Stritch vs MSOE (03/27/2012)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Stritch vs MSOE
(03/27/2012 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Stritch      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   .000  20  0.0 
7   Mader, Noah   10  .600  10.0 
11  Tate, Nick   16  -.188  4.5 
12  Hoffman, Brian   .000  2.0 
23  Flynn, Micky   24  .208  8.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   15  33  .333  17.5 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .500  2.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  0.0 
13  Daniel, Jake   .000  0.0 
15  Ghassan, George   12  .417  12.5 
22  Tauaese, Alo   1.000  23  3.5 
  Totals  46  18  109  .257  46  10  45  14  60.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  26  .231  12-24   50% 
12  30  .233  11-16   68% 
13  27  .259  15-19   78% 
10  26  .308  15-24   62% 
          53-83   63% 
Stritch   (3)  15  25  25  25     18-3, 9-3 MAMVIC  
MSOE   (1)  25  15  19  23     16-13, 2-2 CVC  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
12  Matt Morrone   .500  33  3.0 
13  Alex Harbour   21  .000  9.0 
15  Jack Geary   10  20  .350  11.5 
18  Nick Manning   25  .000  11  12.5 
21  Brian Main   14  .214  7.0 
22  Max Martin   11  38  .158  13.5 
1   John Cote   1.000  1.0 
3   Josh Avery   .000  0.0 
6   John Buczynski   -.250  0.0 
8   Greg Magrum   .000  0.0 
  Totals  45  28  127  .134  41  42  11  57.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  23  .522  13-16   81% 
35  -.029  10-24   41% 
11  31  -.065  15-25   60% 
16  38  .211  14-24   58% 
          52-89   58% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Kern Center Arena)
Date: 03/27/2012 Attend: 57 Time: 1:31
Tie scores  15  27 
Lead changes  12 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Stritch vs MSOE
(03/27/2012 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   .000  20  50  .400  14  1.000  .000  0.0 
7   Mader, Noah   10  .600  .000  15  .667  .000  10.0 
11  Tate, Nick   16  -.188  .000  17  .882  1.000  4.5 
12  Hoffman, Brian   .000  .000  1.000  .000  2.0 
23  Flynn, Micky   24  .208  .000  .000  .000  8.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   15  33  .333  .400  10  .900  27  1.000  17.5 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .500  .000  1.000  1.000  2.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  .500  .000  30  .857  0.0 
13  Daniel, Jake   .000  .000  13  .846  .000  0.0 
15  Ghassan, George   12  .417  .000  15  1.000  .000  12.5 
22  Tauaese, Alo   1.000  23  49  .469  1.000  .000  3.5 
  Totals.........  46  18  109  .257  46  112  .411  10  89  .888  45  14  69  .932  60.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  26  .231  0-24   0% 
12  30  .233  0-16   0% 
13  27  .259  0-19   0% 
10  26  .308  0-24   0% 
          0-83   0% 
Stritch   (3)  15  25  25  25     18-3, 9-3 MAMVIC  
MSOE   (1)  25  15  19  23     16-13, 2-2 CVC  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
12  Matt Morrone   .500  33  88  .375  11  .909  .000  3.0 
13  Alex Harbour   21  .000  .000  11  .818  13  .929  9.0 
15  Jack Geary   10  20  .350  .000  .889  1.000  11.5 
18  Nick Manning   25  .000  .500  18  .889  11  26  .963  12.5 
21  Brian Main   14  .214  .000  15  .933  .000  7.0 
22  Max Martin   11  38  .158  .250  18  .889  .000  13.5 
1   John Cote   1.000  .000  .000  16  .941  1.0 
3   Josh Avery   .000  17  .294  1.000  .000  0.0 
6   John Buczynski   -.250  .000  .000  15  1.000  0.0 
8   Greg Magrum   .000  .000  .000  .800  0.0 
  Totals.........  45  28  127  .134  41  129  .318  83  .892  42  11  75  .949  57.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  23  .522  0-16   0% 
35  -.029  0-24   0% 
11  31  -.065  0-25   0% 
16  38  .211  0-24   0% 
          0-89   0% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Kern Center Arena)
Date: 03/27/2012 Attend: 57 Time: 1:31

