52 KiB
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1 | Package | License | |
2 | 0 | accountsservice-devel | GPLv3+ |
3 | 1 | ant | ASL 2.0 |
4 | 2 | ant-antlr | ASL 2.0 |
5 | 3 | ant-apache-bcel | ASL 2.0 |
6 | 4 | ant-apache-bsf | ASL 2.0 |
7 | 5 | ant-apache-log4j | ASL 2.0 |
8 | 6 | ant-apache-oro | ASL 2.0 |
9 | 7 | ant-apache-regexp | ASL 2.0 |
10 | 8 | ant-apache-resolver | ASL 2.0 |
11 | 9 | ant-apache-xalan2 | ASL 2.0 |
12 | 10 | ant-commons-logging | ASL 2.0 |
13 | 11 | ant-commons-net | ASL 2.0 |
14 | 12 | ant-contrib | ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 |
15 | 13 | ant-contrib-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 |
16 | 14 | ant-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
17 | 15 | ant-javamail | ASL 2.0 |
18 | 16 | ant-jdepend | ASL 2.0 |
19 | 17 | ant-jmf | ASL 2.0 |
20 | 18 | ant-jsch | ASL 2.0 |
21 | 19 | ant-junit | ASL 2.0 |
22 | 20 | ant-lib | ASL 2.0 |
23 | 21 | ant-manual | ASL 2.0 |
24 | 22 | ant-swing | ASL 2.0 |
25 | 23 | ant-testutil | ASL 2.0 |
26 | 24 | ant-xz | ASL 2.0 |
27 | 25 | antlr-C++ | ANTLR-PD |
28 | 26 | antlr-javadoc | ANTLR-PD |
29 | 27 | antlr-manual | ANTLR-PD |
30 | 28 | antlr-tool | ANTLR-PD |
31 | 29 | aopalliance | Public Domain |
32 | 30 | aopalliance-javadoc | Public Domain |
33 | 31 | apache-commons-beanutils | ASL 2.0 |
34 | 32 | apache-commons-beanutils-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
35 | 33 | apache-commons-cli | ASL 2.0 |
36 | 34 | apache-commons-cli-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
37 | 35 | apache-commons-codec | ASL 2.0 |
38 | 36 | apache-commons-codec-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
39 | 37 | apache-commons-collections | ASL 2.0 |
40 | 38 | apache-commons-collections-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
41 | 39 | apache-commons-collections-testframework | ASL 2.0 |
42 | 40 | apache-commons-compress | ASL 2.0 |
43 | 41 | apache-commons-compress-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
44 | 42 | apache-commons-exec | ASL 2.0 |
45 | 43 | apache-commons-exec-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
46 | 44 | apache-commons-io | ASL 2.0 |
47 | 45 | apache-commons-io-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
48 | 46 | apache-commons-jxpath | ASL 2.0 |
49 | 47 | apache-commons-jxpath-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
50 | 48 | apache-commons-lang | ASL 2.0 |
51 | 49 | apache-commons-lang-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
52 | 50 | apache-commons-lang3 | ASL 2.0 |
53 | 51 | apache-commons-lang3-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
54 | 52 | apache-commons-logging | ASL 2.0 |
55 | 53 | apache-commons-logging-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
56 | 54 | apache-commons-net | ASL 2.0 |
57 | 55 | apache-commons-net-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
58 | 56 | apache-commons-parent | ASL 2.0 |
59 | 57 | apache-ivy | ASL 2.0 |
60 | 58 | apache-ivy-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
61 | 59 | apache-parent | ASL 2.0 |
62 | 60 | apache-resource-bundles | ASL 2.0 |
63 | 61 | aqute-bnd | ASL 2.0 |
64 | 62 | aqute-bnd-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
65 | 63 | aqute-bndlib | ASL 2.0 |
66 | 64 | asciidoc-doc | GPL+ and GPLv2+ |
67 | 65 | aspell-devel | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and GPLv2+ and BSD |
68 | 66 | assertj-core | ASL 2.0 |
69 | 67 | assertj-core-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
70 | 68 | atinject | ASL 2.0 |
71 | 69 | atinject-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
72 | 70 | atinject-tck | ASL 2.0 |
73 | 71 | atkmm-devel | LGPLv2+ |
74 | 72 | atkmm-doc | LGPLv2+ |
75 | 73 | augeas-devel | LGPLv2+ |
76 | 74 | autoconf-archive | GPLv3+ with exceptions |
77 | 75 | autoconf213 | GPLv2+ |
78 | 76 | autogen | GPLv3+ |
79 | 77 | autotrace | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
80 | 78 | avahi-compat-howl | LGPLv2+ |
81 | 79 | avahi-compat-howl-devel | LGPLv2+ |
82 | 80 | avahi-compat-libdns_sd | LGPLv2+ |
83 | 81 | avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
84 | 82 | avahi-devel | LGPLv2+ |
85 | 83 | babl-devel | LGPLv3+ and GPLv3+ |
86 | 84 | babl-devel-docs | LGPLv3+ and GPLv3+ |
87 | 85 | bcc-devel | ASL 2.0 |
88 | 86 | bcc-doc | ASL 2.0 |
89 | 87 | bcel | ASL 2.0 |
90 | 88 | bcel-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
91 | 89 | beust-jcommander | ASL 2.0 |
92 | 90 | beust-jcommander-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
93 | 91 | bison-devel | GPLv3+ |
94 | 92 | blas-devel | BSD |
95 | 93 | bluez-libs-devel | GPLv2+ |
96 | 94 | bnd-maven-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
97 | 95 | boost-build | Boost and MIT and Python |
98 | 96 | boost-doc | Boost and MIT and Python |
99 | 97 | boost-examples | Boost and MIT and Python |
100 | 98 | boost-graph-mpich | Boost and MIT and Python |
101 | 99 | boost-graph-openmpi | Boost and MIT and Python |
102 | 100 | boost-jam | Boost and MIT and Python |
103 | 101 | boost-mpich | Boost and MIT and Python |
104 | 102 | boost-mpich-devel | Boost and MIT and Python |
105 | 103 | boost-mpich-python3 | Boost and MIT and Python |
106 | 104 | boost-numpy3 | Boost and MIT and Python |
107 | 105 | boost-openmpi | Boost and MIT and Python |
108 | 106 | boost-openmpi-devel | Boost and MIT and Python |
109 | 107 | boost-openmpi-python3 | Boost and MIT and Python |
110 | 108 | boost-python3 | Boost and MIT and Python |
111 | 109 | boost-python3-devel | Boost and MIT and Python |
112 | 110 | boost-static | Boost and MIT and Python |
113 | 111 | brasero-devel | GPLv3+ |
114 | 112 | brasero-libs | GPLv3+ |
115 | 113 | brlapi-devel | LGPLv2+ |
116 | 114 | brotli-devel | MIT |
117 | 115 | bsf | ASL 2.0 |
118 | 116 | bsf-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
119 | 117 | bsh | ASL 2.0 and BSD and Public Domain |
120 | 118 | bsh-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and BSD and Public Domain |
121 | 119 | bsh-manual | ASL 2.0 and BSD and Public Domain |
122 | 120 | byaccj | Public Domain |
123 | 121 | cairomm-devel | LGPLv2+ |
124 | 122 | cairomm-doc | LGPLv2+ |
125 | 123 | cal10n | MIT |
126 | 124 | cal10n-javadoc | MIT |
127 | 125 | cdi-api | ASL 2.0 |
128 | 126 | cdi-api-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
129 | 127 | cdparanoia-devel | LGPLv2 |
130 | 128 | celt051-devel | BSD |
131 | 129 | cglib | ASL 2.0 and BSD |
132 | 130 | cglib-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and BSD |
133 | 131 | clucene-contribs-lib | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
134 | 132 | clucene-core-devel | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
135 | 133 | clutter-devel | LGPLv2+ |
136 | 134 | clutter-doc | LGPLv2+ |
137 | 135 | clutter-gst3-devel | LGPLv2+ |
138 | 136 | clutter-gtk-devel | LGPLv2+ |
139 | 137 | codemodel | CDDL-1.1 or GPLv2 with exceptions |
140 | 138 | cogl-devel | LGPLv2+ |
141 | 139 | cogl-doc | LGPLv2+ |
142 | 140 | colord-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
143 | 141 | colord-devel-docs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
144 | 142 | colord-gtk-devel | LGPLv2+ |
145 | 143 | compat-guile18 | LGPLv2+ |
146 | 144 | compat-guile18-devel | LGPLv2+ |
147 | 145 | corosync-vqsim | BSD |
148 | 146 | cppcheck | GPLv3+ |
149 | 147 | cppunit | LGPLv2+ |
150 | 148 | cppunit-devel | LGPLv2+ |
151 | 149 | cppunit-doc | LGPLv2+ |
152 | 150 | cracklib-devel | LGPLv2+ |
153 | 151 | crash-devel | GPLv3 |
154 | 152 | ctags-etags | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and Public Domain |
155 | 153 | CUnit-devel | LGPLv2+ |
156 | 154 | cups-filters-devel | LGPLv2 and MIT |
157 | 155 | daxctl-devel | LGPLv2 |
158 | 156 | dblatex | GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and LPPL and DMIT and Public Domain |
159 | 157 | dbus-c++ | LGPLv2+ |
160 | 158 | dbus-c++-devel | LGPLv2+ |
161 | 159 | dbus-c++-glib | LGPLv2+ |
162 | 160 | dconf-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
163 | 161 | dejagnu | GPLv3+ |
164 | 162 | devhelp | GPLv2+ and LGPL2+ |
165 | 163 | devhelp-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPL2+ |
166 | 164 | device-mapper-devel | LGPLv2 |
167 | 165 | device-mapper-event-devel | LGPLv2 |
168 | 166 | device-mapper-multipath-devel | GPLv2 |
169 | 167 | djvulibre | GPLv2+ |
170 | 168 | djvulibre-devel | GPLv2+ |
171 | 169 | djvulibre-libs | GPLv2+ |
172 | 170 | docbook-style-dsssl | DMIT |
173 | 171 | docbook-utils | GPLv2+ |
174 | 172 | docbook2X | MIT |
175 | 173 | docbook5-schemas | Freely redistributable without restriction |
176 | 174 | dotconf-devel | LGPLv2 |
177 | 175 | dovecot | MIT and LGPLv2 |
178 | 176 | dovecot-devel | MIT and LGPLv2 |
179 | 177 | doxygen | GPL+ |
180 | 178 | doxygen-doxywizard | GPL+ |
181 | 179 | doxygen-latex | GPL+ |
182 | 180 | drpm-devel | LGPLv2+ and BSD |
183 | 181 | dtc | GPLv2+ |
184 | 182 | dwarves | GPLv2 |
185 | 183 | dyninst-devel | LGPLv2+ |
186 | 184 | dyninst-doc | LGPLv2+ |
187 | 185 | dyninst-static | LGPLv2+ |
188 | 186 | dyninst-testsuite | LGPLv2+ |
189 | 187 | easymock | ASL 2.0 |
190 | 188 | easymock-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
191 | 189 | eglexternalplatform-devel | MIT |
192 | 190 | eigen3-devel | MPLv2.0 and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
193 | 191 | elfutils-devel-static | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
194 | 192 | elfutils-libelf-devel-static | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
195 | 193 | elinks | GPLv2 |
196 | 194 | enca | GPLv2 |
197 | 195 | enca-devel | GPLv2 |
198 | 196 | enchant-devel | LGPLv2+ |
199 | 197 | enchant2-devel | LGPLv2+ |
200 | 198 | evolution-data-server-doc | LGPLv2+ |
201 | 199 | evolution-data-server-perl | LGPLv2+ |
202 | 200 | evolution-data-server-tests | LGPLv2+ |
203 | 201 | evolution-devel | GPLv2+ and GFDL |
204 | 202 | exec-maven-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
205 | 203 | exec-maven-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
206 | 204 | execstack | GPLv2+ |
207 | 205 | exempi-devel | BSD |
208 | 206 | exiv2 | GPLv2+ |
