Saint Xavier Univ. vs Stritch (Mar 09, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Saint Xavier Univ. vs Stritch
(Mar 09, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Saint Xavier Univ.      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Maxwell, Kevin   -.500  29  0.5 
4   Zahalka, Joe   14  .143  6.0 
6   Porter, Aaron   26  .192  10.0 
7   Mooney, Joe   .333  5.0 
9   Muys, Evan   24  -.083  6.5 
22  O'Connell, John   -.200  1.0 
5   Cousin, Justin   .000  2.0 
8   Yerkes, Matt   1.000  2.0 
11  Hernandez, Johnathon  .000  0.0 
16  Capone, Mike   16  .438  10.0 
  Totals  32  19  94  .138  29  25  43.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  32  .219  15-25   60% 
27  .074  14-24   58% 
11  35  .114  15-25   60% 
          44-74   59% 
Saint Xavier Univ.   (0)  23  22  23     5-12, 5-5  
Stritch   (3)  25  25  25     12-10, 8-4  

   Stritch      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
4   Lentz, Patrick   16  .188  8.0 
7   Mader, Noah   15  .333  8.5 
8   Spasic, Dusan   17  -.118  3.5 
11  Golden, Scott   19  25  .640  20.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   1.000  36  6.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   -.333  2.0 
2   Hartman, Collin   .000  3.5 
3   Arquilla, Chris   .000  15  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  0.0 
17  Ghassan, John   .000  0.0 
  Totals  43  17  90  .289  42  10  36  51.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
18  30  .500  15-22   68% 
13  29  .207  15-23   65% 
12  31  .161  15-23   65% 
          45-68   66% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)
Date: Mar 09, 2011 Attend: Time:
Tie scores  13 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Saint Xavier Univ. vs Stritch
(Mar 09, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

   Saint Xavier Univ.      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Maxwell, Kevin   -.500  29  84  .345  .556  .000  0.5 
4   Zahalka, Joe   14  .143  .000  .857  16  1.000  6.0 
6   Porter, Aaron   26  .192  .000  12  .833  13  .929  10.0 
7   Mooney, Joe   .333  .000  10  1.000  1.000  5.0 
9   Muys, Evan   24  -.083  .000  1.000  1.000  6.5 
22  O'Connell, John   -.200  .000  1.000  .000  1.0 
5   Cousin, Justin   .000  .000  .875  1.000  2.0 
8   Yerkes, Matt   1.000  .000  .857  .000  2.0 
11  Hernandez, Johnathon  .000  .000  .000  23  1.000  0.0 
16  Capone, Mike   16  .438  .000  11  1.000  1.000  10.0 
  Totals.........  32  19  94  .138  29  96  .302  68  .868  25  63  .984  43.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  32  .219  0-25   0% 
27  .074  0-24   0% 
11  35  .114  0-25   0% 
          0-74   0% 
Saint Xavier Univ.   (0)  23  22  23     5-12, 5-5  
Stritch   (3)  25  25  25     12-10, 8-4  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
4   Lentz, Patrick   16  .188  .000  .000  .000  8.0 
7   Mader, Noah   15  .333  .000  .000  .000  8.5 
8   Spasic, Dusan   17  -.118  .667  .500  19  .905  3.5 
11  Golden, Scott   19  25  .640  1.000  10  .800  .000  20.0 
22  Tauaese, Alo   1.000  36  71  .507  10  .800  .000  6.0 
32  Cosson, Adam   -.333  .500  1.000  11  .846  2.0 
2   Hartman, Collin   .000  .000  12  1.000  .889  3.5 
3   Arquilla, Chris   .000  .250  .000  15  15  .938  0.0 
5   Hatae, West   .000  .000  16  .875  .000  0.0 
17  Ghassan, John   .000  .000  14  1.000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  43  17  90  .289  42  89  .472  10  74  .865  36  53  .898  51.5 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
18  30  .500  0-22   0% 
13  29  .207  0-23   0% 
12  31  .161  0-23   0% 
          0-68   0% 
    Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)
Date: Mar 09, 2011 Attend: Time:

Tie scores  13 
Lead changes 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Saint Xavier Univ. vs Stritch
(Mar 09, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

Stritch def. Saint Xavier Univ. 25-23,25-22,25-23

Saint Xavier Univ. (5-12, 5-5) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Porter,
Aaron 9-1-0; Capone, Mike 9-0-2; Muys, Evan 5-0-3; Zahalka, Joe 4-1-1;
Mooney, Joe 3-1-2; O'Connell, John 1-0-0; Yerkes, Matt 1-1-0; Cousin,
Justin 0-2-0; Maxwell, Kevin 0-0-1; Totals 32-6-5.0. (Assists) -
Maxwell, Kevin 29. (Dig leaders) - Zahalka, Joe 5; Porter, Aaron 5

Stritch (12-10, 8-4) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Golden, Scott
19-0-1; Mader, Noah 7-0-3; Lentz, Patrick 6-0-3; Tauaese, Alo 5-0-1;
Spasic, Dusan 3-0-1; Hartman, Collin 3-0-1; Cosson, Adam 0-1-1; Totals
43-1-7.5. (Assists) - Tauaese, Alo 36. (Dig leaders) - Arquilla, Chris
15; Tauaese, Alo 5

Site: Milwaukee, Wis. (Panella Court)

Date: Mar 09, 2011 Attend: Time:


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Saint Xavier Univ. vs Stritch
(Mar 09, 2011 at Milwaukee, Wis.)

