Rutgers vs Stritch (Mar 15, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Rutgers vs Stritch
(Mar 15, 2011 at California Baptist)

   Rutgers      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
3   de Groh, Kenneth   11  18  .500  14.0 
5   Pappas, Austin   11  29  .103  12.0 
6   Metheny, Grant   14  25  .400  16.0 
7   Pickens, Brett   11  14  .714  16.5 
10  Midura, Marcin   17  34  .324  20.0 
11  Zornig, Jeff   .500  58  4.5 
4   Stridick, Alex   .000  1.0 
8   Chambers, Zack   .000  0.0 
  Totals  68  23  126  .357  65  15  34  14  84.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  24  .250  13-15   86% 
15  27  .296  15-25   60% 
18  30  .533  19-24   79% 
15  25  .440  13-19   68% 
20  .200  9-14   64% 
          69-97   71% 
Rutgers   (2)  25  21  23  25  13      
Stritch   (3)  15  25  25  18  15      

   Stritch      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   11  24  .292  12.0 
7   Mader, Noah   17  29  .517  20.0 
8   Spasic, Dusan   16  .062  6.0 
15  Ghassan, George   13  .000  9.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   .250  43  5.5 
23  Flynn, Mickey   15  39  .179  17.0 
3   Arquilla, Chris   .000  12  0.0 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .000  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  1.0 
17  Ghassan, John   .000  0.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   .000  0.0 
  Totals  54  23  125  .248  52  27  17  70.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
25  -.160  13-25   51% 
14  24  .375  15-21   71% 
18  29  .552  20-24   83% 
11  27  .222  12-24   50% 
20  .200  10-14   71% 
          70-108  64% 
    Site: California Baptist (Van Dyne Gym)
Date: Mar 15, 2011 Attend: 75 Time: 1:45
Tie scores  13  10  30 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Rutgers vs Stritch
(Mar 15, 2011 at California Baptist)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
3   de Groh, Kenneth   11  18  .500  14  .071  17  .882  46  .939  14.0 
5   Pappas, Austin   11  29  .103  .500  14  .643  .000  12.0 
6   Metheny, Grant   14  25  .400  .667  15  .800  .800  16.0 
7   Pickens, Brett   11  14  .714  .000  15  1.000  .000  16.5 
10  Midura, Marcin   17  34  .324  12  .167  26  .923  13  .929  20.0 
11  Zornig, Jeff   .500  58  61  .951  21  .857  .000  4.5 
4   Stridick, Alex   .000  .000  .000  .000  1.0 
8   Chambers, Zack   .000  14  .000  .000  21  1.000  0.0 
  Totals.........  68  23  126  .357  65  108  .602  15  108  .861  34  14  84  .944  84.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
11  24  .250  0-15   0% 
15  27  .296  0-25   0% 
18  30  .533  0-24   0% 
15  25  .440  0-19   0% 
20  .200  0-14   0% 
          0-97   0% 
Rutgers   (2)  25  21  23  25  13      
Stritch   (3)  15  25  25  18  15      

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Hartman, Collin   11  24  .292  10  .100  15  .867  24  .960  12.0 
7   Mader, Noah   17  29  .517  .000  .000  .000  20.0 
8   Spasic, Dusan   16  .062  25  .120  15  .800  33  .971  6.0 
15  Ghassan, George   13  .000  .500  17  1.000  .000  9.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   .250  43  47  .915  17  .824  .000  5.5 
23  Flynn, Mickey   15  39  .179  1.000  .000  .000  17.0 
3   Arquilla, Chris   .000  27  .111  .000  12  33  1.000  0.0 
4   Lentz, Patrick   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  .000  15  1.000  .000  1.0 
17  Ghassan, John   .000  .000  13  1.000  .000  0.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  54  23  125  .248  52  116  .448  97  .918  27  17  90  .968  70.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
25  -.160  0-25   0% 
14  24  .375  0-21   0% 
18  29  .552  0-24   0% 
11  27  .222  0-24   0% 
20  .200  0-14   0% 
          0-108  0% 
    Site: California Baptist (Van Dyne Gym)
Date: Mar 15, 2011 Attend: 75 Time: 1:45

Tie scores  13  10  30 
Lead changes 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Rutgers vs Stritch
(Mar 15, 2011 at California Baptist)

Stritch def. Rutgers 15-25,25-21,25-23,18-25,15-13

Rutgers (Kills-aces-blocks) - Midura, Marcin 17-2-1; Metheny,
Grant 14-0-3; Pappas, Austin 11-0-2; Pickens, Brett 11-1-7; de Groh,
Kenneth 11-0-5; Zornig, Jeff 3-0-2; Stridick, Alex 1-0-0; Totals
68-3-13.0. (Assists) - Zornig, Jeff 58. (Dig leaders) - Chambers, Zack
7; Pappas, Austin 7

