#### Example 1: Using the PackageVersionHistory python class
# The below example code showcases how to use this class to check version history for specific source_package_names and distribution_versions
# returns: ( package_name, [list_of_versions] )
In [1]: import package_version_history as p
In [2]: kernel_checker = p.PackageVersionHistory('linux', '20.04')
In [3]: python_checker = p.PackageVersionHistory('python3.8', '20.04')
In [4]: kernel_results = kernel_checker.package_name_and_version_history()
In [5]: python_results = python_checker.package_name_and_version_history()
#### Seed Data: How to pull all source package names in a target distribution (Need local shell access)
We need local shell access to a system to run some commands to create a text file that contains every remote package source name in the repos on a target distro. The below sequence of commands should create a text file with source_package_names uniqu'd and sorted.