#!/usr/bin/env ruby # author: brendan mcdevitt # a ruby wrapper around all of the methods pastebin provides with its api # official docs from pastebin on their api can be found at https://pastebin.com/api require 'rest-client' require 'json' class Pastebinner attr_accessor :api_dev_key, :username, :password def initialize(api_dev_key, username, password) @api_dev_key = api_dev_key @username = username @password = password @base_api_url = 'https://pastebin.com/api' @scraping_api_url = 'https://scrape.pastebin.com' end # this should be a hash of { endpoint_name: '/url_endpoint.php'} ENDPOINTS = { :login => '/api_login.php', :post => '/api_post.php', :raw => '/api_raw.php', :scraping => '/api_scraping.php', :scrape_item => '/api_scrape_item.php', :srape_item_meta => '/api_scrape_item_meta.php' } # basic example hash for creating a paste: # params = { 'api_dev_key': @api_dev_key, 'api_option': 'paste'. 'api_paste_code': paste_data} # required params: # api_dev_key - your unique developer api key # api_option - set as paste, this will indicate you want to create a new paste # api_paste_code - this is the text that will be written inside of your paste # optional params: # api_user_key - this parameter is part of the login system, which is explained further down the page # api_paste_name - this will be the name / title of your paste # api_paste_format - this will be the syntax highlighting value, which is explained in detail further down the page # api_paste_private - this makes a paste public, unlisted, or private, public = 0, unlisted = 1, private = 2 # api_paste_expire_date - this sets the expiration date of your paste, the values are explained further down the page # example - params = { "api_dev_key": api_dev_key, "api_option": "paste", "api_paste_code": paste_data } def create_paste(params) execute_query(:api_post, params) end def api_user_key # returns a user session key that can be used as the api_user_key param @api_user_key ||= RestClient::Request.execute({ method: :post, url: @base_api_url + ENDPOINTS[:login], payload: { 'api_dev_key': @api_dev_key, 'api_user_name': @username, 'api_user_password': @password }}) end def list_user_pastes params = { 'api_dev_key': api_dev_key, 'api_user_key': api_user_key, 'api_results_limit': '100', 'api_option': 'list' } execute_query(:api_post, params) end def list_trending_pastes params = { 'api_dev_key': api_dev_key, 'api_option': 'trends' } execute_query(:api_post, params) end def list_raw_user_paste(api_paste_key) params = { 'api_dev_key': api_dev_key, 'api_user_key': api_user_key, 'api_paste_key': api_paste_key, 'api_option': 'show_paste' } execute_query(:api_post, params) end # api_paste_key = this is the unique key of the paste data you want to delete. def delete_user_paste(api_paste_key) params = { 'api_dev_key': api_dev_key, 'api_user_key': api_user_key, 'api_paste_key': api_paste_key, 'api_option': 'delete' } execute_query(:api_post, params) end def get_user_info params = { 'api_dev_key': api_dev_key, } end def api_post(params) response = RestClient::Request.execute( method: :post, url: @base_api_url + ENDPOINTS[:post], payload: params) end # params is optional for now. to query specific language ?lang=ruby as an example def scrape_public_pastes(params = nil) response = RestClient::Request.execute( method: :get, url: @scraping_api_url + ENDPOINTS[:scraping]) end # will extract just the keys from recent public pastes def get_unique_paste_keys(public_pastes) pp = JSON.parse(public_pastes) pp.map {|p| {'key': p['key']}} end def raw_paste_data(unique_paste_key) response = RestClient::Request.execute( method: :get, url: @scraping_api_url + ENDPOINTS[:scrape_item] + "?i=#{unique_paste_key}") end def raw_paste_metadata(unique_paste_key) response = RestClient::Request.execute( method: :get, url: @scraping_api_url + ENDPOINTS[:scrape_item_meta] + "?i=#{unique_paste_key}") end # keep this method private so we are not letting anyone run any method in our program private # this will be the main way to execute any of these methods. this has the exception handling taken care of. def execute_query(selector, *args) begin send(selector, *args) rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e puts e.message end end # make my own exception class # inherit ruby standard error class end