209 | 207 | exiv2-devel | GPLv2+ |
210 | 208 | exiv2-doc | GPLv2+ |
211 | 209 | exiv2-libs | GPLv2+ |
212 | 210 | felix-osgi-compendium | ASL 2.0 |
213 | 211 | felix-osgi-compendium-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
214 | 212 | felix-osgi-core | ASL 2.0 |
215 | 213 | felix-osgi-core-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
216 | 214 | felix-osgi-foundation | ASL 2.0 |
217 | 215 | felix-osgi-foundation-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
218 | 216 | felix-parent | ASL 2.0 |
219 | 217 | felix-utils | ASL 2.0 |
220 | 218 | felix-utils-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
221 | 219 | fftw-doc | GPLv2+ |
222 | 220 | file-devel | BSD |
223 | 221 | fipscheck-devel | BSD |
224 | 222 | flac | BSD and GPLv2+ and GFDL |
225 | 223 | flac-devel | BSD and GPLv2+ and GFDL |
226 | 224 | flex-devel | BSD and LGPLv2+ |
227 | 225 | flite | MIT |
228 | 226 | flite-devel | MIT |
229 | 227 | fltk-devel | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
230 | 228 | fontawesome-fonts-web | OFL and MIT |
231 | 229 | fontconfig-devel-doc | MIT and Public Domain and UCD |
232 | 230 | fontforge | GPLv3+ |
233 | 231 | fontpackages-devel | LGPLv3+ |
234 | 232 | forge-parent | ASL 2.0 |
235 | 233 | freeipmi-devel | GPLv3+ |
236 | 234 | freerdp-devel | ASL 2.0 |
237 | 235 | frei0r-devel | GPLv2+ |
238 | 236 | frei0r-plugins | GPLv2+ |
239 | 237 | fuse-sshfs | GPLv2 |
240 | 238 | fusesource-pom | ASL 2.0 |
241 | 239 | gamin-devel | LGPLv2 |
242 | 240 | gc-devel | BSD |
243 | 241 | gcc-plugin-devel | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
244 | 242 | gcc-toolset-9-dyninst-devel | LGPLv2+ |
245 | 243 | gcc-toolset-9-dyninst-doc | LGPLv2+ |
246 | 244 | gcc-toolset-9-dyninst-static | LGPLv2+ |
247 | 245 | gcc-toolset-9-dyninst-testsuite | LGPLv2+ |
248 | 246 | gcc-toolset-9-gcc-plugin-devel | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
249 | 247 | GConf2-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
250 | 248 | gdk-pixbuf2-xlib | LGPLv2+ |
251 | 249 | gdk-pixbuf2-xlib-devel | LGPLv2+ |
252 | 250 | gegl04-devel | LGPLv3+ |
253 | 251 | geoclue2-devel | GPLv2+ |
254 | 252 | geronimo-annotation | ASL 2.0 |
255 | 253 | geronimo-annotation-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
256 | 254 | geronimo-jms | ASL 2.0 |
257 | 255 | geronimo-jms-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
258 | 256 | geronimo-jpa | ASL 2.0 |
259 | 257 | geronimo-jpa-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
260 | 258 | geronimo-parent-poms | ASL 2.0 |
261 | 259 | gflags | BSD |
262 | 260 | gflags-devel | BSD |
263 | 261 | ghostscript-doc | AGPLv3+ |
264 | 262 | ghostscript-tools-dvipdf | AGPLv3+ |
265 | 263 | ghostscript-tools-fonts | AGPLv3+ |
266 | 264 | ghostscript-tools-printing | AGPLv3+ |
267 | 265 | ghostscript-x11 | AGPLv3+ |
268 | 266 | giflib-devel | MIT |
269 | 267 | gjs-devel | MIT and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) |
270 | 268 | glade-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
271 | 269 | glassfish-annotation-api | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
272 | 270 | glassfish-annotation-api-javadoc | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
273 | 271 | glassfish-el | CDDL-1.1 or GPLv2 with exceptions |
274 | 272 | glassfish-el-api | (CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions) and ASL 2.0 |
275 | 273 | glassfish-el-javadoc | CDDL-1.1 or GPLv2 with exceptions |
276 | 274 | glassfish-jsp-api | (CDDL-1.1 or GPLv2 with exceptions) and ASL 2.0 |
277 | 275 | glassfish-jsp-api-javadoc | (CDDL-1.1 or GPLv2 with exceptions) and ASL 2.0 |
278 | 276 | glassfish-legal | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
279 | 277 | glassfish-master-pom | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
280 | 278 | glassfish-servlet-api | (CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions) and ASL 2.0 |
281 | 279 | glassfish-servlet-api-javadoc | (CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions) and ASL 2.0 |
282 | 280 | glew-devel | BSD and MIT |
283 | 281 | glib2-doc | LGPLv2+ |
284 | 282 | glib2-static | LGPLv2+ |
285 | 283 | glibc-benchtests | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
286 | 284 | glibc-nss-devel | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
287 | 285 | glibc-static | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
288 | 286 | glibmm24-devel | LGPLv2+ |
289 | 287 | glibmm24-doc | LGPLv2+ |
290 | 288 | glm-devel | MIT |
291 | 289 | glm-doc | MIT |
292 | 290 | glog | BSD |
293 | 291 | glog-devel | BSD |
294 | 292 | glusterfs-api-devel | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
295 | 293 | glusterfs-devel | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
296 | 294 | gmock | BSD and ASL2.0 |
297 | 295 | gmock-devel | BSD and ASL2.0 |
298 | 296 | gnome-bluetooth | GPLv2+ |
299 | 297 | gnome-bluetooth-libs-devel | LGPLv2+ |
300 | 298 | gnome-common | GPLv2+ |
301 | 299 | gnome-menus-devel | LGPLv2+ |
302 | 300 | gnu-efi | BSD |
303 | 301 | gnu-efi-devel | BSD |
304 | 302 | gnuplot-doc | gnuplot and MIT |
305 | 303 | go-compilers-golang-compiler | GPLv3+ |
306 | 304 | gobject-introspection-devel | GPLv2+, LGPLv2+, MIT |
307 | 305 | google-guice | ASL 2.0 |
308 | 306 | google-guice-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
309 | 307 | google-noto-sans-cjk-jp-fonts | OFL |
310 | 308 | google-roboto-slab-fonts | ASL 2.0 |
311 | 309 | gperf | GPLv3+ |
312 | 310 | gpgme-devel | LGPLv2+ |
313 | 311 | gpgmepp-devel | LGPLv2+ |
314 | 312 | graphviz-devel | EPL-1.0 |
315 | 313 | graphviz-doc | EPL-1.0 |
316 | 314 | graphviz-gd | EPL-1.0 |
317 | 315 | graphviz-python3 | EPL-1.0 |
318 | 316 | grilo-devel | LGPLv2+ |
319 | 317 | groff | GPLv3+ and GFDL and BSD and MIT |
320 | 318 | gsm-devel | MIT |
321 | 319 | gspell-devel | LGPLv2+ |
322 | 320 | gspell-doc | LGPLv2+ |
323 | 321 | gssdp-devel | LGPLv2+ |
324 | 322 | gssdp-docs | LGPLv2+ |
325 | 323 | gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2 |
326 | 324 | gtest | BSD and ASL2.0 |
327 | 325 | gtest-devel | BSD and ASL2.0 |
328 | 326 | gtk-doc | GPLv2+ and GFDL |
329 | 327 | gtkmm24-devel | LGPLv2+ |
330 | 328 | gtkmm24-docs | LGPLv2+ |
331 | 329 | gtkmm30-devel | LGPLv2+ |
332 | 330 | gtkmm30-doc | LGPLv2+ |
333 | 331 | gtksourceview3-devel | LGPLv2+ |
334 | 332 | gtkspell | GPLv2+ |
335 | 333 | gtkspell-devel | GPLv2+ |
336 | 334 | gtkspell3-devel | GPLv2+ |
337 | 335 | guava20 | ASL 2.0 and CC0 |
338 | 336 | guava20-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and CC0 |
339 | 337 | guava20-testlib | ASL 2.0 and CC0 |
340 | 338 | guice-assistedinject | ASL 2.0 |
341 | 339 | guice-bom | ASL 2.0 |
342 | 340 | guice-extensions | ASL 2.0 |
343 | 341 | guice-grapher | ASL 2.0 |
344 | 342 | guice-jmx | ASL 2.0 |
345 | 343 | guice-jndi | ASL 2.0 |
346 | 344 | guice-multibindings | ASL 2.0 |
347 | 345 | guice-parent | ASL 2.0 |
348 | 346 | guice-servlet | ASL 2.0 |
349 | 347 | guice-testlib | ASL 2.0 |
350 | 348 | guice-throwingproviders | ASL 2.0 |
351 | 349 | guile-devel | LGPLv3+ |
352 | 350 | gupnp-devel | LGPLv2+ |
353 | 351 | gupnp-igd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
354 | 352 | gvfs | GPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and MPLv2.0 |
355 | 353 | hamcrest | BSD |
356 | 354 | hamcrest-core | BSD |
357 | 355 | hamcrest-demo | BSD |
358 | 356 | hamcrest-javadoc | BSD |
359 | 357 | hawtjni | ASL 2.0 and EPL-1.0 and BSD |
360 | 358 | hawtjni-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and EPL-1.0 and BSD |
361 | 359 | hawtjni-runtime | ASL 2.0 and EPL-1.0 and BSD |
362 | 360 | help2man | GPLv3+ |
363 | 361 | hesiod-devel | MIT |
364 | 362 | hivex | LGPLv2 |
365 | 363 | hivex-devel | LGPLv2 |
366 | 364 | http-parser-devel | MIT |
367 | 365 | httpcomponents-client | ASL 2.0 |
368 | 366 | httpcomponents-client-cache | ASL 2.0 |
369 | 367 | httpcomponents-client-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
370 | 368 | httpcomponents-core | ASL 2.0 |
371 | 369 | httpcomponents-core-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
372 | 370 | httpcomponents-project | ASL 2.0 |
373 | 371 | hwloc-devel | BSD |
374 | 372 | hyphen-devel | GPLv2 or LGPLv2+ or MPLv1.1 |
375 | 373 | ibus-devel | LGPLv2+ |
376 | 374 | ibus-devel-docs | LGPLv2+ |
377 | 375 | ilmbase-devel | BSD |
378 | 376 | ima-evm-utils-devel | GPLv2 |
379 | 377 | imake | MIT |
380 | 378 | iproute-devel | GPLv2+ |
381 | 379 | ipset-devel | GPLv2 |
382 | 380 | irssi-devel | GPLv2+ |
383 | 381 | isl-devel | MIT |
384 | 382 | iso-codes-devel | LGPLv2+ |
385 | 383 | isorelax | MIT and ASL 1.1 |
386 | 384 | isorelax-javadoc | MIT and ASL 1.1 |
387 | 385 | istack-commons | CDDL-1.1 and GPLv2 with exceptions |
388 | 386 | ivy-local | BSD |
389 | 387 | jakarta-commons-httpclient | ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or LGPLv2+) |
390 | 388 | jakarta-commons-httpclient-demo | ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or LGPLv2+) |
391 | 389 | jakarta-commons-httpclient-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or LGPLv2+) |
392 | 390 | jakarta-commons-httpclient-manual | ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or LGPLv2+) |
393 | 391 | jakarta-oro | ASL 1.1 |
394 | 392 | jakarta-oro-javadoc | ASL 1.1 |
395 | 393 | jansi | ASL 2.0 |
396 | 394 | jansi-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
397 | 395 | jansi-native | ASL 2.0 |
398 | 396 | jansi-native-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
399 | 397 | jasper-devel | JasPer |
400 | 398 | java_cup | MIT |
401 | 399 | java_cup-javadoc | MIT |
402 | 400 | java_cup-manual | MIT |
403 | 401 | javacc | BSD |
404 | 402 | javacc-demo | BSD |
405 | 403 | javacc-javadoc | BSD |
406 | 404 | javacc-manual | BSD |
407 | 405 | javacc-maven-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
408 | 406 | javacc-maven-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
409 | 407 | javamail | CDDL-1.0 or GPLv2 with exceptions |
410 | 408 | javamail-javadoc | CDDL-1.0 or GPLv2 with exceptions |
411 | 409 | javapackages-filesystem | BSD |
412 | 410 | javapackages-local | BSD |
413 | 411 | javapackages-tools | BSD |