Tie scores  15  27 
Lead changes  12 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Stritch vs MSOE
(03/27/2012 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

Stritch def. MSOE 15-25,25-15,25-19,25-23

Stritch (18-3, 9-3 MAMVIC) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Cosson, Adam
15-0-3; Ghassan, George 8-2-4; Flynn, Micky 7-0-2; Mader, Noah 7-1-4;
Tate, Nick 3-1-1; Lentz, Patrick 2-0-0; Hoffman, Brian 2-0-0; Tauaese,
Alo 2-0-3; Totals 46-4-10.0. (Assists) - Tauaese, Alo 23; Hartman,
Collin 20. (Dig leaders) - Hatae, West 9; Tate, Nick 7

MSOE (16-13, 2-2 CVC) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Max Martin 11-1-2;
Jack Geary 10-0-3; Nick Manning 9-3-1; Alex Harbour 7-0-3; Brian Main
6-0-2; John Cote 1-0-0; Matt Morrone 1-1-2; Totals 45-5-7.5. (Assists)
- Matt Morrone 33. (Dig leaders) - Nick Manning 11; John Cote 9; Max
Martin 9

Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Kern Center Arena)

Date: 03/27/2012 Attend: 57 Time: 1:31


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Stritch vs MSOE
(03/27/2012 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

1st Set

For CSU: Cosson, Adam; Hoffman, Brian; Flynn, Micky; Tate, Nick; Mader, Noah; Hartman, Collin; libero Hatae, West.
For MSOE: Matt Morrone; Alex Harbour; Jack Geary; Nick Manning; Brian Main; Max Martin; libero John Cote.
1-0Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
1-1Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
2-1Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Max
2-2Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
3-2Point MSOE - (Hoffman, Brian) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
4-2Point MSOE - (Jack Geary) Bad set by Flynn, Micky.
4-3Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Daniel, Jake; Tauaese, Alo.
5-3Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone).so
5-4Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Tate, Nick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
5-5Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Max Martin.
5-6Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Cosson, Adam).
6-6Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Brian Main (from Matt Morrone).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
7-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Ball handling error by Tauaese, Alo.
8-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Matt Morrone).
9-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Service ace (Hatae, West).
10-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Service ace (Hatae, West).
11-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Attack error by Tate, Nick.
12-6Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Service ace (Hatae, West).
12-7Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
13-7Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Kill by Brian Main (from Matt Morrone).so
13-8Point CSU - (Brian Main) Service
For CSU: Flynn, Micky; Hartman, Collin.
14-8Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Matt Morrone).so
14-9Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Hoffman, Brian (from Hartman, Collin).so
15-9Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
Timeout Stritch.
15-10Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
16-10Point MSOE - (Hoffman, Brian) Attack error by Tate,
16-11Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Daniel, Jake; Tauaese, Alo.
17-11Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Service
17-12Point CSU - (Max Martin) Service
17-13Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).
18-13Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
18-14Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Service
19-14Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Matt Morrone).so
20-14Point MSOE - (Brian Main) Attack error by Hoffman, Brian.
21-14Point MSOE - (Brian Main) Kill by Jack Geary.
21-15Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Hoffman, Brian (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Micky.
22-15Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Flynn, Micky (block by Alex Harbour).so
23-15Point MSOE - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Nick Manning).
24-15Point MSOE - (Matt Morrone) Service ace (Hatae, West).
25-15Point MSOE - (Matt Morrone) Attack error by Hoffman, Brian.