1st Set

For SXU: Maxwell, Kevin; Zahalka, Joe; Porter, Aaron; Mooney, Joe; Muys, Evan; O'Connell, John; libero Hernandez, Johnathon.
For CSU: Cosson, Adam; Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick; Spasic, Dusan; Golden, Scott; Tauaese, Alo; libero Arquilla, Chris.
0-1Point SXU - (Cosson, Adam) Ball handling error by Tauaese,
1-1Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
1-2Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Mooney, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
1-3Point SXU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Capone, Mike.
2-3Point CSU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
3-3Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).
4-3Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Cosson, Adam).
5-3Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Golden, Scott).
5-4Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Zahalka, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Capone, Mike.
6-4Point CSU - (Muys, Evan) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
6-5Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
7-5Point CSU - (Zahalka, Joe) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
7-6Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
8-6Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Attack error by Mooney,
9-6Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).
10-6Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Porter, Aaron (block by Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah).
10-7Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Mooney, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin), block error by Mader,
11-7Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Service
11-8Point SXU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Muys, Evan (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
12-8Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
13-8Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).
Timeout Saint Xavier Univ..
13-9Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Muys, Evan; Mooney, Joe).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
14-9Point CSU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
14-10Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
15-10Point CSU - (Muys, Evan) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
16-10Point CSU - (Spasic, Dusan) Attack error by Zahalka, Joe.
16-11Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
17-11Point CSU - (Zahalka, Joe) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
17-12Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
18-12Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
Timeout Saint Xavier Univ..
19-12Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Maxwell, Kevin (block by Cosson, Adam).
19-13Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Service
20-13Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Attack error by Muys, Evan (block by Lentz, Patrick).so
21-13Point CSU - (Cosson, Adam) Service ace (Porter, Aaron).
21-14Point SXU - (Cosson, Adam) Kill by Mooney, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
22-14Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Kill by Spasic, Dusan (from Arquilla, Chris).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
23-14Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
23-15Point SXU - (Mooney, Joe) Service ace (Cosson, Adam).
23-16Point SXU - (Mooney, Joe) Attack error by Golden, Scott.
23-17Point SXU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Muys, Evan.
23-18Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Yerkes, Matt.
24-18Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
24-19Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
24-20Point SXU - (Zahalka, Joe) Attack error by Cosson, Adam.
24-21Point SXU - (Zahalka, Joe) Service ace (Cosson, Adam).
For CSU: Hartman, Collin.
24-22Point SXU - (Zahalka, Joe) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).
25-22Point CSU - (Zahalka, Joe) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so

2nd Set

For CSU: Tauaese, Alo; Hartman, Collin; Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick; Spasic, Dusan; Golden, Scott; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For SXU: O'Connell, John; Porter, Aaron; Zahalka, Joe; Capone, Mike; Maxwell, Kevin; Muys, Evan; libero Hernandez, Johnathon.
1-0Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
1-1Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
2-1Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
3-1Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Muys, Evan.
4-1Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by O'Connell, John.
5-1Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Muys, Evan.
5-2Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Lentz,
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
6-2Point CSU - (O'Connell, John) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
6-3Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Muys, Evan (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For SXU: Yerkes, Matt.
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
6-4Point SXU - (Yerkes, Matt) Service ace (Hartman, Collin).
7-4Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
7-5Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Zahalka, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
8-5Point CSU - (Zahalka, Joe) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
8-6Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
9-6Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo), block error by Maxwell,
9-7Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Service
For SXU: Muys, Evan.
9-8Point SXU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Attack error by Lentz, Patrick.
10-8Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Service
10-9Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by O'Connell, John (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
11-9Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Service
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
12-9Point CSU - (Ghassan, John) Ball handling error by Maxwell, Kevin.
12-10Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Zahalka, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
13-10Point CSU - (O'Connell, John) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
14-10Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Golden, Scott.
15-10Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Zahalka, Joe.
15-11Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Muys, Evan; Capone, Mike).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Yerkes, Matt.
16-11Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
16-12Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Capone,
For SXU: Cousin, Justin.
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
16-13Point SXU - (Cousin, Justin) Attack error by Hartman, Collin.
16-14Point SXU - (Cousin, Justin) Service ace (Arquilla, Chris).
16-15Point SXU - (Cousin, Justin) Service ace (Spasic, Dusan).
17-15Point CSU - (Cousin, Justin) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
For SXU: Zahalka, Joe.
18-15Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Porter, Aaron (block by Tauaese, Alo).
18-16Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
18-17Point SXU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin), block error by Tauaese, Alo.
19-17Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Spasic, Dusan).so
19-18Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Attack error by Spasic,
For SXU: Muys, Evan.
19-19Point SXU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Bad set by Tauaese, Alo.
20-19Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Service
21-19Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Porter, Aaron.
22-19Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by O'Connell, John.
For SXU: Mooney, Joe.
23-19Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).
23-20Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Muys, Evan (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
24-20Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
24-21Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Attack error by Golden,
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
24-22Point SXU - (Mooney, Joe) Attack error by Lentz, Patrick (block by Zahalka, Joe).
25-22Point CSU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so