414 | 412 | javassist | MPLv1.1 or LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
415 | 413 | javassist-javadoc | MPLv1.1 or LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
416 | 414 | jaxen | BSD and W3C |
417 | 415 | jaxen-demo | BSD and W3C |
418 | 416 | jaxen-javadoc | BSD and W3C |
419 | 417 | jbigkit-devel | GPLv2+ |
420 | 418 | jboss-interceptors-1.2-api | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
421 | 419 | jboss-interceptors-1.2-api-javadoc | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
422 | 420 | jboss-parent | CC0 |
423 | 421 | jcl-over-slf4j | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
424 | 422 | jdepend | BSD |
425 | 423 | jdepend-demo | BSD |
426 | 424 | jdepend-javadoc | BSD |
427 | 425 | jdependency | ASL 2.0 |
428 | 426 | jdependency-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
429 | 427 | jdom | Saxpath |
430 | 428 | jdom-demo | Saxpath |
431 | 429 | jdom-javadoc | Saxpath |
432 | 430 | jdom2 | Saxpath |
433 | 431 | jdom2-javadoc | Saxpath |
434 | 432 | jflex | BSD |
435 | 433 | jflex-javadoc | BSD |
436 | 434 | jimtcl-devel | BSD |
437 | 435 | jline | BSD |
438 | 436 | jline-javadoc | BSD |
439 | 437 | js-uglify | BSD |
440 | 438 | jsch | BSD |
441 | 439 | jsch-javadoc | BSD |
442 | 440 | json-c-devel | MIT |
443 | 441 | json-c-doc | MIT |
444 | 442 | json-glib-devel | LGPLv2+ |
445 | 443 | jsoup | MIT |
446 | 444 | jsoup-javadoc | MIT |
447 | 445 | jsr-305 | BSD and CC-BY |
448 | 446 | jsr-305-javadoc | BSD and CC-BY |
449 | 447 | jtidy | zlib |
450 | 448 | jtidy-javadoc | zlib |
451 | 449 | jul-to-slf4j | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
452 | 450 | junit | EPL-1.0 |
453 | 451 | junit-javadoc | EPL-1.0 |
454 | 452 | junit-manual | EPL-1.0 |
455 | 453 | jvnet-parent | ASL 2.0 |
456 | 454 | jzlib | BSD |
457 | 455 | jzlib-demo | BSD |
458 | 456 | jzlib-javadoc | BSD |
459 | 457 | kernel-tools-libs-devel | GPLv2 |
460 | 458 | keybinder3-devel | MIT |
461 | 459 | keybinder3-doc | MIT |
462 | 460 | kmod-devel | GPLv2+ |
463 | 461 | ladspa | LGPLv2+ |
464 | 462 | ladspa-devel | LGPLv2+ |
465 | 463 | lame-devel | GPLv2+ |
466 | 464 | lapack-devel | BSD |
467 | 465 | lapack-static | BSD |
468 | 466 | latex2html | GPLv2+ |
469 | 467 | lcms2-devel | MIT |
470 | 468 | ldns-devel | BSD |
471 | 469 | lensfun | LGPLv3 and CC-BY-SA |
472 | 470 | lensfun-devel | LGPLv3 |
473 | 471 | leptonica | BSD and Leptonica |
474 | 472 | leptonica-devel | BSD and Leptonica |
475 | 473 | libaec | BSD |
476 | 474 | libaec-devel | BSD |
477 | 475 | libao-devel | GPLv2+ |
478 | 476 | libappindicator-gtk3-devel | LGPLv2 and LGPLv3 |
479 | 477 | libappstream-glib-devel | LGPLv2+ |
480 | 478 | libarchive-devel | BSD |
481 | 479 | libassuan-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
482 | 480 | libasyncns-devel | LGPLv2+ |
483 | 481 | libatasmart-devel | LGPLv2+ |
484 | 482 | libatomic_ops-devel | GPLv2 and MIT |
485 | 483 | libbasicobjects-devel | GPLv3+ |
486 | 484 | libbpf-devel | LGPLv2 or BSD |
487 | 485 | libbpf-static | LGPLv2 or BSD |
488 | 486 | libburn-devel | GPLv2+ |
489 | 487 | libcacard-devel | LGPLv2+ |
490 | 488 | libcdio-devel | GPLv3+ |
491 | 489 | libcdio-paranoia-devel | GPLv3+ |
492 | 490 | libcephfs-devel | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
493 | 491 | libcephfs2 | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
494 | 492 | libchamplain | LGPLv2+ |
495 | 493 | libchamplain-devel | LGPLv2+ |
496 | 494 | libchamplain-gtk | LGPLv2+ |
497 | 495 | libcmocka | ASL 2.0 |
498 | 496 | libcmocka-devel | ASL 2.0 |
499 | 497 | libcollection-devel | LGPLv3+ |
500 | 498 | libconfig-devel | LGPLv2+ |
501 | 499 | libcroco-devel | LGPLv2 |
502 | 500 | libcxl-devel | ASL 2.0 |
503 | 501 | libdaemon-devel | LGPLv2+ |
504 | 502 | libdap | LGPLv2+ |
505 | 503 | libdap-devel | LGPLv2+ |
506 | 504 | libdatrie-devel | LGPLv2+ |
507 | 505 | libdb-cxx | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
508 | 506 | libdb-cxx-devel | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
509 | 507 | libdb-devel-doc | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
510 | 508 | libdb-sql | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
511 | 509 | libdb-sql-devel | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
512 | 510 | libdbusmenu-devel | LGPLv3 or LGPLv2 and GPLv3 |
513 | 511 | libdbusmenu-doc | LGPLv3 or LGPLv2 and GPLv3 |
514 | 512 | libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel | LGPLv3 or LGPLv2 and GPLv3 |
515 | 513 | libdnet | BSD |
516 | 514 | libdnet-devel | BSD |
517 | 515 | libdv | LGPLv2+ |
518 | 516 | libdv-devel | LGPLv2+ |
519 | 517 | libdvdread-devel | GPLv2+ |
520 | 518 | libdwarf | LGPLv2 |
521 | 519 | libdwarf-devel | LGPLv2 |
522 | 520 | libdwarf-static | LGPLv2 |
523 | 521 | libdwarf-tools | GPLv2 |
524 | 522 | libdwarves1 | GPLv2 |
525 | 523 | libedit-devel | BSD |
526 | 524 | libEMF | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
527 | 525 | libEMF-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
528 | 526 | libeot | MPLv2.0 |
529 | 527 | libetonyek | MPLv2.0 |
530 | 528 | libetonyek-devel | MPLv2.0 |
531 | 529 | libevdev-devel | MIT |
532 | 530 | libexif-devel | LGPLv2+ |
533 | 531 | libfabric-devel | BSD or GPLv2 |
534 | 532 | libfdt | GPLv2+ |
535 | 533 | libfdt-devel | GPLv2+ |
536 | 534 | libfontenc-devel | MIT |
537 | 535 | libgee-devel | LGPLv2+ |
538 | 536 | libgexiv2 | GPLv2+ |
539 | 537 | libgexiv2-devel | GPLv2+ |
540 | 538 | libgit2-devel | GPLv2 with exceptions |
541 | 539 | libgit2-glib-devel | LGPLv2+ |
542 | 540 | libGLEW | BSD and MIT |
543 | 541 | libgnomekbd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
544 | 542 | libgphoto2-devel | GPLv2+ and GPLv2 |
545 | 543 | libgpod | LGPLv2+ |
546 | 544 | libgpod-devel | LGPLv2+ |
547 | 545 | libgpod-doc | GFDL |
548 | 546 | libgs-devel | AGPLv3+ |
549 | 547 | libgsf | LGPLv2 |
550 | 548 | libgsf-devel | LGPLv2 |
551 | 549 | libgtop2-devel | GPLv2+ |
552 | 550 | libgudev-devel | LGPLv2+ |
553 | 551 | libguestfs-winsupport | GPLv2+ |
554 | 552 | libgusb-devel | LGPLv2+ |
555 | 553 | libgxps-devel | LGPLv2+ |
556 | 554 | libhbaapi-devel | SNIA |
557 | 555 | libIDL | LGPLv2+ |
558 | 556 | libIDL-devel | LGPLv2+ |
559 | 557 | libidn-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and GFDL |
560 | 558 | libidn2-devel | (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) and GPLv3+ |
561 | 559 | libiec61883-devel | LGPLv2+ |
562 | 560 | libimobiledevice | LGPLv2+ |
563 | 561 | libimobiledevice-devel | LGPLv2+ |
564 | 562 | libindicator-gtk3-devel | GPLv3 |
565 | 563 | libini_config-devel | LGPLv3+ |
566 | 564 | libinput-devel | MIT |
567 | 565 | libiscsi | LGPLv2+ |
568 | 566 | libiscsi-devel | LGPLv2+ |
569 | 567 | libiscsi-utils | GPLv2+ |
570 | 568 | libisoburn-devel | GPLv2+ |
571 | 569 | libisofs-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
572 | 570 | libknet1 | LGPLv2+ |
573 | 571 | libknet1-devel | LGPLv2+ |
574 | 572 | libksba-devel | (LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+) and GPLv3+ |
575 | 573 | liblangtag | LGPLv3+ or MPLv2.0 |
576 | 574 | liblangtag-data | UCD |
577 | 575 | liblangtag-devel | LGPLv3+ or MPLv2.0 |
578 | 576 | liblangtag-doc | LGPLv3+ or MPLv2.0 |
579 | 577 | liblangtag-gobject | LGPLv3+ or MPLv2.0 |
580 | 578 | liblockfile-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
581 | 579 | libmad | GPLv2+ |
582 | 580 | libmad-devel | GPLv2+ |
583 | 581 | libmemcached | BSD |
584 | 582 | libmemcached-devel | BSD |
585 | 583 | libmicrohttpd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
586 | 584 | libmicrohttpd-doc | LGPLv2+ |
587 | 585 | libmnl-devel | LGPLv2+ |
588 | 586 | libmodulemd-devel | MIT |
589 | 587 | libmount-devel | LGPLv2+ |
590 | 588 | libmpc-devel | LGPLv3+ and GFDL |
591 | 589 | libmpcdec-devel | BSD |
592 | 590 | libmspack | LGPLv2 |
593 | 591 | libmspack-devel | LGPLv2 |
594 | 592 | libmtp-devel | LGPLv2+ |
595 | 593 | libmusicbrainz5-devel | LGPLv2 |
596 | 594 | libnet-devel | BSD |
597 | 595 | libnetfilter_conntrack-devel | GPLv2+ |
598 | 596 | libnetfilter_queue-devel | GPLv2 |
599 | 597 | libnfnetlink-devel | GPLv2+ |
600 | 598 | libnfsidmap-devel | MIT and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and BSD |
601 | 599 | libnftnl-devel | GPLv2+ |
602 | 600 | libnghttp2-devel | MIT |
603 | 601 | libnice-devel | LGPLv2 and MPLv1.1 |
604 | 602 | libnma-devel | GPLv2+ |
605 | 603 | libnsl2-devel | BSD and LGPLv2+ |
606 | 604 | libocxl-devel | ASL 2.0 |
607 | 605 | libocxl-docs | ASL 2.0 |
608 | 606 | libodfgen | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
609 | 607 | libodfgen-devel | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
610 | 608 | libogg-devel | BSD |
611 | 609 | libogg-devel-docs | BSD |
612 | 610 | liboggz | BSD |
613 | 611 | libopenraw-devel | LGPLv3+ |
614 | 612 | libopenraw-gnome | LGPLv3+ |
615 | 613 | libopenraw-gnome-devel | LGPLv3+ |
616 | 614 | libpaper-devel | GPLv2 |
617 | 615 | libpath_utils-devel | LGPLv3+ |
618 | 616 | libpcap-devel | BSD with advertising |
619 | 617 | libpciaccess-devel | MIT |
620 | 618 | libpeas-devel | LGPLv2+ |
621 | 619 | libpeas-gtk | LGPLv2+ |
622 | 620 | libpfm-static | MIT |
623 | 621 | libplist | LGPLv2+ |
624 | 622 | libplist-devel | LGPLv2+ |
625 | 623 | libpmem-debug | BSD |
626 | 624 | libpmemblk-debug | BSD |
627 | 625 | libpmemlog-debug | BSD |
628 | 626 | libpmemobj-debug | BSD |
629 | 627 | libpmempool-debug | BSD |
630 | 628 | libproxy-devel | LGPLv2+ |
631 | 629 | libpsm2-devel | BSD or GPLv2 |
632 | 630 | libpurple-devel | BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
633 | 631 | libpwquality-devel | BSD or GPLv2+ |
634 | 632 | libqhull | Qhull |
635 | 633 | libqhull_p | Qhull |
636 | 634 | libqhull_r | Qhull |
637 | 635 | libquvi | AGPLv3+ |
638 | 636 | libquvi-devel | AGPLv3+ |
639 | 637 | libquvi-scripts | AGPLv3+ |
640 | 638 | librabbitmq-devel | MIT |
641 | 639 | librados-devel | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
642 | 640 | libradosstriper-devel | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
643 | 641 | libradosstriper1 | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