2nd Set

For MSOE: Alex Harbour; Jack Geary; Max Martin; Nick Manning; Brian Main; Matt Morrone; libero John Cote.
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Tauaese, Alo; Cosson, Adam; Ghassan, George; Daniel, Jake; Tate, Nick; libero Hatae, West.
0-1Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
1-1Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
2-1Point MSOE - (Alex Harbour) Attack error by Ghassan, George.
2-2Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Service
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Micky.
2-3Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).
2-4Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Cosson, Adam).
2-5Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Max Martin (block by Cosson, Adam).
3-5Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
3-6Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).so
4-6Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Service
4-7Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Tate, Nick (from Hartman, Collin).so
4-8Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Brian Main (block by Tate, Nick; Mader, Noah).
4-9Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Nick Manning (block by Mader, Noah; Flynn, Micky).
4-10Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Nick Manning (block by Mader, Noah; Flynn, Micky).
Timeout MSOE.
5-10Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Brian Main (from Matt Morrone), block error by Tate,
6-10Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).
7-10Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Attack error by Tate, Nick.
7-11Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Service
For CSU: Tauaese, Alo; Daniel, Jake.
7-12Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).
7-13Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Ball handling error by Matt Morrone.
7-14Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Attack error by Alex Harbour (block by Tauaese, Alo; Mader, Noah).
For MSOE: Josh Avery.
8-14Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Brian Main (from Josh Avery).so
8-15Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Tate, Nick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
8-16Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Max Martin.
9-16Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Service
9-17Point CSU - (Josh Avery) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
9-18Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Alex Harbour.
10-18Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Service
11-18Point MSOE - (Alex Harbour) Attack error by Ghassan, George (block by Jack Geary; Nick Manning).
11-19Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Micky.
12-19Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Max Martin (from Josh Avery).so
12-20Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Ball handling error by Jack
13-20Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Tate,
13-21Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
13-22Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Nick Manning.
Timeout MSOE.
13-23Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Hartman, Collin).
13-24Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Service ace (John Cote).
14-24Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Brian Main (from Josh Avery).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
15-24Point MSOE - (Nick Manning) Attack error by Flynn, Micky.
15-25Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so

3rd Set

For CSU: Mader, Noah; Tauaese, Alo; Cosson, Adam; Ghassan, George; Daniel, Jake; Tate, Nick; libero Hatae, West.
For MSOE: Nick Manning; Brian Main; Josh Avery; John Buczynski; Jack Geary; Max Martin; libero John Cote.
0-1Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Max Martin.
0-2Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Service ace (Nick Manning).
1-2Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Nick Manning (from Josh Avery).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
1-3Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
2-3Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Service
2-4Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Micky.
3-4Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Jack Geary (from Josh Avery), block error by Ghassan,
For MSOE: Matt Morrone.
3-5Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).so
4-5Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Matt Morrone).so
4-6Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
5-6Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Ball handling error by Hartman,
5-7Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Tauaese, Alo; Daniel, Jake.
6-7Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Brian Main (from Matt Morrone).so
For MSOE: Josh Avery.
7-7Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Nick Manning (from Max Martin).
8-7Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Attack error by Cosson, Adam.
9-7Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
9-8Point CSU - (Max Martin) Attack error by John
9-9Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Nick Manning.
9-10Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Brian Main.
For MSOE: Matt Morrone.
10-10Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Service
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
10-11Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Attack error by Nick
11-11Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Ghassan, George (block by Alex Harbour; Brian Main).so
11-12Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Micky.
12-12Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
12-13Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Hartman, Collin).so
13-13Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Tate, Nick (block by Jack Geary; Max Martin).so
13-14Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Attack error by Alex
For MSOE: John Buczynski.
13-15Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Flynn, Micky (from Hartman, Collin).
14-15Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).so
14-16Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Attack error by Max
For CSU: Tauaese, Alo; Daniel, Jake.
15-16Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Attack error by Tate, Nick (block by Max Martin).so
15-17Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
15-18Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Brian Main (block by Cosson, Adam).
15-19Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).
Timeout MSOE.
15-20Point CSU - (Tate, Nick) Attack error by Nick Manning.
For MSOE: Greg Magrum.
16-20Point MSOE - (Tate, Nick) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
16-21Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
17-21Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Service
18-21Point MSOE - (Brian Main) Attack error by Cosson, Adam (block by Jack Geary; Matt Morrone; Alex Harbour).
18-22Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Flynn, Micky; Hartman, Collin.
18-23Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Jack Geary (block by Ghassan, George; Cosson, Adam).
19-23Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Matt Morrone (from Nick Manning).so
19-24Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).so
19-25Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Jack Geary.

