Lindenwood Univ. vs Stritch (Feb 12, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Lindenwood Univ. vs Stritch
(Feb 12, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Lindenwood Univ.      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Buehler, Corey   .000  0.0 
11  Larson, Mike   .000  23  1.0 
12  Knowlson, Luke   11  -.091  5.5 
15  Schmack, Matt   12  .333  5.5 
22  Warren, Mike   12  20  .500  15.0 
23  Johnston, Bradley   12  20  .500  15.0 
1   Emerick, Mike   .000  12  0.0 
4   Morrill, Taylor   14  .357  8.5 
9   Grissinger, Carson   1.000  10  2.0 
10  Mitchell, Jack   .375  5.0 
21  Wong, Jon   .000  0.0 
  Totals  42  10  88  .364  39  35  17  57.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
17  35  .400  15-18   83% 
15  30  .400  12-17   70% 
10  23  .261  9-12   75% 
          36-47   76% 
Lindenwood Univ.   (3)  25  25  25     9-5  
Stritch   (0)  18  16  13     7-8  

   Stritch      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   14  -.071  3.0 
11  Golden, Scott   13  .308  6.0 
15  Ghassan, George   .000  1.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   .200  25  3.0 
23  Flynn, Mickey   14  .071  4.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   24  .042  6.5 
3   Arquilla, Chris   -1.000  10  0.0 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .000  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  0.0 
7   Mader, Noah   13  .231  5.5 
  Totals  27  19  91  .088  27  28  29.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
10  34  .147  15-25   60% 
11  29  .241  11-24   45% 
10  28  -.143  10-25   40% 
          36-74   48% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (CSU Panella Court)
Date: Feb 12, 2011 Attend: 69 Time: 1:07
Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Lindenwood Univ. vs Stritch
(Feb 12, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Lindenwood Univ.      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Buehler, Corey   .000  .500  .000  10  1.000  0.0 
11  Larson, Mike   .000  23  41  .561  19  .895  .000  1.0 
12  Knowlson, Luke   11  -.091  .000  .000  1.000  5.5 
15  Schmack, Matt   12  .333  1.000  15  .933  1.000  5.5 
22  Warren, Mike   12  20  .500  .500  .000  .000  15.0 
23  Johnston, Bradley   12  20  .500  .333  17  .824  11  1.000  15.0 
1   Emerick, Mike   .000  .400  .000  12  14  1.000  0.0 
4   Morrill, Taylor   14  .357  .000  .714  1.000  8.5 
9   Grissinger, Carson   1.000  10  29  .345  11  1.000  .000  2.0 
10  Mitchell, Jack   .375  .000  .000  .000  5.0 
21  Wong, Jon   .000  .000  .800  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  42  10  88  .364  39  85  .459  74  .878  35  17  42  1.000  57.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
17  35  .400  0-18   0% 
15  30  .400  0-17   0% 
10  23  .261  0-12   0% 
          0-47   0% 
Lindenwood Univ.   (3)  25  25  25     9-5  
Stritch   (0)  18  16  13     7-8  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   14  -.071  .000  .778  20  .909  3.0 
11  Golden, Scott   13  .308  .000  10  .900  .000  6.0 
15  Ghassan, George   .000  .000  1.000  .000  1.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   .200  25  78  .321  1.000  .000  3.0 
23  Flynn, Mickey   14  .071  .000  .000  .000  4.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   24  .042  1.000  1.000  19  .905  6.5 
3   Arquilla, Chris   -1.000  .200  .000  10  20  .909  0.0 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .000  .000  .500  .000  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
7   Mader, Noah   13  .231  .000  .000  .000  5.5 
  Totals.........  27  19  91  .088  27  92  .293  47  .894  28  59  .908  29.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
10  34  .147  0-25   0% 
11  29  .241  0-24   0% 
10  28  -.143  0-25   0% 
          0-74   0% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (CSU Panella Court)
Date: Feb 12, 2011 Attend: 69 Time: 1:07

Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Lindenwood Univ. vs Stritch
(Feb 12, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

Lindenwood Univ. def. Stritch 25-18,25-16,25-13

Lindenwood Univ. (9-5) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Johnston, Bradley
12-3-0; Warren, Mike 12-0-5; Morrill, Taylor 7-0-3; Schmack, Matt
4-1-1; Mitchell, Jack 4-0-2; Knowlson, Luke 2-0-7; Grissinger, Carson
1-1-0; Larson, Mike 0-1-0; Totals 42-6-9.5. (Assists) - Larson, Mike
23; Grissinger, Carson 10. (Dig leaders) - Emerick, Mike 12; Johnston,
Bradley 8