644 | 642 | LibRaw-devel | BSD and (CDDL or LGPLv2) |
645 | 643 | libraw1394-devel | LGPLv2+ |
646 | 644 | librbd-devel | LGPL-2.1 and CC-BY-SA-1.0 and GPL-2.0 and BSL-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and MIT |
647 | 645 | librdkafka-devel | BSD |
648 | 646 | libref_array-devel | LGPLv3+ |
649 | 647 | libreoffice-gtk2 | (MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0 |
650 | 648 | libreoffice-sdk | (MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0 |
651 | 649 | libreoffice-sdk-doc | (MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0 |
652 | 650 | libreoffice-x11 | (MPLv1.1 or LGPLv3+) and LGPLv3 and LGPLv2+ and BSD and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2 or LGPLv2 or Netscape) and Public Domain and ASL 2.0 and MPLv2.0 and CC0 |
653 | 651 | librevenge-devel | (LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0) and BSD |
654 | 652 | librpmem-debug | BSD |
655 | 653 | librx | GPLv2+ |
656 | 654 | librx-devel | GPLv2+ |
657 | 655 | libsamplerate-devel | BSD |
658 | 656 | libsass | MIT |
659 | 657 | libsass-devel | MIT |
660 | 658 | libseccomp-devel | LGPLv2 |
661 | 659 | libsepol-static | LGPLv2+ |
662 | 660 | libshout-devel | LGPLv2+ |
663 | 661 | libsigc++20-devel | LGPLv2+ |
664 | 662 | libsigc++20-doc | LGPLv2+ |
665 | 663 | libsigsegv-devel | GPLv2+ |
666 | 664 | libsmbclient-devel | GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
667 | 665 | libsndfile-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and BSD |
668 | 666 | libspectre-devel | GPLv2+ |
669 | 667 | libsrtp-devel | BSD |
670 | 668 | libsss_nss_idmap-devel | LGPLv3+ |
671 | 669 | libstdc++-static | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
672 | 670 | libstemmer-devel | BSD |
673 | 671 | libsysfs-devel | LGPLv2+ |
674 | 672 | libthai-devel | LGPLv2+ |
675 | 673 | libtheora-devel | BSD |
676 | 674 | libtiff-tools | libtiff |
677 | 675 | libucil-devel | GPLv2+ |
678 | 676 | libunicap-devel | GPLv2+ |
679 | 677 | libuninameslist | BSD |
680 | 678 | libunistring-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
681 | 679 | libusb-devel | LGPLv2+ |
682 | 680 | libusbmuxd | LGPLv2+ |
683 | 681 | libusbmuxd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
684 | 682 | libutempter-devel | LGPLv2+ |
685 | 683 | libv4l-devel | LGPLv2+ |
686 | 684 | libvarlink-devel | ASL 2.0 |
687 | 685 | libvdpau-devel | MIT |
688 | 686 | libvirt | LGPLv2+ |
689 | 687 | libvirt-admin | LGPLv2+ |
690 | 688 | libvirt-bash-completion | LGPLv2+ |
691 | 689 | libvirt-client | LGPLv2+ |
692 | 690 | libvirt-daemon | LGPLv2+ |
693 | 691 | libvirt-daemon-config-network | LGPLv2+ |
694 | 692 | libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter | LGPLv2+ |
695 | 693 | libvirt-daemon-driver-interface | LGPLv2+ |
696 | 694 | libvirt-daemon-driver-network | LGPLv2+ |
697 | 695 | libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev | LGPLv2+ |
698 | 696 | libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter | LGPLv2+ |
699 | 697 | libvirt-daemon-driver-secret | LGPLv2+ |
700 | 698 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage | LGPLv2+ |
701 | 699 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core | LGPLv2+ |
702 | 700 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk | LGPLv2+ |
703 | 701 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi | LGPLv2+ |
704 | 702 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical | LGPLv2+ |
705 | 703 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath | LGPLv2+ |
706 | 704 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd | LGPLv2+ |
707 | 705 | libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi | LGPLv2+ |
708 | 706 | libvirt-dbus | LGPLv2+ |
709 | 707 | libvirt-devel | LGPLv2+ |
710 | 708 | libvirt-docs | LGPLv2+ |
711 | 709 | libvirt-glib | LGPLv2+ |
712 | 710 | libvirt-libs | LGPLv2+ |
713 | 711 | libvirt-nss | LGPLv2+ |
714 | 712 | libvisio | MPLv2.0 |
715 | 713 | libvisio-devel | MPLv2.0 |
716 | 714 | libvisual-devel | LGPLv2+ |
717 | 715 | libvmem-debug | BSD |
718 | 716 | libvmmalloc-debug | BSD |
719 | 717 | libvncserver | GPLv2+ |
720 | 718 | libvncserver-devel | GPLv2+ |
721 | 719 | libvorbis-devel | BSD |
722 | 720 | libvorbis-devel-docs | BSD |
723 | 721 | libvpd-devel | LGPLv2+ |
724 | 722 | libvpx-devel | BSD |
725 | 723 | libwacom-devel | MIT |
726 | 724 | libwbclient-devel | GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
727 | 725 | libwmf-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and GPL+ |
728 | 726 | libwnck3-devel | LGPLv2+ |
729 | 727 | libwpd-devel | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
730 | 728 | libwpd-doc | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
731 | 729 | libwpg-devel | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
732 | 730 | libwpg-doc | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
733 | 731 | libwps | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
734 | 732 | libwps-devel | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
735 | 733 | libwps-doc | LGPLv2+ or MPLv2.0 |
736 | 734 | libwsman-devel | BSD |
737 | 735 | libxcrypt-static | LGPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain |
738 | 736 | libXdmcp-devel | MIT |
739 | 737 | libXfont2-devel | MIT |
740 | 738 | libxkbcommon-x11 | MIT |
741 | 739 | libxkbcommon-x11-devel | MIT |
742 | 740 | libxkbfile-devel | MIT |
743 | 741 | libxklavier-devel | LGPLv2+ |
744 | 742 | libXNVCtrl-devel | GPLv2+ |
745 | 743 | libXres-devel | MIT |
746 | 744 | libXvMC-devel | MIT |
747 | 745 | libyaml-devel | MIT |
748 | 746 | linuxdoc-tools | MIT |
749 | 747 | lockdev-devel | LGPLv2 |
750 | 748 | log4j-over-slf4j | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
751 | 749 | log4j12 | ASL 2.0 |
752 | 750 | log4j12-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
753 | 751 | lttng-ust-devel | LGPLv2 and GPLv2 and MIT |
754 | 752 | lua | MIT |
755 | 753 | lua-devel | MIT |
756 | 754 | lua-expat | MIT |
757 | 755 | lua-filesystem | MIT |
758 | 756 | lua-json | MIT |
759 | 757 | lua-lpeg | MIT |
760 | 758 | lua-lunit | MIT |
761 | 759 | lua-posix | MIT |
762 | 760 | lua-socket | MIT |
763 | 761 | lvm2-devel | LGPLv2 |
764 | 762 | lynx | GPLv2 |
765 | 763 | maven | ASL 2.0 and MIT |
766 | 764 | maven-antrun-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
767 | 765 | maven-antrun-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
768 | 766 | maven-archiver | ASL 2.0 |
769 | 767 | maven-archiver-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
770 | 768 | maven-artifact | ASL 2.0 |
771 | 769 | maven-artifact-manager | ASL 2.0 |
772 | 770 | maven-artifact-resolver | ASL 2.0 |
773 | 771 | maven-artifact-resolver-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
774 | 772 | maven-artifact-transfer | ASL 2.0 |
775 | 773 | maven-artifact-transfer-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
776 | 774 | maven-assembly-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
777 | 775 | maven-assembly-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
778 | 776 | maven-cal10n-plugin | MIT |
779 | 777 | maven-clean-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
780 | 778 | maven-clean-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
781 | 779 | maven-common-artifact-filters | ASL 2.0 |
782 | 780 | maven-common-artifact-filters-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
783 | 781 | maven-compiler-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
784 | 782 | maven-compiler-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
785 | 783 | maven-dependency-analyzer | ASL 2.0 |
786 | 784 | maven-dependency-analyzer-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
787 | 785 | maven-dependency-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
788 | 786 | maven-dependency-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
789 | 787 | maven-dependency-tree | ASL 2.0 |
790 | 788 | maven-dependency-tree-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
791 | 789 | maven-doxia | ASL 2.0 |
792 | 790 | maven-doxia-core | ASL 2.0 |
793 | 791 | maven-doxia-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
794 | 792 | maven-doxia-logging-api | ASL 2.0 |
795 | 793 | maven-doxia-module-apt | ASL 2.0 |
796 | 794 | maven-doxia-module-confluence | ASL 2.0 |
797 | 795 | maven-doxia-module-docbook-simple | ASL 2.0 |
798 | 796 | maven-doxia-module-fml | ASL 2.0 |
799 | 797 | maven-doxia-module-latex | ASL 2.0 |
800 | 798 | maven-doxia-module-rtf | ASL 2.0 |
801 | 799 | maven-doxia-module-twiki | ASL 2.0 |
802 | 800 | maven-doxia-module-xdoc | ASL 2.0 |
803 | 801 | maven-doxia-module-xhtml | ASL 2.0 |
804 | 802 | maven-doxia-modules | ASL 2.0 |
805 | 803 | maven-doxia-sink-api | ASL 2.0 |
806 | 804 | maven-doxia-sitetools | ASL 2.0 |
807 | 805 | maven-doxia-sitetools-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
808 | 806 | maven-doxia-test-docs | ASL 2.0 |
809 | 807 | maven-doxia-tests | ASL 2.0 |
810 | 808 | maven-enforcer | ASL 2.0 |
811 | 809 | maven-enforcer-api | ASL 2.0 |
812 | 810 | maven-enforcer-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
813 | 811 | maven-enforcer-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
814 | 812 | maven-enforcer-rules | ASL 2.0 |
815 | 813 | maven-failsafe-plugin | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
816 | 814 | maven-file-management | ASL 2.0 |
817 | 815 | maven-file-management-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
818 | 816 | maven-filtering | ASL 2.0 |
819 | 817 | maven-filtering-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
820 | 818 | maven-hawtjni-plugin | ASL 2.0 and EPL-1.0 and BSD |
821 | 819 | maven-install-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
822 | 820 | maven-install-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
823 | 821 | maven-invoker | ASL 2.0 |
824 | 822 | maven-invoker-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
825 | 823 | maven-invoker-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
826 | 824 | maven-invoker-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
827 | 825 | maven-jar-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