Stritch (Kills-aces-blocks) - Mader, Noah 17-0-5; Flynn, Mickey
15-0-4; Hartman, Collin 11-1-0; Spasic, Dusan 5-0-2; Ghassan, George
4-1-6; Tauaese, Alo 2-2-3; Hatae, West 0-1-0; Totals 54-5-11.5.
(Assists) - Tauaese, Alo 43. (Dig leaders) - Arquilla, Chris 12;
Tauaese, Alo 6

Site: California Baptist (Van Dyne Gym)

Date: Mar 15, 2011 Attend: 75 Time: 1:45


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Rutgers vs Stritch
(Mar 15, 2011 at California Baptist)

1st Set

For CSU: Tauaese, Alo; Hartman, Collin; Mader, Noah; Ghassan, George; Flynn, Mickey; Spasic, Dusan; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For RNM: de Groh, Kenneth; Zornig, Jeff; Pappas, Austin; Midura, Marcin; Pickens, Brett; Metheny, Grant; libero Chambers, Zack.
0-1Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
0-2Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Mader, Noah (block by Pickens, Brett).
1-2Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Pappas,
1-3Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff), block error by Flynn,
1-4Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
1-5Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Service ace (Spasic, Dusan).
1-6Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Bad set by Mader, Noah.
Timeout Rutgers.
2-6Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Service
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
2-7Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
2-8Point RNM - (Pickens, Brett) Ball handling error by Tauaese, Alo.
2-9Point RNM - (Pickens, Brett) Service ace (Ghassan, George).
3-9Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Attack error by Midura,
For CSU: Hatae, West.
3-10Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
3-11Point RNM - (Pappas, Austin) Attack error by Tauaese, Alo (block by Metheny, Grant).
4-11Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
4-12Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
4-13Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Attack error by Ghassan, George.
5-13Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
5-14Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff), block error by Mader,
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
5-15Point RNM - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).
6-15Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
6-16Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
7-16Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Midura,
8-16Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Service ace (Midura, Marcin).
8-17Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
8-18Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey (block by de Groh, Kenneth).
9-18Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Hartman, Collin).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
9-19Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
10-19Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Arquilla, Chris).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
10-20Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
11-20Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
11-21Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
12-21Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Attack error by Midura, Marcin (block by Ghassan, George; Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
12-22Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Spasic,
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
13-22Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Service
13-23Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Service
For RNM: Stridick, Alex.
13-24Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Midura, Marcin).
14-24Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Service
15-24Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Stridick, Alex (block by Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah).
15-25Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Stridick, Alex (from Zornig, Jeff), block error by Flynn,

2nd Set

For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Mickey; Spasic, Dusan; Tauaese, Alo; Ghassan, George; Mader, Noah; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For RNM: Pappas, Austin; de Groh, Kenneth; Pickens, Brett; Metheny, Grant; Zornig, Jeff; Midura, Marcin; libero Chambers, Zack.
0-1Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
0-2Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).
1-2Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Spasic, Dusan).so
1-3Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
2-3Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
2-4Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
3-4Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
3-5Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
4-5Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
5-5Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Metheny, Grant.
5-6Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
6-6Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
7-6Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Midura, Marcin (block by Tauaese, Alo; Ghassan, George).
8-6Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Metheny, Grant.
8-7Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
9-7Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
10-7Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Service ace (de Groh, Kenneth).
10-8Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
11-8Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
11-9Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
12-9Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
13-9Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by de Groh, Kenneth (block by Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah).
13-10Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Service
14-10Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
15-10Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Pappas, Austin (block by Ghassan, George; Spasic, Dusan).
16-10Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Pappas, Austin.
Timeout Rutgers.
16-11Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
17-11Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
18-11Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Service ace (Metheny, Grant).
Timeout Stritch.
18-12Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff), block error by Ghassan,
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
18-13Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Attack error by Ghassan, George.
19-13Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
20-13Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Zornig, Jeff.
20-14Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
20-15Point RNM - (Metheny, Grant) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Zornig, Jeff; Pickens, Brett).
21-15Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
21-16Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
22-16Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
23-16Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).
23-17Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
23-18Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey.
23-19Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
24-19Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
24-20Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
24-21Point RNM - (Pickens, Brett) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey (block by de Groh, Kenneth; Metheny, Grant).
25-21Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so

3rd Set

For CSU: Spasic, Dusan; Mader, Noah; Flynn, Mickey; Ghassan, George; Tauaese, Alo; Hartman, Collin; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For RNM: Pickens, Brett; Pappas, Austin; Midura, Marcin; Metheny, Grant; de Groh, Kenneth; Zornig, Jeff; libero Chambers, Zack.
1-0Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
1-1Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
2-1Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
2-2Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
3-2Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
3-3Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
4-3Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Ghassan, George).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
5-3Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Mader, Noah.
5-4Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Bad set by Tauaese,
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
6-4Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
7-4Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).
7-5Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Service
7-6Point RNM - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Zornig, Jeff (from Pappas, Austin).
8-6Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
8-7Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
9-7Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
9-8Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
10-8Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo), block error by de Groh,
For CSU: Hatae, West.
10-9Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
11-9Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Spasic, Dusan).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
11-10Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
11-11Point RNM - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Metheny, Grant, block error by Ghassan, George.
12-11Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
12-12Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Zornig, Jeff (from Metheny, Grant).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
13-12Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
13-13Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
14-13Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Service
14-14Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Service
15-14Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Service
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
15-15Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
15-16Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Ghassan, George (block by de Groh, Kenneth; Pickens, Brett).
16-16Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Flynn, Mickey).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
17-16Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Pappas, Austin (block by Tauaese, Alo; Spasic, Dusan; Ghassan, George).
17-17Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
18-17Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
18-18Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
19-18Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
19-19Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Midura, Marcin).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
20-19Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
21-19Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Service ace (de Groh, Kenneth).
Timeout Rutgers.
21-20Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
22-20Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
22-21Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
22-22Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Pappas, Austin; Pickens, Brett).
Timeout Stritch.
23-22Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Bad set by Chambers,
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
24-22Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Pappas, Austin.
24-23Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
25-23Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so