3rd Set

For CSU: Hartman, Collin; Mader, Noah; Lentz, Patrick; Spasic, Dusan; Golden, Scott; Tauaese, Alo; libero Arquilla, Chris.
For SXU: Mooney, Joe; Muys, Evan; Zahalka, Joe; Capone, Mike; Maxwell, Kevin; Porter, Aaron; libero Hernandez, Johnathon.
1-0Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Bad set by Hernandez, Johnathon.
1-1Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
2-1Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Kill by Lentz, Patrick (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
2-2Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
For SXU: Cousin, Justin.
3-2Point CSU - (Cousin, Justin) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
For SXU: Zahalka, Joe.
3-3Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
3-4Point SXU - (Capone, Mike) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan.
3-5Point SXU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).
4-5Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
4-6Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Kill by Porter, Aaron (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Muys, Evan.
5-6Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
5-7Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
5-8Point SXU - (Porter, Aaron) Attack error by Hartman, Collin.
5-9Point SXU - (Porter, Aaron) Service ace (Spasic, Dusan).
6-9Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Attack error by Muys, Evan (block by Mader, Noah; Hartman, Collin).so
6-10Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Muys, Evan (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
7-10Point CSU - (Mooney, Joe) Attack error by Muys,
8-10Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Ball handling error by Maxwell, Kevin.
9-10Point CSU - (Hartman, Collin) Attack error by Muys, Evan.
9-11Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Zahalka, Joe (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For SXU: Yerkes, Matt.
10-11Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Service
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
10-12Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For SXU: Cousin, Justin.
For CSU: Mader, Noah.
10-13Point SXU - (Cousin, Justin) Attack error by Spasic, Dusan (block by Maxwell, Kevin; Capone, Mike).
11-13Point CSU - (Cousin, Justin) Service
For CSU: Hatae, West.
For SXU: Zahalka, Joe.
11-14Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Mooney, Joe.
12-14Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
12-15Point SXU - (Spasic, Dusan) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
For SXU: Muys, Evan.
13-15Point CSU - (Maxwell, Kevin) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Spasic, Dusan).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
14-15Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Muys, Evan.
Timeout Saint Xavier Univ..
15-15Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Tauaese, Alo (from Golden, Scott).
16-15Point CSU - (Golden, Scott) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).
16-16Point SXU - (Golden, Scott) Attack error by Hartman, Collin (block by Mooney, Joe; Muys, Evan).so
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
16-17Point SXU - (Porter, Aaron) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
16-18Point SXU - (Porter, Aaron) Attack error by Mader, Noah.
17-18Point CSU - (Porter, Aaron) Service
18-18Point CSU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Hartman, Collin (from Tauaese, Alo).
For SXU: Muys, Evan.
18-19Point SXU - (Tauaese, Alo) Kill by Yerkes, Matt (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
19-19Point CSU - (Mooney, Joe) Kill by Mader, Noah (from Tauaese, Alo).so
19-20Point SXU - (Hartman, Collin) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
20-20Point CSU - (Yerkes, Matt) Attack error by Capone, Mike (block by Spasic, Dusan; Lentz, Patrick; Mader, Noah).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
For SXU: Cousin, Justin.
20-21Point SXU - (Ghassan, John) Kill by Capone, Mike (from Maxwell, Kevin).so
For CSU: Ghassan, John.
21-21Point CSU - (Cousin, Justin) Attack error by Porter, Aaron (block by Golden, Scott).so
For CSU: Hatae, West.
22-21Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).
Timeout Saint Xavier Univ..
23-21Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).
For SXU: Cousin, Justin.
24-21Point CSU - (Hatae, West) Attack error by Capone, Mike.
24-22Point SXU - (Hatae, West) Service
For CSU: Lentz, Patrick.
24-23Point SXU - (Capone, Mike) Attack error by Golden, Scott.
25-23Point CSU - (Capone, Mike) Kill by Golden, Scott (from Tauaese, Alo).so