Moody Bible Inst. vs Stritch (Mar 01, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Moody Bible Inst. vs Stritch
(Mar 01, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Moody Bible Inst.      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
1   McManigle, Joel   11  -.182  2.0 
7   Speck, Sam   .250  2.0 
8   Duehring, Nate   .000  0.0 
10  Lab, Joe   -.333  11  1.0 
11  Curtis, Tyler   .250  2.0 
15  Fadel, Eric   -.250  1.0 
2   Tunell, Jase   .333  2.0 
3   Chang, Josh   .000  0.0 
4   Rapalo, Saul   19  -.105  6.0 
5   Ness, Erik   .000  0.0 
9   Livingston, Nate   .000  0.0 
12  Walsh, Joel   .000  0.0 
14  Case, Ben   .000  0.0 
  Totals  14  18  52  -.077  14  12  14  16.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
16  -.375  7-24   29% 
20  .000  12-25   47% 
16  .125  10-24   41% 
          29-73   39% 
Moody Bible Inst.   (0)  11  15  14     0-11, 0-8  
Stritch   (3)  25  25  25     10-10, 6-4  

   Stritch      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   1.000  30  2.0 
7   Mader, Noah   .500  4.5 
8   Spasic, Dusan   .429  7.5 
11  Golden, Scott   .000  2.5 
23  Flynn, Mickey   .000  5.5 
32  Cosson, Adam   10  .500  9.0 
3   Arquilla, Chris   10  .500  6.5 
4   Lentz, Patrick   12  .167  7.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  0.0 
12  Hoffman, Brian   .200  6.5 
15  Ghassan, George   .667  5.0 
17  Ghassan, John   1.000  2.0 
  Totals  39  14  68  .368  32  12  11  16  10  58.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  20  .300  8-12   66% 
14  26  .308  12-15   80% 
14  22  .500  11-15   73% 
          31-42   73% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)
Date: Mar 01, 2011 Attend: 61 Time: 1:02
Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Moody Bible Inst. vs Stritch
(Mar 01, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Moody Bible Inst.      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
1   McManigle, Joel   11  -.182  .333  .857  .833  2.0 
7   Speck, Sam   .250  .000  .000  .000  2.0 
8   Duehring, Nate   .000  .000  1.000  12  .800  0.0 
10  Lab, Joe   -.333  11  45  .244  1.000  .000  1.0 
11  Curtis, Tyler   .250  .333  .500  11  .917  2.0 
15  Fadel, Eric   -.250  .000  .889  .000  1.0 
2   Tunell, Jase   .333  .000  .000  .000  2.0 
3   Chang, Josh   .000  .000  .000  .250  0.0 
4   Rapalo, Saul   19  -.105  .000  .800  .500  6.0 
5   Ness, Erik   .000  .000  .000  20  .952  0.0 
9   Livingston, Nate   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
12  Walsh, Joel   .000  .000  .750  .000  0.0 
14  Case, Ben   .000  1.000  .000  .000  0.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  14  18  52  -.077  14  57  .246  42  .881  14  50  12  .806  16.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
16  -.375  0-24   0% 
20  .000  0-25   0% 
16  .125  0-24   0% 
          0-73   0% 
Moody Bible Inst.   (0)  11  15  14     0-11, 0-8  
Stritch   (3)  25  25  25     10-10, 6-4  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   1.000  30  52  .577  .875  .000  2.0 
7   Mader, Noah   .500  .000  1.000  .000  4.5 
8   Spasic, Dusan   .429  .000  .750  1.000  7.5 
11  Golden, Scott   .000  .000  1.000  .000  2.5 
23  Flynn, Mickey   .000  .000  .800  .000  5.5 
32  Cosson, Adam   10  .500  .500  11  .818  11  1.000  9.0 
3   Arquilla, Chris   10  .500  .000  .833  10  1.000  6.5 
4   Lentz, Patrick   12  .167  .000  11  .909  .000  7.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  .000  .000  1.000  0.0 
12  Hoffman, Brian   .200  .000  11  .727  .000  6.5 
15  Ghassan, George   .667  .000  1.000  .000  5.0 
17  Ghassan, John   1.000  .000  .857  1.000  2.0 
  Totals.........  39  14  68  .368  32  61  .525  12  11  73  .849  16  10  37  1.000  58.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  20  .300  0-12   0% 
14  26  .308  0-15   0% 
14  22  .500  0-15   0% 
          0-42   0% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)
Date: Mar 01, 2011 Attend: 61 Time: 1:02

Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Moody Bible Inst. vs Stritch
(Mar 01, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

Stritch def. Moody Bible Inst. 25-11,25-15,25-14

Moody Bible Inst. (0-11, 0-8) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Rapalo,
Saul 6-0-0; Curtis, Tyler 2-0-0; Tunell, Jase 2-0-0; Speck, Sam 2-0-0;
Lab, Joe 1-0-0; McManigle, Joel 1-0-2; Fadel, Eric 0-0-2; Totals
14-0-2.0. (Assists) - Lab, Joe 11. (Dig leaders) - Lab, Joe 4; Curtis,
Tyler 3