828 | 826 | maven-jar-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
829 | 827 | maven-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and MIT |
830 | 828 | maven-lib | ASL 2.0 and MIT |
831 | 829 | maven-local | BSD |
832 | 830 | maven-model | ASL 2.0 |
833 | 831 | maven-monitor | ASL 2.0 |
834 | 832 | maven-parent | ASL 2.0 |
835 | 833 | maven-plugin-annotations | ASL 2.0 |
836 | 834 | maven-plugin-build-helper | MIT |
837 | 835 | maven-plugin-build-helper-javadoc | MIT |
838 | 836 | maven-plugin-bundle | ASL 2.0 |
839 | 837 | maven-plugin-bundle-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
840 | 838 | maven-plugin-descriptor | ASL 2.0 |
841 | 839 | maven-plugin-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
842 | 840 | maven-plugin-registry | ASL 2.0 |
843 | 841 | maven-plugin-testing | ASL 2.0 |
844 | 842 | maven-plugin-testing-harness | ASL 2.0 |
845 | 843 | maven-plugin-testing-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
846 | 844 | maven-plugin-testing-tools | ASL 2.0 |
847 | 845 | maven-plugin-tools | ASL 2.0 |
848 | 846 | maven-plugin-tools-annotations | ASL 2.0 |
849 | 847 | maven-plugin-tools-ant | ASL 2.0 |
850 | 848 | maven-plugin-tools-api | ASL 2.0 |
851 | 849 | maven-plugin-tools-beanshell | ASL 2.0 |
852 | 850 | maven-plugin-tools-generators | ASL 2.0 |
853 | 851 | maven-plugin-tools-java | ASL 2.0 |
854 | 852 | maven-plugin-tools-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
855 | 853 | maven-plugin-tools-javadocs | ASL 2.0 |
856 | 854 | maven-plugin-tools-model | ASL 2.0 |
857 | 855 | maven-plugins-pom | ASL 2.0 |
858 | 856 | maven-profile | ASL 2.0 |
859 | 857 | maven-project | ASL 2.0 |
860 | 858 | maven-remote-resources-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
861 | 859 | maven-remote-resources-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
862 | 860 | maven-reporting-api | ASL 2.0 |
863 | 861 | maven-reporting-api-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
864 | 862 | maven-reporting-impl | ASL 2.0 |
865 | 863 | maven-reporting-impl-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
866 | 864 | maven-resolver | ASL 2.0 |
867 | 865 | maven-resolver-api | ASL 2.0 |
868 | 866 | maven-resolver-connector-basic | ASL 2.0 |
869 | 867 | maven-resolver-impl | ASL 2.0 |
870 | 868 | maven-resolver-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
871 | 869 | maven-resolver-spi | ASL 2.0 |
872 | 870 | maven-resolver-test-util | ASL 2.0 |
873 | 871 | maven-resolver-transport-classpath | ASL 2.0 |
874 | 872 | maven-resolver-transport-file | ASL 2.0 |
875 | 873 | maven-resolver-transport-http | ASL 2.0 |
876 | 874 | maven-resolver-transport-wagon | ASL 2.0 |
877 | 875 | maven-resolver-util | ASL 2.0 |
878 | 876 | maven-resources-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
879 | 877 | maven-resources-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
880 | 878 | maven-script | ASL 2.0 |
881 | 879 | maven-script-ant | ASL 2.0 |
882 | 880 | maven-script-beanshell | ASL 2.0 |
883 | 881 | maven-script-interpreter | ASL 2.0 |
884 | 882 | maven-script-interpreter-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
885 | 883 | maven-settings | ASL 2.0 |
886 | 884 | maven-shade-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
887 | 885 | maven-shade-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
888 | 886 | maven-shared | ASL 2.0 |
889 | 887 | maven-shared-incremental | ASL 2.0 |
890 | 888 | maven-shared-incremental-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
891 | 889 | maven-shared-io | ASL 2.0 |
892 | 890 | maven-shared-io-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
893 | 891 | maven-shared-utils | ASL 2.0 |
894 | 892 | maven-shared-utils-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
895 | 893 | maven-source-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
896 | 894 | maven-source-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
897 | 895 | maven-surefire | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
898 | 896 | maven-surefire-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
899 | 897 | maven-surefire-plugin | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
900 | 898 | maven-surefire-provider-junit | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
901 | 899 | maven-surefire-provider-testng | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
902 | 900 | maven-surefire-report-parser | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
903 | 901 | maven-surefire-report-plugin | ASL 2.0 and CPL |
904 | 902 | maven-test-tools | ASL 2.0 |
905 | 903 | maven-toolchain | ASL 2.0 |
906 | 904 | maven-verifier | ASL 2.0 |
907 | 905 | maven-verifier-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
908 | 906 | maven-wagon | ASL 2.0 |
909 | 907 | maven-wagon-file | ASL 2.0 |
910 | 908 | maven-wagon-ftp | ASL 2.0 |
911 | 909 | maven-wagon-http | ASL 2.0 |
912 | 910 | maven-wagon-http-lightweight | ASL 2.0 |
913 | 911 | maven-wagon-http-shared | ASL 2.0 |
914 | 912 | maven-wagon-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
915 | 913 | maven-wagon-provider-api | ASL 2.0 |
916 | 914 | maven-wagon-providers | ASL 2.0 |
917 | 915 | maven2-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
918 | 916 | memkind-devel | BSD |
919 | 917 | mesa-libgbm-devel | MIT |
920 | 918 | mesa-libOSMesa-devel | MIT |
921 | 919 | meson | ASL 2.0 |
922 | 920 | metis | ASL 2.0 and BSD and LGPLv2+ |
923 | 921 | metis-devel | ASL 2.0 and BSD and LGPLv2+ |
924 | 922 | mingw-binutils-generic | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
925 | 923 | mingw-filesystem-base | GPLv2+ |
926 | 924 | mingw32-binutils | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
927 | 925 | mingw32-bzip2 | BSD |
928 | 926 | mingw32-bzip2-static | BSD |
929 | 927 | mingw32-cairo | LGPLv2 or MPLv1.1 |
930 | 928 | mingw32-cpp | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
931 | 929 | mingw32-crt | Public Domain and ZPLv2.1 |
932 | 930 | mingw32-expat | MIT |
933 | 931 | mingw32-filesystem | GPLv2+ |
934 | 932 | mingw32-fontconfig | MIT |
935 | 933 | mingw32-freetype | FTL or GPLv2+ |
936 | 934 | mingw32-freetype-static | FTL or GPLv2+ |
937 | 935 | mingw32-gcc | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
938 | 936 | mingw32-gcc-c++ | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
939 | 937 | mingw32-gettext | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
940 | 938 | mingw32-gettext-static | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
941 | 939 | mingw32-glib2 | LGPLv2+ |
942 | 940 | mingw32-glib2-static | LGPLv2+ |
943 | 941 | mingw32-gstreamer1 | LGPLv2+ |
944 | 942 | mingw32-harfbuzz | MIT |
945 | 943 | mingw32-harfbuzz-static | MIT |
946 | 944 | mingw32-headers | Public Domain and LGPLv2+ and ZPLv2.1 |
947 | 945 | mingw32-icu | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
948 | 946 | mingw32-libffi | BSD |
949 | 947 | mingw32-libjpeg-turbo | wxWidgets |
950 | 948 | mingw32-libjpeg-turbo-static | wxWidgets |
951 | 949 | mingw32-libpng | zlib |
952 | 950 | mingw32-libpng-static | zlib |
953 | 951 | mingw32-libtiff | libtiff |
954 | 952 | mingw32-libtiff-static | libtiff |
955 | 953 | mingw32-openssl | OpenSSL |
956 | 954 | mingw32-pcre | BSD |
957 | 955 | mingw32-pcre-static | BSD |
958 | 956 | mingw32-pixman | MIT |
959 | 957 | mingw32-pkg-config | GPLv2+ |
960 | 958 | mingw32-readline | GPLv2+ |
961 | 959 | mingw32-spice-vdagent | GPLv2+ |
962 | 960 | mingw32-sqlite | Public Domain |
963 | 961 | mingw32-sqlite-static | Public Domain |
964 | 962 | mingw32-termcap | GPLv2+ |
965 | 963 | mingw32-win-iconv | Public Domain |
966 | 964 | mingw32-win-iconv-static | Public Domain |
967 | 965 | mingw32-winpthreads | MIT and BSD |
968 | 966 | mingw32-winpthreads-static | MIT and BSD |
969 | 967 | mingw32-zlib | zlib |
970 | 968 | mingw32-zlib-static | zlib |
971 | 969 | mingw64-binutils | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
972 | 970 | mingw64-bzip2 | BSD |
973 | 971 | mingw64-bzip2-static | BSD |
974 | 972 | mingw64-cairo | LGPLv2 or MPLv1.1 |
975 | 973 | mingw64-cpp | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
976 | 974 | mingw64-crt | Public Domain and ZPLv2.1 |
977 | 975 | mingw64-expat | MIT |
978 | 976 | mingw64-filesystem | GPLv2+ |
979 | 977 | mingw64-fontconfig | MIT |
980 | 978 | mingw64-freetype | FTL or GPLv2+ |
981 | 979 | mingw64-freetype-static | FTL or GPLv2+ |
982 | 980 | mingw64-gcc | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
983 | 981 | mingw64-gcc-c++ | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions |
984 | 982 | mingw64-gettext | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
985 | 983 | mingw64-gettext-static | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
986 | 984 | mingw64-glib2 | LGPLv2+ |
987 | 985 | mingw64-glib2-static | LGPLv2+ |
988 | 986 | mingw64-gstreamer1 | LGPLv2+ |
989 | 987 | mingw64-harfbuzz | MIT |
990 | 988 | mingw64-harfbuzz-static | MIT |
991 | 989 | mingw64-headers | Public Domain and LGPLv2+ and ZPLv2.1 |
992 | 990 | mingw64-icu | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
993 | 991 | mingw64-libffi | BSD |
994 | 992 | mingw64-libjpeg-turbo | wxWidgets |
995 | 993 | mingw64-libjpeg-turbo-static | wxWidgets |
996 | 994 | mingw64-libpng | zlib |
997 | 995 | mingw64-libpng-static | zlib |
998 | 996 | mingw64-libtiff | libtiff |
999 | 997 | mingw64-libtiff-static | libtiff |
1000 | 998 | mingw64-openssl | OpenSSL |
1001 | 999 | mingw64-pcre | BSD |
1002 | 1000 | mingw64-pcre-static | BSD |
1003 | 1001 | mingw64-pixman | MIT |
1004 | 1002 | mingw64-pkg-config | GPLv2+ |
1005 | 1003 | mingw64-readline | GPLv2+ |
1006 | 1004 | mingw64-spice-vdagent | GPLv2+ |
1007 | 1005 | mingw64-sqlite | Public Domain |
1008 | 1006 | mingw64-sqlite-static | Public Domain |
1009 | 1007 | mingw64-termcap | GPLv2+ |
1010 | 1008 | mingw64-win-iconv | Public Domain |
1011 | 1009 | mingw64-win-iconv-static | Public Domain |
1012 | 1010 | mingw64-winpthreads | MIT and BSD |
1013 | 1011 | mingw64-winpthreads-static | MIT and BSD |
1014 | 1012 | mingw64-zlib | zlib |
1015 | 1013 | mingw64-zlib-static | zlib |
1016 | 1014 | mockito | MIT |
1017 | 1015 | mockito-javadoc | MIT |
