -06:00
  • eaf5e306c0 added To add to the bottom of the readme booboy 2018-11-09 22:58:47 -06:00
  • c4fde291e4 made an actual readme to explain how to download pastes booboy 2018-11-09 22:53:09 -06:00
  • 4c43f54e96 added an option_parser class to use with the command line binary booboy 2018-11-09 01:51:21 -06:00
  • 5aa45e28c3 fixed a part of the commandline options booboy 2018-11-05 03:39:00 -06:00
  • 4853f92ecd wrote a method to download all the raw pastes to a file inside of a directory. booboy 2018-11-05 03:15:29 -06:00
  • ebde6ca0f2 messed with the cmd line options, some work now booboy 2018-11-04 02:59:25 -06:00
  • 9d34d53372 fixed trends. one character fix booboy 2018-11-04 02:39:52 -06:00
  • eae20ccd0c started to work on the command line application booboy 2018-11-04 02:28:57 -06:00
  • 092bbb252b added all of the methods. booboy 2018-11-03 01:57:23 -05:00
  • 2be2d4419c fixed naming conventions and set this up to begin working on command line calls kenna-bmcdevitt 2018-08-22 15:03:42 -05:00
  • eaf6207f22 added a couple more api calls kenna-bmcdevitt 2018-08-22 14:00:13 -05:00
  • 9da7b16a6e made execute_query a work on the methods inside of the PasteBinner class kenna-bmcdevitt 2018-08-22 13:32:53 -05:00
  • 94568018e3 made execute_query a private method booboy 2018-08-19 20:22:48 -05:00
  • 447dc1f003 added an api_post method, and a get_api_user_key method for retrieving a session key which is required for listing user pastes. booboy 2018-08-16 20:31:34 -05:00
  • da6c789a5c initial commit booboy 2018-08-16 14:54:08 -05:00
  • d667a0b2ce
    Initial commit Brendan McDevitt 2018-08-16 14:52:20 -05:00