4th Set

==================== ==================== STRITCH 3, RUTGERS 2 ====================
For CSU: Mader, Noah; Hartman, Collin; Tauaese, Alo; Spasic, Dusan; Hatae, West; Ghassan, George; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For RNM: Zornig, Jeff; Pickens, Brett; Metheny, Grant; Midura, Marcin; de Groh, Kenneth; Pappas, Austin; libero Chambers, Zack.
0-1Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
1-1Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
1-2Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Flynn,
2-2Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
2-3Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
3-3Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
3-4Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
3-5Point RNM - (Pappas, Austin) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan.
4-5Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Arquilla, Chris).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
4-6Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
4-7Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Bad set by Spasic, Dusan.
4-8Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).
5-8Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
6-8Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Metheny, Grant (block by Ghassan, George).
7-8Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Metheny, Grant (block by Ghassan, George).
7-9Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
8-9Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
8-10Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
9-10Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
10-10Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Pappas, Austin (block by Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah).
11-10Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Hartman, Collin.
Timeout Rutgers.
12-10Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Service ace (de Groh, Kenneth).
12-11Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Service
12-12Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by de Groh, Kenneth; Pickens, Brett).
12-13Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Service ace (Hartman, Collin).
12-14Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Ball handling error by Spasic, Dusan.
Timeout Stritch.
12-15Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Pappas, Austin).
13-15Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Service
14-15Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Pappas, Austin.
14-16Point RNM - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
14-17Point RNM - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth.
14-18Point RNM - (Pickens, Brett) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey (block by de Groh, Kenneth; Metheny, Grant).
15-18Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
15-19Point RNM - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
16-19Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Ghassan, George (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
16-20Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
17-20Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
17-21Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
17-22Point RNM - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Zornig, Jeff (from Metheny, Grant).
18-22Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
18-23Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
18-24Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Pappas, Austin; Pickens, Brett).
18-25Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff), block error by Mader, Noah.

5th Set

==================== ==================== STRITCH 3, RUTGERS 2 ====================
For RNM: Midura, Marcin; Zornig, Jeff; de Groh, Kenneth; Metheny, Grant; Pappas, Austin; Pickens, Brett; libero Chambers, Zack.
For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Flynn, Mickey; Spasic, Dusan; Tauaese, Alo; Mader, Noah; Ghassan, George; libero Arquilla, Chris.
1-0Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Cosson, Adam.
1-1Point RNM - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by de Groh, Kenneth (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Hartman, Collin.
1-2Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).
2-2Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Spasic, Dusan).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
2-3Point RNM - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
3-3Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
3-4Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Kill by Pickens, Brett (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
4-4Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Service
4-5Point RNM - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Hartman,
4-6Point RNM - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Ghassan, George (block by Pickens, Brett).
5-6Point CSU - (Midura, Marcin) Attack error by Pappas,
For CSU: Hatae, West.
6-6Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).
7-6Point CSU - (Ghassan, George) Attack error by Pickens, Brett (block by Mader, Noah).
7-7Point RNM - (Ghassan, George) Kill by Pappas, Austin (from Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
8-7Point CSU - (Pickens, Brett) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
8-8Point RNM - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Metheny, Grant (from Zornig, Jeff).so
9-8Point CSU - (Pappas, Austin) Service
For CSU: Cosson, Adam.
10-8Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Attack error by de Groh, Kenneth (block by Flynn, Mickey; Mader, Noah).
Timeout Rutgers.
10-9Point RNM - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Metheny,
10-10Point RNM - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from Zornig, Jeff).
Timeout Stritch.
11-10Point CSU - (de Groh, Kenneth) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
11-11Point RNM - (Lentz, Patrick) Kill by Midura, Marcin (from de Groh, Kenneth), block error by Flynn,
12-11Point CSU - (Metheny, Grant) Kill by Flynn, Mickey (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
13-11Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Midura, Marcin.
Timeout Rutgers.
13-12Point RNM - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Zornig, Jeff).so
For CSU: Flynn, Mickey.
13-13Point RNM - (Zornig, Jeff) Attack error by Flynn, Mickey (block by Midura, Marcin).
Timeout Stritch.
14-13Point CSU - (Zornig, Jeff) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Arquilla, Chris).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
15-13Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Midura, Marcin.