1018 | 1016 | modello | ASL 2.0 and BSD and MIT |
1019 | 1017 | modello-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and BSD and MIT |
1020 | 1018 | ModemManager | GPLv2+ |
1021 | 1019 | ModemManager-devel | GPLv2+ |
1022 | 1020 | ModemManager-glib-devel | GPLv2+ |
1023 | 1021 | mojo-parent | ASL 2.0 |
1024 | 1022 | mozjs52-devel | MPLv2.0 and MPLv1.1 and BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv2.1+ and AFL and ASL 2.0 |
1025 | 1023 | mozjs60-devel | MPLv2.0 and MPLv1.1 and BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ and AFL and ASL 2.0 |
1026 | 1024 | mpg123-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1027 | 1025 | mtdev-devel | MIT |
1028 | 1026 | munge-devel | GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
1029 | 1027 | munge-maven-plugin | CDDL-1.0 |
1030 | 1028 | munge-maven-plugin-javadoc | CDDL-1.0 |
1031 | 1029 | mutter-devel | GPLv2+ |
1032 | 1030 | mythes-devel | BSD and MIT |
1033 | 1031 | nasm | BSD |
1034 | 1032 | nautilus | GPLv3+ |
1035 | 1033 | nautilus-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1036 | 1034 | ndctl-devel | LGPLv2 |
1037 | 1035 | neon-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
1038 | 1036 | netcf | LGPLv2+ |
1039 | 1037 | netcf-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1040 | 1038 | netcf-libs | LGPLv2+ |
1041 | 1039 | netpbm-devel | BSD and GPLv2 and IJG and MIT and Public Domain |
1042 | 1040 | netpbm-doc | BSD and GPLv2 and IJG and MIT and Public Domain |
1043 | 1041 | NetworkManager-libnm-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1044 | 1042 | nghttp2 | MIT |
1045 | 1043 | ninja-build | ASL 2.0 |
1046 | 1044 | nkf | BSD |
1047 | 1045 | nss_hesiod | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
1048 | 1046 | objectweb-asm | BSD |
1049 | 1047 | objectweb-asm-javadoc | BSD |
1050 | 1048 | objectweb-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1051 | 1049 | objenesis | ASL 2.0 |
1052 | 1050 | objenesis-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1053 | 1051 | ocaml | QPL and (LGPLv2+ with exceptions) |
1054 | 1052 | ocaml-camlp4 | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1055 | 1053 | ocaml-camlp4-devel | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1056 | 1054 | ocaml-compiler-libs | QPL and (LGPLv2+ with exceptions) |
1057 | 1055 | ocaml-cppo | BSD |
1058 | 1056 | ocaml-extlib | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1059 | 1057 | ocaml-extlib-devel | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1060 | 1058 | ocaml-findlib | BSD |
1061 | 1059 | ocaml-findlib-devel | BSD |
1062 | 1060 | ocaml-hivex | LGPLv2 |
1063 | 1061 | ocaml-hivex-devel | LGPLv2 |
1064 | 1062 | ocaml-labltk | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1065 | 1063 | ocaml-labltk-devel | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1066 | 1064 | ocaml-libguestfs | LGPLv2+ |
1067 | 1065 | ocaml-libguestfs-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1068 | 1066 | ocaml-ocamlbuild | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1069 | 1067 | ocaml-ocamlbuild-devel | LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
1070 | 1068 | ocaml-ocamldoc | QPL and (LGPLv2+ with exceptions) |
1071 | 1069 | ocaml-runtime | QPL and (LGPLv2+ with exceptions) |
1072 | 1070 | ocl-icd-devel | BSD |
1073 | 1071 | oniguruma-devel | BSD |
1074 | 1072 | openal-soft-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1075 | 1073 | openblas-devel | BSD |
1076 | 1074 | openblas-openmp | BSD |
1077 | 1075 | openblas-openmp64 | BSD |
1078 | 1076 | openblas-openmp64_ | BSD |
1079 | 1077 | openblas-Rblas | BSD |
1080 | 1078 | openblas-serial64 | BSD |
1081 | 1079 | openblas-serial64_ | BSD |
1082 | 1080 | openblas-static | BSD |
1083 | 1081 | openblas-threads64 | BSD |
1084 | 1082 | openblas-threads64_ | BSD |
1085 | 1083 | opencl-filesystem | Public Domain |
1086 | 1084 | opencl-headers | MIT |
1087 | 1085 | opencryptoki-devel | CPL |
1088 | 1086 | opencv-devel | BSD |
1089 | 1087 | OpenEXR-devel | BSD |
1090 | 1088 | OpenIPMI-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
1091 | 1089 | openjade | DMIT |
1092 | 1090 | openjpeg2-devel | BSD and MIT |
1093 | 1091 | openjpeg2-tools | BSD and MIT |
1094 | 1092 | openscap-engine-sce-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1095 | 1093 | opensm-devel | GPLv2 or BSD |
1096 | 1094 | opensp | MIT |
1097 | 1095 | opensp-devel | MIT |
1098 | 1096 | opus-devel | BSD |
1099 | 1097 | os-maven-plugin | ASL 2.0 |
1100 | 1098 | os-maven-plugin-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1101 | 1099 | osgi-annotation | ASL 2.0 |
1102 | 1100 | osgi-annotation-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1103 | 1101 | osgi-compendium | ASL 2.0 |
1104 | 1102 | osgi-compendium-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1105 | 1103 | osgi-core | ASL 2.0 |
1106 | 1104 | osgi-core-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1107 | 1105 | PackageKit-glib-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
1108 | 1106 | pandoc | GPLv2+ |
1109 | 1107 | pandoc-common | GPLv2+ |
1110 | 1108 | pangomm-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1111 | 1109 | pangomm-doc | LGPLv2+ |
1112 | 1110 | papi-testsuite | BSD |
1113 | 1111 | parted-devel | GPLv3+ |
1114 | 1112 | pcre-static | BSD |
1115 | 1113 | pcsc-lite-devel | BSD |
1116 | 1114 | perl-AnyEvent | GPL+ or Artistic |
1117 | 1115 | perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope | GPL+ or Artistic |
1118 | 1116 | perl-Canary-Stability | GPL+ or Artistic |
1119 | 1117 | perl-Capture-Tiny | ASL 2.0 |
1120 | 1118 | perl-Class-Accessor | GPL+ or Artistic |
1121 | 1119 | perl-Class-Data-Inheritable | GPL+ or Artistic |
1122 | 1120 | perl-Class-Factory-Util | GPL+ or Artistic |
1123 | 1121 | perl-Class-Method-Modifiers | GPL+ or Artistic |
1124 | 1122 | perl-Class-Singleton | GPL+ or Artistic |
1125 | 1123 | perl-Class-Tiny | ASL 2.0 |
1126 | 1124 | perl-Class-XSAccessor | GPL+ or Artistic |
1127 | 1125 | perl-Clone | GPL+ or Artistic |
1128 | 1126 | perl-common-sense | GPL+ or Artistic |
1129 | 1127 | perl-Config-AutoConf | GPL+ or Artistic |
1130 | 1128 | perl-Data-UUID | BSD and MIT |
1131 | 1129 | perl-Date-ISO8601 | GPL+ or Artistic |
1132 | 1130 | perl-DateTime | Artistic 2.0 |
1133 | 1131 | perl-DateTime-Format-Builder | Artistic 2.0 and (GPL+ or Artistic) |
1134 | 1132 | perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP | GPL+ or Artistic |
1135 | 1133 | perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 | GPL+ or Artistic |
1136 | 1134 | perl-DateTime-Format-Mail | GPL+ or Artistic |
1137 | 1135 | perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime | Artistic 2.0 |
1138 | 1136 | perl-DateTime-Locale | (GPL+ or Artistic) and Unicode |
1139 | 1137 | perl-DateTime-TimeZone | (GPL+ or Artistic) and Public Domain |
1140 | 1138 | perl-DateTime-TimeZone-SystemV | GPL+ or Artistic |
1141 | 1139 | perl-DateTime-TimeZone-Tzfile | GPL+ or Artistic |
1142 | 1140 | perl-Devel-CallChecker | GPL+ or Artistic |
1143 | 1141 | perl-Devel-Caller | GPL+ or Artistic |
1144 | 1142 | perl-Devel-CheckLib | GPL+ or Artistic |
1145 | 1143 | perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction | GPL+ or Artistic |
1146 | 1144 | perl-Devel-LexAlias | GPL+ or Artistic |
1147 | 1145 | perl-Devel-StackTrace | Artistic 2.0 |
1148 | 1146 | perl-Devel-Symdump | GPL+ or Artistic |
1149 | 1147 | perl-Digest-CRC | Public Domain |
1150 | 1148 | perl-Digest-SHA1 | GPL+ or Artistic |
1151 | 1149 | perl-Dist-CheckConflicts | GPL+ or Artistic |
1152 | 1150 | perl-DynaLoader-Functions | GPL+ or Artistic |
1153 | 1151 | perl-Eval-Closure | GPL+ or Artistic |
1154 | 1152 | perl-Exception-Class | GPL+ or Artistic |
1155 | 1153 | perl-Exporter-Tiny | GPL+ or Artistic |
1156 | 1154 | perl-File-BaseDir | GPL+ or Artistic |
1157 | 1155 | perl-File-chdir | GPL+ or Artistic |
1158 | 1156 | perl-File-Copy-Recursive | GPL+ or Artistic |
1159 | 1157 | perl-File-DesktopEntry | GPL+ or Artistic |
1160 | 1158 | perl-File-Find-Object | GPLv2+ or Artistic 2.0 |
1161 | 1159 | perl-File-Find-Rule | GPL+ or Artistic |
1162 | 1160 | perl-File-MimeInfo | GPL+ or Artistic |
1163 | 1161 | perl-File-ReadBackwards | GPL+ or Artistic |
1164 | 1162 | perl-File-Remove | GPL+ or Artistic |
1165 | 1163 | perl-hivex | LGPLv2 |
1166 | 1164 | perl-HTML-Tree | GPL+ or Artistic |
1167 | 1165 | perl-HTTP-Daemon | GPL+ or Artistic |
1168 | 1166 | perl-Import-Into | GPL+ or Artistic |
1169 | 1167 | perl-Importer | GPL+ or Artistic |
1170 | 1168 | perl-IO-All | GPL+ or Artistic |
1171 | 1169 | perl-IO-String | GPL+ or Artistic |
1172 | 1170 | perl-IO-stringy | GPL+ or Artistic |
1173 | 1171 | perl-IO-Tty | (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD |
1174 | 1172 | perl-IPC-Run | GPL+ or Artistic |
1175 | 1173 | perl-IPC-Run3 | GPL+ or Artistic or BSD |
1176 | 1174 | perl-JSON-XS | GPL+ or Artistic |
1177 | 1175 | perl-List-MoreUtils | (GPL+ or Artistic) and ASL 2.0 |
1178 | 1176 | perl-List-MoreUtils-XS | (GPL+ or Artistic) and ASL 2.0 |
1179 | 1177 | perl-Locale-gettext | GPL+ or Artistic |
1180 | 1178 | perl-MIME-Charset | GPL+ or Artistic |
1181 | 1179 | perl-MIME-Types | GPL+ or Artistic |
1182 | 1180 | perl-Module-Implementation | Artistic 2.0 |
1183 | 1181 | perl-Module-Install | GPL+ or Artistic |
1184 | 1182 | perl-Module-Install-AuthorTests | GPL+ or Artistic |
1185 | 1183 | perl-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod | GPL+ or Artistic |
1186 | 1184 | perl-Module-ScanDeps | GPL+ or Artistic |
1187 | 1185 | perl-namespace-autoclean | GPL+ or Artistic |
1188 | 1186 | perl-namespace-clean | GPL+ or Artistic |
1189 | 1187 | perl-NKF | BSD |
1190 | 1188 | perl-Number-Compare | GPL+ or Artistic |
1191 | 1189 | perl-Package-DeprecationManager | Artistic 2.0 |
1192 | 1190 | perl-Package-Stash | GPL+ or Artistic |
1193 | 1191 | perl-Package-Stash-XS | GPL+ or Artistic |
1194 | 1192 | perl-PadWalker | GPL+ or Artistic |
1195 | 1193 | perl-Params-Classify | GPL+ or Artistic |
1196 | 1194 | perl-Params-Validate | Artistic 2.0 and (GPL+ or Artistic) |
1197 | 1195 | perl-Params-ValidationCompiler | Artistic 2.0 |