Stritch (10-10, 6-4) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Cosson, Adam 7-2-0;
Arquilla, Chris 6-0-1; Spasic, Dusan 5-1-3; Lentz, Patrick 5-2-0;
Mader, Noah 4-0-1; Ghassan, George 4-0-2; Hoffman, Brian 3-3-1; Flynn,
Mickey 2-1-3; Ghassan, John 1-1-0; Hartman, Collin 1-1-0; Golden,
Scott 1-1-1; Totals 39-12-7.0. (Assists) - Hartman, Collin 30. (Dig
leaders) - Arquilla, Chris 4; Cosson, Adam 3

Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)

Date: Mar 01, 2011 Attend: 61 Time: 1:02


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Moody Bible Inst. vs Stritch
(Mar 01, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

1st Set

For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Cosson, Adam; Mader, Noah; Flynn, Mickey; Spasic, Dusan; Golden, Scott; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For MBI: Lab, Joe; Curtis, Tyler; Fadel, Eric; McManigle, Joel; Duehring, Nate; Speck, Sam; libero Ness, Erik.
0-1Point MBI - (Lab, Joe) Attack error by Mader, Noah (block by Fadel, Eric; McManigle, Joel).
1-1Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
2-1Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Curtis, Tyler.
3-1Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by McManigle, Joel (block by Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah).
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
3-2Point MBI - (Cosson, Adam) Service
For MBI: Curtis, Tyler; Rapalo, Saul.
4-2Point CSU - (Curtis, Tyler) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).so
5-2Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Fadel, Eric (block by Golden, Scott; Spasic, Dusan).
6-2Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Kill by Spasic, Dusan.
6-3Point MBI - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Cosson,
6-4Point MBI - (Fadel, Eric) Attack error by Golden, Scott.
7-4Point CSU - (Fadel, Eric) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Hartman, Collin).so
8-4Point CSU - (Flynn, Mickey) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul.
9-4Point CSU - (Flynn, Mickey) Service ace (Livingston, Nate).
10-4Point CSU - (Flynn, Mickey) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul.
11-4Point CSU - (Flynn, Mickey) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Hartman, Collin).
11-5Point MBI - (Flynn, Mickey) Service
12-5Point CSU - (McManigle, Joel) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: Chang, Josh.
Timeout Moody Bible Inst..
13-5Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Service ace (Chang, Josh).
14-5Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul.
14-6Point MBI - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For MBI: Duehring, Nate.
14-7Point MBI - (Duehring, Nate) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
15-7Point CSU - (Duehring, Nate) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
16-7Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Service ace (Chang, Josh).
17-7Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).
17-8Point MBI - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Flynn,
For MBI: Walsh, Joel.
18-8Point CSU - (Walsh, Joel) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).so
19-8Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).
20-8Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Service ace (Duehring, Nate).
20-9Point MBI - (Hartman, Collin) Service
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
20-10Point MBI - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Curtis, Tyler (from McManigle, Joel).
21-10Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Hartman, Collin).so
22-10Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Service ace (McManigle, Joel).
23-10Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by McManigle, Joel (block by Flynn, Mickey).
24-10Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by McManigle, Joel (block by Flynn, Mickey).
24-11Point MBI - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Curtis, Tyler (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Rapalo, Saul; Case, Ben.
25-11Point CSU - (Curtis, Tyler) Service

2nd Set

For CSU: Lentz, Patrick; Hoffman, Brian; Cosson, Adam; Spasic, Dusan; Ghassan, George; Hartman, Collin; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For MBI: McManigle, Joel; Tunell, Jase; Fadel, Eric; Curtis, Tyler; Speck, Sam; Lab, Joe; libero Ness, Erik.
0-1Point MBI - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by McManigle, Joel (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Duehring, Nate; Case, Ben.
1-1Point CSU - (Duehring, Nate) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: Rapalo, Saul; McManigle, Joel.
2-1Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Service ace (TEAM).
3-1Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Cosson, Adam).
3-2Point MBI - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Fadel, Eric; McManigle, Joel).so
For MBI: Case, Ben.
3-3Point MBI - (Fadel, Eric) Attack error by Hoffman, Brian.
3-4Point MBI - (Fadel, Eric) Attack error by Lentz, Patrick.
4-4Point CSU - (Fadel, Eric) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
5-4Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul.
5-5Point MBI - (Hoffman, Brian) Service
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
5-6Point MBI - (McManigle, Joel) Attack error by Lentz, Patrick.
6-6Point CSU - (McManigle, Joel) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: Chang, Josh.
For MBI: Duehring, Nate.
7-6Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul (block by Ghassan, George; Spasic, Dusan).
8-6Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Service ace (Chang, Josh).
8-7Point MBI - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
For CSU: Hatae, West.
9-7Point CSU - (Rapalo, Saul) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Cosson, Adam).so
For MBI: Curtis, Tyler.
9-8Point MBI - (Lentz, Patrick) Service
For MBI: Walsh, Joel.
10-8Point CSU - (Walsh, Joel) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).so
10-9Point MBI - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Hoffman,
For MBI: Case, Ben.
11-9Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
12-9Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Cosson, Adam.
12-10Point MBI - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Tunell, Jase (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Case, Ben; Duehring, Nate; Rapalo, Saul.
13-10Point CSU - (Duehring, Nate) Attack error by Rapalo,
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
13-11Point MBI - (Cosson, Adam) Service
For MBI: Case, Ben; Speck, Sam.
14-11Point CSU - (Fadel, Eric) Service
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
15-11Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Bad set by Lab, Joe.
16-11Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Attack error by Speck, Sam.
17-11Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Kill by Ghassan, George.
18-11Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Service ace (Duehring, Nate).
18-12Point MBI - (Hoffman, Brian) Service
19-12Point CSU - (McManigle, Joel) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: Chang, Josh.
20-12Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul (block by Ghassan, George; Spasic, Dusan).
20-13Point MBI - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Lab, Joe).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
21-13Point CSU - (Rapalo, Saul) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: Curtis, Tyler.
21-14Point MBI - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Cosson,
For MBI: Walsh, Joel.
22-14Point CSU - (Walsh, Joel) Service
23-14Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Hoffman, Brian (from Hartman, Collin).
23-15Point MBI - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Lab, Joe (from Curtis, Tyler).so
For MBI: Case, Ben.
24-15Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Hoffman, Brian (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
25-15Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).

