#### INITIAL STEPS # # setup our object and grab a session key pb = Pastebinner::ApiClient.new(ENV['pastebin_api_key'], ENV['pastebin_username'], ENV['pastebin_password']) api_dev_key = ENV['pastebin_api_key'] #### CREATE PASTE # prepare some sample paste data to send paste_data = 'this is a test paste two two two.' # prepare our paste params params = { "api_dev_key": api_dev_key, "api_option": 'paste', "api_paste_code": paste_data } puts pb.create_paste(params) #### SCRAPE PUBLIC PASTES paste_max = 50 # set to scrape 50 pastes, max is 250 (sometimes can get rate limited when around 250 range) puts pb.scrape_public_pastes(paste_max) #### SCRAPING - WHITELISTED IP ONLY #### SCRAPE RAW PASTE DATA OF A PASTE KEY puts pb.raw_paste_data('Gkb4ukK9') #### SCRAPE RAW METADATA OF A PASTE KEY (WORKS WITH WHITELISTED IP ONLY) puts pb.raw_paste_metadata('Gkb4ukK9') ### MORE EXAMPLES TO COME