1198 | 1196 | perl-Path-Tiny | ASL 2.0 |
1199 | 1197 | perl-Perl-Destruct-Level | GPL+ or Artistic |
1200 | 1198 | perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict | GPL+ or Artistic |
1201 | 1199 | perl-Pod-Coverage | GPL+ or Artistic |
1202 | 1200 | perl-Pod-Markdown | GPL+ or Artistic |
1203 | 1201 | perl-prefork | GPL+ or Artistic |
1204 | 1202 | perl-Readonly | GPL+ or Artistic |
1205 | 1203 | perl-Ref-Util | MIT |
1206 | 1204 | perl-Ref-Util-XS | MIT |
1207 | 1205 | perl-Role-Tiny | GPL+ or Artistic |
1208 | 1206 | perl-Scope-Guard | GPL+ or Artistic |
1209 | 1207 | perl-SGMLSpm | GPLv2+ |
1210 | 1208 | perl-Specio | Artistic 2.0 |
1211 | 1209 | perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive | GPL+ or Artistic |
1212 | 1210 | perl-Sub-Identify | GPL+ or Artistic |
1213 | 1211 | perl-Sub-Info | GPL+ or Artistic |
1214 | 1212 | perl-Sub-Name | GPL+ or Artistic |
1215 | 1213 | perl-Sub-Uplevel | GPL+ or Artistic |
1216 | 1214 | perl-SUPER | GPL+ or Artistic |
1217 | 1215 | perl-Switch | GPL+ or Artistic |
1218 | 1216 | perl-Sys-Virt | GPLv2+ or Artistic |
1219 | 1217 | perl-Taint-Runtime | GPL+ or Artistic |
1220 | 1218 | perl-Term-Size-Any | GPL+ or Artistic |
1221 | 1219 | perl-Term-Size-Perl | GPL+ or Artistic |
1222 | 1220 | perl-Term-Table | GPL+ or Artistic |
1223 | 1221 | perl-Test-Deep | GPL+ or Artistic |
1224 | 1222 | perl-Test-Differences | GPL+ or Artistic |
1225 | 1223 | perl-Test-Exception | GPL+ or Artistic |
1226 | 1224 | perl-Test-Fatal | GPL+ or Artistic |
1227 | 1225 | perl-Test-LongString | GPL+ or Artistic |
1228 | 1226 | perl-Test-NoWarnings | LGPLv2+ |
1229 | 1227 | perl-Test-Pod | GPL+ or Artistic |
1230 | 1228 | perl-Test-Pod-Coverage | Artistic 2.0 |
1231 | 1229 | perl-Test-Requires | GPL+ or Artistic |
1232 | 1230 | perl-Test-Taint | GPL+ or Artistic |
1233 | 1231 | perl-Test-Warn | GPL+ or Artistic |
1234 | 1232 | perl-Test-Warnings | GPL+ or Artistic |
1235 | 1233 | perl-Test2-Suite | GPL+ or Artistic |
1236 | 1234 | perl-Text-CharWidth | GPL+ or Artistic |
1237 | 1235 | perl-Text-WrapI18N | GPL+ or Artistic |
1238 | 1236 | perl-Tie-IxHash | GPL+ or Artistic |
1239 | 1237 | perl-Tk | (GPL+ or Artistic) and SWL |
1240 | 1238 | perl-Tk-devel | (GPL+ or Artistic) and SWL |
1241 | 1239 | perl-Types-Serialiser | GPL+ or Artistic |
1242 | 1240 | perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth | CC0 |
1243 | 1241 | perl-Unicode-LineBreak | GPL+ or Artistic |
1244 | 1242 | perl-Unicode-UTF8 | GPL+ or Artistic |
1245 | 1243 | perl-Variable-Magic | GPL+ or Artistic |
1246 | 1244 | perl-XML-DOM | GPL+ or Artistic |
1247 | 1245 | perl-XML-RegExp | GPL+ or Artistic |
1248 | 1246 | perl-XML-Twig | GPL+ or Artistic |
1249 | 1247 | perl-YAML-LibYAML | GPL+ or Artistic |
1250 | 1248 | perl-YAML-Syck | BSD and MIT |
1251 | 1249 | perl-YAML-Tiny | GPL+ or Artistic |
1252 | 1250 | perltidy | GPLv2+ |
1253 | 1251 | pidgin-devel | BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1254 | 1252 | plexus-ant-factory | ASL 2.0 |
1255 | 1253 | plexus-ant-factory-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1256 | 1254 | plexus-archiver | ASL 2.0 |
1257 | 1255 | plexus-archiver-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1258 | 1256 | plexus-bsh-factory | MIT |
1259 | 1257 | plexus-bsh-factory-javadoc | MIT |
1260 | 1258 | plexus-build-api | ASL 2.0 |
1261 | 1259 | plexus-build-api-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1262 | 1260 | plexus-cipher | ASL 2.0 |
1263 | 1261 | plexus-cipher-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1264 | 1262 | plexus-classworlds | ASL 2.0 and Plexus |
1265 | 1263 | plexus-classworlds-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and Plexus |
1266 | 1264 | plexus-cli | ASL 2.0 |
1267 | 1265 | plexus-cli-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1268 | 1266 | plexus-compiler | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1269 | 1267 | plexus-compiler-extras | MIT and ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 |
1270 | 1268 | plexus-compiler-javadoc | MIT and ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 |
1271 | 1269 | plexus-compiler-pom | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1272 | 1270 | plexus-component-api | ASL 2.0 |
1273 | 1271 | plexus-component-api-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1274 | 1272 | plexus-component-factories-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1275 | 1273 | plexus-components-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1276 | 1274 | plexus-containers | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1277 | 1275 | plexus-containers-component-annotations | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1278 | 1276 | plexus-containers-component-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1279 | 1277 | plexus-containers-component-metadata | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1280 | 1278 | plexus-containers-container-default | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1281 | 1279 | plexus-containers-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and MIT and xpp |
1282 | 1280 | plexus-i18n | ASL 2.0 |
1283 | 1281 | plexus-i18n-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1284 | 1282 | plexus-interactivity | MIT |
1285 | 1283 | plexus-interactivity-api | MIT |
1286 | 1284 | plexus-interactivity-javadoc | MIT |
1287 | 1285 | plexus-interactivity-jline | MIT |
1288 | 1286 | plexus-interpolation | ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 and MIT |
1289 | 1287 | plexus-interpolation-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and ASL 1.1 and MIT |
1290 | 1288 | plexus-io | ASL 2.0 |
1291 | 1289 | plexus-io-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1292 | 1290 | plexus-languages | ASL 2.0 |
1293 | 1291 | plexus-languages-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1294 | 1292 | plexus-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1295 | 1293 | plexus-resources | MIT |
1296 | 1294 | plexus-resources-javadoc | MIT |
1297 | 1295 | plexus-sec-dispatcher | ASL 2.0 |
1298 | 1296 | plexus-sec-dispatcher-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1299 | 1297 | plexus-utils | ASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and xpp and BSD and Public Domain |
1300 | 1298 | plexus-utils-javadoc | ASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and xpp and BSD and Public Domain |
1301 | 1299 | plexus-velocity | ASL 2.0 |
1302 | 1300 | plexus-velocity-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1303 | 1301 | plotutils | GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
1304 | 1302 | plotutils-devel | GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
1305 | 1303 | po4a | GPL+ |
1306 | 1304 | poppler-cpp | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1307 | 1305 | poppler-cpp-devel | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1308 | 1306 | poppler-devel | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1309 | 1307 | poppler-glib-devel | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1310 | 1308 | poppler-qt5 | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1311 | 1309 | poppler-qt5-devel | (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1312 | 1310 | powermock-api-easymock | ASL 2.0 |
1313 | 1311 | powermock-api-mockito | ASL 2.0 and MIT |
1314 | 1312 | powermock-api-support | ASL 2.0 |
1315 | 1313 | powermock-common | ASL 2.0 |
1316 | 1314 | powermock-core | ASL 2.0 |
1317 | 1315 | powermock-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1318 | 1316 | powermock-junit4 | ASL 2.0 |
1319 | 1317 | powermock-reflect | ASL 2.0 |
1320 | 1318 | powermock-testng | ASL 2.0 |
1321 | 1319 | ppp | BSD and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and Public Domain |
1322 | 1320 | ppp-devel | BSD and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and Public Domain |
1323 | 1321 | pps-tools-devel | GPLv2+ |
1324 | 1322 | protobuf-c-compiler | BSD |
1325 | 1323 | protobuf-c-devel | BSD |
1326 | 1324 | protobuf-compiler | BSD |
1327 | 1325 | protobuf-devel | BSD |
1328 | 1326 | pstoedit | GPLv2+ |
1329 | 1327 | ptscotch-mpich | CeCILL-C |
1330 | 1328 | ptscotch-mpich-devel | CeCILL-C |
1331 | 1329 | ptscotch-mpich-devel-parmetis | CeCILL-C |
1332 | 1330 | ptscotch-openmpi | CeCILL-C |
1333 | 1331 | ptscotch-openmpi-devel | CeCILL-C |
1334 | 1332 | pygobject3-devel | LGPLv2+ and MIT |
1335 | 1333 | python-cups-doc | GPLv2+ |
1336 | 1334 | python-sphinx-locale | BSD |
1337 | 1335 | python2-iso8601 | MIT |
1338 | 1336 | python3-Cython | ASL 2.0 |
1339 | 1337 | python3-greenlet | MIT |
1340 | 1338 | python3-greenlet-devel | MIT |
1341 | 1339 | python3-hivex | LGPLv2 |
1342 | 1340 | python3-httplib2 | MIT |
1343 | 1341 | python3-hypothesis | MPLv2.0 |
1344 | 1342 | python3-imagesize | MIT |
1345 | 1343 | python3-iso8601 | MIT |
1346 | 1344 | python3-javapackages | BSD |
1347 | 1345 | python3-lesscpy | MIT |
1348 | 1346 | python3-libpfm | MIT |
1349 | 1347 | python3-libvirt | LGPLv2+ |
1350 | 1348 | python3-markdown | BSD |
1351 | 1349 | python3-mock | BSD |
1352 | 1350 | python3-mpich | MIT |
1353 | 1351 | python3-openmpi | BSD and MIT and Romio |
1354 | 1352 | python3-packaging | BSD or ASL 2.0 |
1355 | 1353 | python3-pyxattr | LGPLv2+ |
1356 | 1354 | python3-qt5-devel | GPLv3 |
1357 | 1355 | python3-rrdtool | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1358 | 1356 | python3-scons | MIT |
1359 | 1357 | python3-setuptools_scm | MIT |
1360 | 1358 | python3-sip-devel | GPLv2 or GPLv3 and (GPLv3+ with exceptions) |
1361 | 1359 | python3-snowballstemmer | BSD |
1362 | 1360 | python3-sphinx | BSD and Public Domain and Python and (MIT or GPLv2) |
1363 | 1361 | python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster | BSD |
1364 | 1362 | python3-sphinx_rtd_theme | MIT |
1365 | 1363 | python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport | BSD |
1366 | 1364 | python3-sure | GPLv3+ |
1367 | 1365 | python3-unittest2 | BSD |
1368 | 1366 | python3-whoosh | BSD |
1369 | 1367 | python38-atomicwrites | MIT |
1370 | 1368 | python38-attrs | MIT |
1371 | 1369 | python38-more-itertools | MIT |