Stritch (7-8) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Golden, Scott 6-0-0;
Cosson, Adam 6-0-1; Mader, Noah 5-0-1; Flynn, Mickey 4-0-0; Hartman,
Collin 3-0-0; Tauaese, Alo 2-0-1; Ghassan, George 1-0-0; Totals
27-0-2.0. (Assists) - Tauaese, Alo 25. (Dig leaders) - Arquilla, Chris
10; Hartman, Collin 6

Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (CSU Panella Court)

Date: Feb 12, 2011 Attend: 69 Time: 1:07


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Lindenwood Univ. vs Stritch
(Feb 12, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

1st Set

For LU: Warren, Mike; Schmack, Matt; Johnston, Bradley; Buehler, Corey; Knowlson, Luke; Larson, Mike; libero Emerick, Mike.
For CSU: Golden, Scott; Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Mickey; Tauaese, Alo; Cosson, Adam; Ghassan, George; libero Arquilla, Chris.
1-0Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
2-0Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).
2-1Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
3-1Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
4-1Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Warren, Mike.
4-2Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Larson, Mike).so
5-2Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
5-3Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Larson, Mike; Grissinger, Carson; Warren, Mike.
5-4Point LU - (Grissinger, Carson) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Grissinger, Carson).
6-4Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Hatae, West.
7-4Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).
7-5Point LU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Emerick, Mike).so
7-6Point LU - (Morrill, Taylor) Kill by Mitchell, Jack (from Grissinger, Carson).
8-6Point CSU - (Morrill, Taylor) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Buehler, Corey; Morrill, Taylor.
8-7Point LU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Mitchell, Jack (from Grissinger, Carson).so
For LU: Wong, Jon; Knowlson, Luke.
9-7Point CSU - (Wong, Jon) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Knowlson, Luke; Wong, Jon.
9-8Point LU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Schmack, Matt (from Grissinger, Carson).so
For LU: Larson, Mike; Mitchell, Jack; Warren, Mike; Grissinger, Carson.
9-9Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).
10-9Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
10-10Point LU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Cosson,
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
10-11Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service ace (Hartman, Collin).
10-12Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).
10-13Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Schmack, Matt).
11-13Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service
11-14Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Cosson, Adam (block by Warren, Mike).so
12-14Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
12-15Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Emerick, Mike).so
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Larson, Mike; Grissinger, Carson; Warren, Mike.
13-15Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Attack error by Mitchell,
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Hatae, West.
13-16Point LU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Grissinger,
14-16Point CSU - (Morrill, Taylor) Attack error by Johnston,
For LU: Buehler, Corey; Morrill, Taylor.
14-17Point LU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Knowlson, Luke (from Grissinger, Carson).so
For LU: Wong, Jon; Knowlson, Luke.
15-17Point CSU - (Wong, Jon) Service
For LU: Knowlson, Luke; Wong, Jon.
15-18Point LU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Buehler, Corey).so
For LU: Larson, Mike; Mitchell, Jack; Warren, Mike; Grissinger, Carson.
16-18Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
16-19Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
16-20Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Attack error by Tauaese, Alo.
Timeout Stritch.
17-20Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service
17-21Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Service
18-21Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
18-22Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Larson, Mike; Grissinger, Carson; Warren, Mike.
18-23Point LU - (Grissinger, Carson) Service ace (Cosson, Adam).
18-24Point LU - (Grissinger, Carson) Attack error by Cosson, Adam.
18-25Point LU - (Grissinger, Carson) Attack error by Ghassan, George (block by Morrill, Taylor; Knowlson, Luke).