3rd Set

For MBI: McManigle, Joel; Fadel, Eric; Tunell, Jase; Curtis, Tyler; Speck, Sam; Lab, Joe; libero Ness, Erik.
For CSU: Spasic, Dusan; Hoffman, Brian; Ghassan, George; Hartman, Collin; Arquilla, Chris; Lentz, Patrick; libero Hatae, West.
1-0Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
2-0Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Lab, Joe.
3-0Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Tunell, Jase (block by Hoffman, Brian; Arquilla, Chris).
3-1Point MBI - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Arquilla,
For MBI: Duehring, Nate; Rapalo, Saul; Case, Ben.
4-1Point CSU - (Duehring, Nate) Kill by Arquilla, Chris (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
4-2Point MBI - (Hoffman, Brian) Service
For MBI: Case, Ben.
4-3Point MBI - (Fadel, Eric) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Case, Ben).
5-3Point CSU - (Fadel, Eric) Kill by Arquilla, Chris (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
5-4Point MBI - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Lab, Joe).so
6-4Point CSU - (McManigle, Joel) Kill by Arquilla,
For MBI: Chang, Josh.
For CSU: Spasic, Dusan.
7-4Point CSU - (Arquilla, Chris) Attack error by Lab, Joe.
8-4Point CSU - (Arquilla, Chris) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).
9-4Point CSU - (Arquilla, Chris) Kill by Ghassan, George.
10-4Point CSU - (Arquilla, Chris) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).
10-5Point MBI - (Arquilla, Chris) Service
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
10-6Point MBI - (Rapalo, Saul) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan.
11-6Point CSU - (Rapalo, Saul) Service
For MBI: Curtis, Tyler.
11-7Point MBI - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Speck, Sam (from Lab, Joe).so
For CSU: Hoffman, Brian.
For MBI: Walsh, Joel.
12-7Point CSU - (Walsh, Joel) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).so
12-8Point MBI - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Tunell, Jase (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Case, Ben.
12-9Point MBI - (Lab, Joe) Attack error by Lentz, Patrick.
13-9Point CSU - (Lab, Joe) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
14-9Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Lab, Joe.
15-9Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Service ace (Curtis, Tyler).
16-9Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Hoffman, Brian.
16-10Point MBI - (Ghassan, John) Service
For MBI: Duehring, Nate; Case, Ben; Rapalo, Saul.
17-10Point CSU - (Duehring, Nate) Kill by Arquilla, Chris (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
18-10Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Service ace (Rapalo, Saul).
19-10Point CSU - (Hoffman, Brian) Service ace (Duehring, Nate).
19-11Point MBI - (Hoffman, Brian) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Case, Ben; Speck, Sam.
20-11Point CSU - (Fadel, Eric) Kill by Arquilla, Chris (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MBI: McManigle, Joel.
21-11Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Attack error by Rapalo, Saul.
22-11Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Arquilla, Chris.
23-11Point CSU - (Lentz, Patrick) Service ace (Ness, Erik).
Timeout Moody Bible Inst..
23-12Point MBI - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Speck, Sam (from Lab, Joe).so
23-13Point MBI - (McManigle, Joel) Ball handling error by Hatae, West.
24-13Point CSU - (McManigle, Joel) Service
For MBI: Chang, Josh.
24-14Point MBI - (Arquilla, Chris) Kill by Rapalo, Saul (from Lab, Joe).so
For MBI: Tunell, Jase.
25-14Point CSU - (Rapalo, Saul) Kill by Ghassan, John (from Hartman, Collin).so