Commit graph

  • 917a48e703 add command-line wrapper master kenna-bmcdevitt 2024-09-16 16:12:54 -05:00
  • 4c9a7e110b updated method to pull binaryFileUrls so we can get direct links to .deb files kenna-bmcdevitt 2024-09-16 14:23:58 -05:00
  • b398a5258e added launchpad cve puller kenna-bmcdevitt 2024-09-11 13:56:52 -05:00
  • aa491c8cc9 make domain registration tracker use docker ruby alpine dev container bpmcdevitt 2022-11-05 22:28:53 -05:00
  • 109e5f0efb add an emtpy data dir and also download the tech implementation spec document bpmcdevitt 2022-11-05 15:39:02 -05:00
  • a0f30a6d91 added a script to get xml of registered domain names. converts to json. requires yq to be installed bpmcdevitt 2022-11-05 15:32:25 -05:00
  • 0c770a71fa added a readme and took the example from the go library bpmcdevitt 2022-10-14 23:08:16 -05:00
  • ecfeda9ceb added an empty dir for tools around nmap_scanning bpmcdevitt 2022-10-14 14:22:22 -05:00
  • fd0121b063 create emtpy data dir in bin bpmcdevitt 2022-10-03 19:06:49 -05:00
  • b11dea84ef command-line program with --export flag to dump microsoft exchange release build numbers bpmcdevitt 2022-10-03 19:01:15 -05:00
  • f9cff52fb2 added in microsoft exchange release scraper bpmcdevitt 2022-10-03 14:58:46 -05:00
  • 47b51b2d87 added a method to pull down just mozilla cpes from a cve bpmcdevitt 2022-09-29 00:15:22 -05:00
  • 278991912e begin adding some cpe lookup stuff so we can just include that in our output bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 23:59:42 -05:00
  • 6cb79316e3 update bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 23:15:21 -05:00
  • e8c3f7745a fix the new lines that were in the fixed_in bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 20:51:41 -05:00
  • 43429f643f got data hash working bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 20:47:54 -05:00
  • db264a3f00 more added to the scraper. trying to pack the data from advisories now into a data hash bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 16:56:35 -05:00
  • aae01c1e57 method to pull security advisory urls from index_url now works bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 15:58:41 -05:00
  • 6e588a3578 added the basic framework for whats going to be a mozilla security advisory scraping utility bpmcdevitt 2022-09-28 13:01:44 -05:00
  • 226546bc48 made cmdline program that accepts --id, --export, and --export-all flags bpmcdevitt 2022-09-20 17:42:28 -05:00
  • 449a730d86 commited some broken code but i will refactor it bpmcdevitt 2022-09-20 13:17:44 -05:00
  • 70840cb272 added cmdline program to pull down exploited vulns from msft bulletins bpmcdevitt 2022-09-20 09:55:47 -05:00
  • dadf386eb5 can pull exploitability index now in the client bpmcdevitt 2022-09-20 09:24:07 -05:00
  • e400ddc258 added a script to pull down threat strings from a given bulletin-id bpmcdevitt 2022-09-14 20:55:16 -05:00
  • f8b79d06bb added a class wrapper to pull easy things. start with just a basic get_id method bpmcdevitt 2022-09-14 18:04:02 -05:00
  • 836dced0a2 added code to pull down msft cvrf api bpmcdevitt 2022-09-14 11:49:49 -05:00
  • fff732f932 trying to make the release parser now checksum aware and store the appropriate range of checksums into a k,v pair. trying to use list slicing bpmcdevitt 2022-08-22 10:54:32 -05:00
  • 26e55b186e almost got it parsing to a dict bpmcdevitt 2022-08-22 09:26:53 -05:00
  • 3e141ad886 working on sanitizing the line in the release file some more bpmcdevitt 2022-08-21 22:08:11 -05:00
  • 90003f31f0 renamed file bpmcdevitt 2022-08-21 07:18:30 -05:00
  • f6b42a71ce hacking on sanitizing the lines now in the release file bpmcdevitt 2022-08-21 07:12:21 -05:00
  • 5f00b4e581 trying to add a release class now bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 22:45:06 -05:00
  • d4a1ad9578 bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 16:24:00 -05:00
  • 9b4d4ac46c made some adjustmenets now we have two classes that handle most of the stuff bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 15:44:56 -05:00
  • c967967fbc added a function to get a list of jsons for MetaRelease bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 15:39:51 -05:00
  • e2649fee32 adjusted whats in the main block bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 15:22:16 -05:00
  • b4c4465ef6 theres only main archive in the ubuntu launchpad bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 15:12:24 -05:00
  • 14e7ef85ff got logic separated into classes bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 14:25:26 -05:00
  • e358eef7ca fixing the classes bpmcdevitt 2022-08-20 01:51:50 -05:00
  • 678b3032e1 its getting confusing writing a big class that does multiple things so im going to write multiple classes to contain the logic better bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 22:30:56 -05:00
  • d42d96b913 remove and rename old seed script for source package names from docker containers bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 10:06:08 -05:00
  • 4fabe864f1 use d.get instead of direct assignment with crazy long if else condition. thanks @ageorge bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 10:04:24 -05:00
  • 9cf3ba2ac3 added a class that can take the meta_release info from ubuntus changelog and convert / dump it to pretty printed json bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 09:58:48 -05:00
  • 3f2091a768 more adjustments bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 02:01:17 -05:00
  • 0c54282a13 added method to parse metadata file from changelog release bpmcdevitt 2022-08-19 01:44:56 -05:00
  • 91c2af27d0 added a comment for package version history and change the login part so it doesnt just say just testing when logging in bpmcdevitt 2022-08-18 23:27:51 -05:00
  • 24c474d5df change some wording bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 22:19:31 -05:00
  • e9bcf0b9fb added conclusion bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 22:15:53 -05:00
  • 2a01cfc859 added a link to vex summary bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 22:10:39 -05:00
  • 4aa8d376b0 added links to grype and syft bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 22:07:01 -05:00
  • 81f6103ca8 added notes on cool talks bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 22:04:44 -05:00
  • f6f2c3d69c updated sbom section bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 21:55:22 -05:00
  • bafcd1c85f added bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 21:53:26 -05:00
  • cf7ac4bb65 update export_to_json and README bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 03:00:09 -05:00
  • d64681dce4 comment out non-working stuff bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 02:44:08 -05:00
  • b6ccc3e68c added script and package_data files for ubuntu latest through 20.04 bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 02:43:10 -05:00
  • a3418c71bf rename file bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 02:29:43 -05:00
  • 8d927c1b8e added a way to source packages for ubuntu containers Brendan McDevitt 2022-08-17 02:26:25 -05:00
  • 51e23619d1 added ubuntu_package_puller poc code bpmcdevitt 2022-08-17 01:52:44 -05:00
  • 8b79305e52 added submodule for cvelist project and a json of the count of cna per cve-id Brendan McDevitt 2022-03-01 23:52:31 -06:00
  • da2589fbcf added a program that will pull and count CNAs for every cve-id and save results to a txt file Brendan McDevitt 2022-03-01 23:32:01 -06:00
  • 722d5b8762 added a class that will pull CNA organizationName and securityAdvisories Brendan McDevitt 2022-02-24 18:39:35 -06:00
  • 4f09b9d4ce redhat 7 data booboy 2020-10-23 04:59:29 -05:00
  • 04e994800c init git booboy 2020-10-23 04:51:14 -05:00