4th Set

==================== ==================== MSOE 1, STRITCH 3 ====================
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Tauaese, Alo; Cosson, Adam; Ghassan, George; Daniel, Jake; Lentz, Patrick; libero Hatae, West.
For MSOE: Nick Manning; Brian Main; Matt Morrone; Greg Magrum; Jack Geary; Max Martin; libero John Cote.
0-1Point CSU - (Max Martin) Service
1-1Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Service
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
2-1Point MSOE - (Brian Main) Bad set by Tauaese, Alo.
2-2Point CSU - (Brian Main) Attack error by Alex Harbour (block by Tauaese, Alo; Ghassan, George).so
For CSU: Flynn, Micky; Hartman, Collin.
3-2Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Cosson, Adam (block by Matt Morrone; Brian Main).so
3-3Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Hartman, Collin).so
4-3Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Cosson,
4-4Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Service
4-5Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Alex Harbour.
5-5Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone), block error by Mader,
5-6Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Service
For MSOE: Greg Magrum.
For CSU: Daniel, Jake; Tauaese, Alo.
5-7Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Bad set by Matt Morrone.
6-7Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
6-8Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
7-8Point MSOE - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Max
8-8Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Service ace (Hatae, West).
9-8Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone), block error by Mader, Noah.
10-8Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).
11-8Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone).
11-9Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
11-10Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).
11-11Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Nick Manning (block by Ghassan, George; Tauaese, Alo).
12-11Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Kill by John Cote (from Matt Morrone).so
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
12-12Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Flynn, Micky; Hartman, Collin.
13-12Point MSOE - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
14-12Point MSOE - (Brian Main) Kill by Alex Harbour.
14-13Point CSU - (Brian Main) Attack error by Jack Geary (block by Ghassan, George).so
15-13Point MSOE - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Alex Harbour (from Matt Morrone).so
15-14Point CSU - (Matt Morrone) Attack error by Alex
15-15Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Service ace (Alex Harbour).
16-15Point MSOE - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
17-15Point MSOE - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Jack Geary (from Matt Morrone).
17-16Point CSU - (Alex Harbour) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Hartman, Collin).so
For MSOE: Greg Magrum.
For CSU: Daniel, Jake; Tauaese, Alo.
17-17Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Attack error by Nick Manning.
17-18Point CSU - (Daniel, Jake) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Hatae, West).
Timeout MSOE.
18-18Point MSOE - (Daniel, Jake) Service
18-19Point CSU - (Jack Geary) Service
19-19Point MSOE - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone).so
20-19Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone), block error by Tauaese, Alo.
21-19Point MSOE - (Max Martin) Kill by Nick Manning (from Matt Morrone).
Timeout Stritch.
21-20Point CSU - (Max Martin) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
21-21Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Service ace (Greg Magrum).
21-22Point CSU - (Mader, Noah) Attack error by Nick Manning.
Timeout MSOE.
22-22Point MSOE - (Mader, Noah) Service
For MSOE: Alex Harbour.
For CSU: Tate, Nick.
22-23Point CSU - (Nick Manning) Kill by Cosson, Adam (from Tauaese, Alo).so
23-23Point MSOE - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Max Martin (from Matt Morrone).so
23-24Point CSU - (Brian Main) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
23-25Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by Alex Harbour.