1372 | 1370 | python38-packaging | BSD or ASL 2.0 |
1373 | 1371 | python38-pluggy | MIT |
1374 | 1372 | python38-py | MIT and Public Domain |
1375 | 1373 | python38-pyparsing | MIT |
1376 | 1374 | python38-pytest | MIT |
1377 | 1375 | python38-wcwidth | MIT |
1378 | 1376 | qdox | ASL 2.0 |
1379 | 1377 | qdox-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1380 | 1378 | qemu-kvm-tests | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and CC-BY |
1381 | 1379 | qhull-devel | Qhull |
1382 | 1380 | qrencode-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1383 | 1381 | qt5-devel | GPLv3 |
1384 | 1382 | qt5-qtbase-static | LGPLv2 with exceptions or GPLv3 with exceptions |
1385 | 1383 | qt5-qtdeclarative-static | LGPLv2 with exceptions or GPLv3 with exceptions |
1386 | 1384 | qt5-qtquickcontrols2-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3 and GFDL |
1387 | 1385 | qt5-qttools-static | LGPLv3 or LGPLv2 |
1388 | 1386 | qt5-qtwayland-devel | LGPLv3 |
1389 | 1387 | raptor2 | GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1390 | 1388 | raptor2-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1391 | 1389 | rasqal | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1392 | 1390 | rasqal-devel | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1393 | 1391 | re2c | Public Domain |
1394 | 1392 | recode-devel | GPLv2+ |
1395 | 1393 | redland | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1396 | 1394 | redland-devel | LGPLv2+ or ASL 2.0 |
1397 | 1395 | regexp | ASL 2.0 |
1398 | 1396 | regexp-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1399 | 1397 | rpcgen | BSD and LGPLv2+ |
1400 | 1398 | rpcsvc-proto-devel | BSD and LGPLv2+ |
1401 | 1399 | rrdtool-devel | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1402 | 1400 | rrdtool-doc | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1403 | 1401 | rrdtool-lua | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1404 | 1402 | rrdtool-ruby | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1405 | 1403 | rrdtool-tcl | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
1406 | 1404 | ruby-hivex | LGPLv2 |
1407 | 1405 | rubygem-diff-lcs | GPLv2+ or Artistic or MIT |
1408 | 1406 | rubygem-rspec | MIT |
1409 | 1407 | rubygem-rspec-core | MIT |
1410 | 1408 | rubygem-rspec-expectations | MIT |
1411 | 1409 | rubygem-rspec-mocks | MIT |
1412 | 1410 | rubygem-rspec-support | MIT |
1413 | 1411 | s390utils-devel | MIT |
1414 | 1412 | sanlock-devel | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
1415 | 1413 | sblim-cmpi-devel | EPL |
1416 | 1414 | sblim-sfcc-devel | EPL-1.0 |
1417 | 1415 | scotch | CeCILL-C |
1418 | 1416 | scotch-devel | CeCILL-C |
1419 | 1417 | SDL2 | zlib and MIT |
1420 | 1418 | SDL2-devel | zlib and MIT |
1421 | 1419 | SDL2-static | zlib and MIT |
1422 | 1420 | sendmail-milter-devel | Sendmail |
1423 | 1421 | sg3_utils-devel | GPLv2+ and BSD |
1424 | 1422 | sgabios | ASL 2.0 |
1425 | 1423 | sharutils | GPLv3+ and (GPLv3+ and BSD) and (LGPLv3+ or BSD) and LGPLv2+ and Public Domain and GFDL |
1426 | 1424 | shim-unsigned-aarch64 | BSD |
1427 | 1425 | shim-unsigned-x64 | BSD |
1428 | 1426 | sip | GPLv2 or GPLv3 and (GPLv3+ with exceptions) |
1429 | 1427 | sisu-inject | EPL-1.0 and BSD |
1430 | 1428 | sisu-javadoc | EPL-1.0 and BSD |
1431 | 1429 | sisu-mojos | EPL-1.0 |
1432 | 1430 | sisu-mojos-javadoc | EPL-1.0 |
1433 | 1431 | sisu-plexus | EPL-1.0 and BSD |
1434 | 1432 | slf4j | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1435 | 1433 | slf4j-ext | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1436 | 1434 | slf4j-javadoc | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1437 | 1435 | slf4j-jcl | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1438 | 1436 | slf4j-jdk14 | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1439 | 1437 | slf4j-log4j12 | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1440 | 1438 | slf4j-manual | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1441 | 1439 | slf4j-sources | MIT and ASL 2.0 |
1442 | 1440 | snappy-devel | BSD |
1443 | 1441 | socket_wrapper | BSD |
1444 | 1442 | sombok | GPLv2+ or Artistic clarified |
1445 | 1443 | sombok-devel | GPLv2+ or Artistic clarified |
1446 | 1444 | sonatype-oss-parent | ASL 2.0 |
1447 | 1445 | sonatype-plugins-parent | ASL 2.0 |
1448 | 1446 | soundtouch-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1449 | 1447 | sparsehash-devel | BSD |
1450 | 1448 | spec-version-maven-plugin | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
1451 | 1449 | spec-version-maven-plugin-javadoc | CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions |
1452 | 1450 | speech-dispatcher-devel | GPLv2+ |
1453 | 1451 | speech-dispatcher-doc | GPLv2+ |
1454 | 1452 | speex-devel | BSD |
1455 | 1453 | speexdsp-devel | BSD |
1456 | 1454 | spice-parent | ASL 2.0 |
1457 | 1455 | spice-server-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1458 | 1456 | spirv-tools-devel | ASL 2.0 |
1459 | 1457 | spirv-tools-libs | ASL 2.0 |
1460 | 1458 | suitesparse-devel | (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
1461 | 1459 | SuperLU | BSD and GPLV2+ |
1462 | 1460 | SuperLU-devel | BSD and GPLV2+ |
1463 | 1461 | taglib-devel | LGPLv2 or MPLv1.1 |
1464 | 1462 | testng | ASL 2.0 |
1465 | 1463 | testng-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1466 | 1464 | texi2html | GPLv2+ and OFSFDL and (CC-BY-SA or GPLv2) |
1467 | 1465 | texinfo | GPLv3+ |
1468 | 1466 | texinfo-tex | GPLv3+ |
1469 | 1467 | texlive-lib-devel | Artistic 2.0 and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LPPL and MIT and Public Domain and UCD and Utopia |
1470 | 1468 | tinycdb-devel | Public Domain |
1471 | 1469 | tinyxml2 | zlib |
1472 | 1470 | tinyxml2-devel | zlib |
1473 | 1471 | tix-devel | TCL |
1474 | 1472 | tog-pegasus-devel | MIT |
1475 | 1473 | tokyocabinet-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1476 | 1474 | torque | OpenPBS and TORQUEv1.1 |
1477 | 1475 | torque-devel | OpenPBS and TORQUEv1.1 |
1478 | 1476 | tpm-tools-devel | CPL |
1479 | 1477 | tpm2-abrmd-devel | BSD |
1480 | 1478 | transfig | MIT |
1481 | 1479 | trousers-devel | BSD |
1482 | 1480 | tss2-devel | BSD |
1483 | 1481 | turbojpeg-devel | IJG |
1484 | 1482 | uglify-js | BSD |
1485 | 1483 | uid_wrapper | GPLv3+ |
1486 | 1484 | upower-devel | GPLv2+ |
1487 | 1485 | upower-devel-docs | GPLv2+ |
1488 | 1486 | urw-base35-fonts-devel | AGPLv3 |
1489 | 1487 | usbredir-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1490 | 1488 | userspace-rcu-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1491 | 1489 | ustr | MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD |
1492 | 1490 | uthash-devel | BSD |
1493 | 1491 | uuid-devel | MIT |
1494 | 1492 | vala | LGPLv2+ and BSD |
1495 | 1493 | vala-devel | LGPLv2+ and BSD |
1496 | 1494 | velocity | ASL 2.0 |
1497 | 1495 | velocity-demo | ASL 2.0 |
1498 | 1496 | velocity-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1499 | 1497 | velocity-manual | ASL 2.0 |
1500 | 1498 | vte291-devel | LGPLv2+ |
1501 | 1499 | wavpack-devel | BSD |
1502 | 1500 | web-assets-devel | MIT |
1503 | 1501 | web-assets-filesystem | Public Domain |
1504 | 1502 | weld-parent | ASL 2.0 |
1505 | 1503 | wireshark-devel | GPL+ |
1506 | 1504 | xalan-j2 | ASL 2.0 and W3C |
1507 | 1505 | xalan-j2-demo | ASL 2.0 |
1508 | 1506 | xalan-j2-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1509 | 1507 | xalan-j2-manual | ASL 2.0 |
1510 | 1508 | xalan-j2-xsltc | ASL 2.0 |
1511 | 1509 | Xaw3d-devel | MIT and GPLv3+ |
1512 | 1510 | xbean | ASL 2.0 |
1513 | 1511 | xbean-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1514 | 1512 | xcb-proto | MIT |
1515 | 1513 | xcb-util-devel | MIT |
1516 | 1514 | xcb-util-image-devel | MIT |
1517 | 1515 | xcb-util-keysyms-devel | MIT |
1518 | 1516 | xcb-util-renderutil-devel | MIT |
1519 | 1517 | xcb-util-wm-devel | MIT |
1520 | 1518 | xerces-j2 | ASL 2.0 and W3C |
1521 | 1519 | xerces-j2-demo | ASL 2.0 and W3C |
1522 | 1520 | xerces-j2-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and W3C |
1523 | 1521 | xhtml1-dtds | W3C |
1524 | 1522 | xkeyboard-config-devel | MIT |
1525 | 1523 | xml-commons-apis | ASL 2.0 and W3C and Public Domain |
1526 | 1524 | xml-commons-apis-javadoc | ASL 2.0 and W3C and Public Domain |
1527 | 1525 | xml-commons-apis-manual | ASL 2.0 and W3C and Public Domain |
1528 | 1526 | xml-commons-resolver | ASL 2.0 |
1529 | 1527 | xml-commons-resolver-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1530 | 1528 | xmlrpc-c-c++ | BSD and MIT |
1531 | 1529 | xmlrpc-c-client++ | BSD and MIT |
1532 | 1530 | xmlrpc-c-devel | BSD and MIT |
1533 | 1531 | xmlsec1-devel | MIT |
1534 | 1532 | xmlsec1-gcrypt | MIT |
1535 | 1533 | xmlsec1-gnutls | MIT |
1536 | 1534 | xmlsec1-gnutls-devel | MIT |
1537 | 1535 | xmlsec1-openssl-devel | MIT |
1538 | 1536 | xmltoman | GPLv2+ |
1539 | 1537 | xmlunit | BSD |
1540 | 1538 | xmlunit-javadoc | BSD |
1541 | 1539 | xmvn | ASL 2.0 |
1542 | 1540 | xmvn-api | ASL 2.0 |
1543 | 1541 | xmvn-bisect | ASL 2.0 |
1544 | 1542 | xmvn-connector-aether | ASL 2.0 |
1545 | 1543 | xmvn-connector-ivy | ASL 2.0 |
1546 | 1544 | xmvn-core | ASL 2.0 |
1547 | 1545 | xmvn-install | ASL 2.0 |
1548 | 1546 | xmvn-javadoc | ASL 2.0 |
1549 | 1547 | xmvn-minimal | ASL 2.0 |
1550 | 1548 | xmvn-mojo | ASL 2.0 |
1551 | 1549 | xmvn-parent-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1552 | 1550 | xmvn-resolve | ASL 2.0 |
1553 | 1551 | xmvn-subst | ASL 2.0 |
1554 | 1552 | xmvn-tools-pom | ASL 2.0 |
1555 | 1553 | xorg-x11-apps | MIT |
1556 | 1554 | xorg-x11-drv-libinput-devel | MIT |
1557 | 1555 | xorg-x11-drv-wacom-devel | GPLv2+ |
1558 | 1556 | xorg-x11-server-devel | MIT |
1559 | 1557 | xorg-x11-util-macros | MIT |
1560 | 1558 | xorg-x11-xkb-utils-devel | MIT |
1561 | 1559 | xorg-x11-xtrans-devel | MIT |
1562 | 1560 | xz-java | Public Domain |
1563 | 1561 | xz-java-javadoc | Public Domain |
1564 | 1562 | xz-lzma-compat | Public Domain |
1565 | 1563 | yajl-devel | ISC |
1566 | 1564 | yasm | BSD and (GPLv2+ or Artistic or LGPLv2+) and LGPLv2 |
1567 | 1565 | yelp-devel | LGPLv2+ and ASL 2.0 and GPLv2+ |
1568 | 1566 | zlib-static | zlib and Boost |
1569 | 1567 | zziplib-devel | LGPLv2+ or MPLv1.1 |