2nd Set

For LU: Larson, Mike; Johnston, Bradley; Schmack, Matt; Warren, Mike; Buehler, Corey; Knowlson, Luke; libero Emerick, Mike.
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah; Cosson, Adam; Hartman, Collin; Golden, Scott; Tauaese, Alo; libero Arquilla, Chris.
1-0Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).
1-1Point LU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
2-1Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Attack error by Morrill, Taylor (block by Mader, Noah; Cosson, Adam).so
2-2Point LU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).so
3-2Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah.
3-3Point LU - (Lentz, Patrick) Service
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Larson, Mike; Grissinger, Carson; Warren, Mike.
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick.
3-4Point LU - (Grissinger, Carson) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Knowlson, Luke; Mitchell, Jack).
4-4Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
4-5Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Mitchell, Jack (from Grissinger, Carson).so
4-6Point LU - (Morrill, Taylor) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Knowlson, Luke; Mitchell, Jack).
5-6Point CSU - (Morrill, Taylor) Service
For LU: Buehler, Corey; Morrill, Taylor.
6-6Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Knowlson, Luke.
7-6Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).
7-7Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Service
For LU: Wong, Jon; Knowlson, Luke.
8-7Point CSU - (Wong, Jon) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Knowlson, Luke; Wong, Jon.
9-7Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Cosson, Adam).
9-8Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Service
For LU: Larson, Mike; Mitchell, Jack; Warren, Mike; Grissinger, Carson.
9-9Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).
9-10Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Attack error by Cosson, Adam (block by Warren, Mike; Schmack, Matt).
9-11Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Warren, Mike).
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Hatae, West.
9-12Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Service ace (Hartman, Collin).
Timeout Stritch.
9-13Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Schmack, Matt (from Larson, Mike).
10-13Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
10-14Point LU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
10-15Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Ball handling error by Tauaese, Alo.
10-16Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Morrill, Taylor.
10-17Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service ace (Arquilla, Chris).
Timeout Stritch.
11-17Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
12-17Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Warren, Mike.
12-18Point LU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).so
13-18Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah.
13-19Point LU - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Larson, Mike; Grissinger, Carson; Warren, Mike.
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick.
14-19Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
14-20Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Grissinger, Carson).so
15-20Point CSU - (Morrill, Taylor) Service
For LU: Buehler, Corey; Morrill, Taylor.
15-21Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Mitchell, Jack (from Johnston, Bradley).so
For LU: Wong, Jon; Knowlson, Luke.
16-21Point CSU - (Wong, Jon) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Knowlson, Luke; Wong, Jon.
16-22Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Cosson,
For LU: Warren, Mike; Larson, Mike.
16-23Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Schmack, Matt.
16-24Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).
16-25Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).

3rd Set

For LU: Larson, Mike; Johnston, Bradley; Schmack, Matt; Warren, Mike; Buehler, Corey; Knowlson, Luke; libero Emerick, Mike.
For CSU: Cosson, Adam; Mader, Noah; Flynn, Mickey; Hartman, Collin; Golden, Scott; Tauaese, Alo; libero Arquilla, Chris.
0-1Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
0-2Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).
1-2Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah.
1-3Point LU - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).so
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick.
1-4Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).
1-5Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Johnston, Bradley (from Larson, Mike).
1-6Point LU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service ace (Arquilla, Chris).
2-6Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
2-7Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Larson, Mike).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Hatae, West.
2-8Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
2-9Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Golden, Scott (block by Warren, Mike; Knowlson, Luke; Morrill, Taylor).
3-9Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
3-10Point LU - (Hartman, Collin) Ball handling error by Tauaese,
For LU: Mitchell, Jack; Grissinger, Carson.
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
4-10Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
5-10Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Knowlson, Luke.
6-10Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Knowlson, Luke (block by Tauaese, Alo).
6-11Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Morrill, Taylor (from Grissinger, Carson).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
7-11Point CSU - (Morrill, Taylor) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Buehler, Corey; Morrill, Taylor.
7-12Point LU - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Arquilla,
For LU: Wong, Jon; Knowlson, Luke.
8-12Point CSU - (Wong, Jon) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For LU: Knowlson, Luke; Wong, Jon.
9-12Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Johnston, Bradley.
9-13Point LU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Schmack, Matt (from Grissinger, Carson).so
For LU: Larson, Mike; Warren, Mike.
9-14Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
9-15Point LU - (Larson, Mike) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
Timeout Stritch.
10-15Point CSU - (Larson, Mike) Bad set by Larson,
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah.
10-16Point LU - (Lentz, Patrick) Service
For LU: Morrill, Taylor; Buehler, Corey.
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick.
11-16Point CSU - (Johnston, Bradley) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West; Flynn, Mickey.
11-17Point LU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey; Hatae, West.
11-18Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Warren, Mike (from Larson, Mike).
Timeout Stritch.
11-19Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Golden, Scott (block by Knowlson, Luke; Morrill, Taylor).
11-20Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Warren, Mike; Knowlson, Luke).
11-21Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
11-22Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Warren, Mike; Knowlson, Luke).
11-23Point LU - (Schmack, Matt) Service ace (Cosson, Adam).
12-23Point CSU - (Schmack, Matt) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Arquilla, Chris).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
13-24Point CSU - (Grissinger, Carson) Attack error by Morrill,
For CSU: Hatae, West.
13-25Point LU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Knowlson, Luke (from Grissinger, Carson).so